
Supporting multiple "display modes" menu in a Silverlight Prism application

Assume a standard Desktop Explorer style app: menu at top navigation tree on left item view on right and everything is neatly separated into Menu, Navigation and Item modules. The menu has a generic "View" -> "Display mode" menu selection, that changes the current item view between: "Icon view" "List view" "Detail view" To catch...

How to draw lines on top of image in silverlight?

While displaying images in a silverlight application, I need to overlay a set of shapes likne lines exactly over the image. The line X1Y1 and X2 Y2 should be set by clicking mouse on image locations. An image drawn like this: and the canvas in the same grid cell for the shapes is like this: <Canvas Name="LeftLines" Grid.Row="1" ...

Web browsers interacting with desktop?

What languages/techniques are used for letting the web browser interact with the desktop, e.g. dragging files to the web browser, dragging files from web browser to desktop, and maybe more features that I'm not aware of. I think flash and silverlight allows you to do that but I'm not sure. Does javascript do this? ...

No html/css/javascript with Silverlight?

If I decided to use Silverlight, does this mean that I'm no longer working with html/css/javascript on the client side? ...

Custom styled listbox - how can I keep the style for a selected item?

I have a styled listbox. Listbox items change color when hovered over and when selected. Hover and select work fine. But when selecting an item then taking the mouse off it and coming back to hover over it causes it to go back to hover/unselected state even though it is still selected. How can I keep the listboxitem in a "selected" visua...

How to get a unique object reference as a string for items in a list

I'm working on a .NET phone application where I have a list of items in memory that are displayed to the user. When the user clicks on an item in the user interface, they'll be brought to the "details" view for that item in a second view. I'm currently using an identity property in my class to reference unique items in the list, but I'...

Silverlight Nested Properties

First Control I can create a UserControl with a DependencyProperty called UserNameLabel. Then, I can just set the datacotext to relativesource self on the UserControl and fill the property in markup. ... public String UserNameLabel { get { return (String)GetValue(UserNameLabelProperty); } set { SetValue(UserN...

How to trigger an animation when row is added to Silverlight DataGrid

I am displaying a list of recently processed items in a Silverlight DataGrid. I really want to add a highlighting animation for newly added rows so that users would immediately notice that something did happen in the application. How can I trigger my Sotryboard so it is played when new item is added to the ObservableCollection backing t...

Will silverlight justify?

I'm working on projects that processing a large amount of data, a lot of accouting operations and data reporting, that are shown in grids and pivots. Currently I use devexpress web controls and everything works fine. and my question is, will it be Justified if I move to silverlight, can this technology be used for this kind of solutio...

Type conversion from IronPython.Modules.PythonDateTime to System.DateTime

I'm hosting an IronPython engine instance in my C# (Silverlight 4) app to execute some Python scripts on the fly. These scripts can return values of either IronPython.Modules.PythonDateTime+datetime, IronPython.Modules.PythonDateTime+date or IronPython.Modules.PythonDateTime+time types. I need to convert these to System.DateTime values i...

Can SilverLight Replace

i am new to web development and i am learning . i was the other day thinking and i came up with this question . i searched the web but all the answers i found were old so my question is , can silverlight4 replace ?? I know this question sounds crazy . but let's think for moment we use to talk to a ...

How to implement an AutoCompleteBox on Windows Phone 7

I have a Textbox on my WP7 GUI, which I would like to Bind to a generic list stored in IsolatedStorage. The aim would be, to supply a feature like the AutoCompleteBox in WPF, which seems to be missing in WP7 Silverlight. I want to provide suggestions based on the entries in the favorites list as the user types in text. Matching would be ...

How to implement window with ask for username and password in Sql Membership provider

Hey! I use tutorial from here to create SQL Membership Provider. But I don't know how to implement functionality, that when user open my Silverlight application appear window where he must put correct user name and password and when he click login button some function check sql db that he is valid user? Any idea how to implement this ? ...

Is there a RoboHelp alternative that generates XAML?

Looking to generate help content for a number of Silverlight applications. Would like the content to be consumed directly inside Silverlight WITHOUT any browser interop as we want to support online & offline with minimal effort. ...

Consuming SharePoint web service in Silverlight

I'm consuming list items from a SharePoint 2007 list in a Silverlight app. I can retrieve the data and use it in Silverlight but when the page loads, I get prompted for credentials from SharePoint. If I provide credentials the data then loads. How can I get it to seemlessly pass the credentials? The account I'm using to create the app a...

In XAML, what "guidelines" should I use when deciding whether or not a property should go in a style?

When writing WPF/Silverlight applications, I sometimes struggle when determining whether or not a property should go inside a style or be left directly on the element. What guidelines do you use when deciding? ...

Silverlight MVVM - Twoway binding not fired on Listbox click

Hi, In a Silverlight MVVMLight 4.0 application I have a listbox, a textbox and a checkbox. The listbox's ItemsSource is bound to a list of objects in the viewmodel. The listbox's SelectedItem is two-way bound to an object (SelectedActivity) in the viewmodel. Both the textbox's Text and the checkbox's IsSelected properties are two-way b...

How to get Silverlight to access my HTML DOM

Basically I have a silverlight web App that resides within an IFrame. and that IFrame resides within a Frame of its own. And i want to access Buttons in the dom within the outer Frame.. Here is kind of a map of how it looks. -My Application -Frame -Button -Iframe -Silverlight web wrapper -Silverligh...

How can I host the Windows Workflow 4 'Workflow Designer"? Is Silverlight, or Click once supported?

There is a question that references the old, buggy 3.5 version here. This question is regarding the WF that comes with .NET 4. My question is, where can I find a code sample and information on hosting the Workflow 4 Designer? Is Silverlight Supported, or Click Once? What .NET client profiles are supported? ...

Including files in Silverlight app and retrieving in code as raw byte stream

If I include files in my Silverlight app and need to load them as raw byte arrays programatically, which Build Action should I set them as, and how do I refer to them? If they are included as Content, can I load them by path as a regular file? If I include them as Resource is there a collection of embedded resources where I can grab a ...