
Why does a Silverlight TextBox use \r for a newline instead of Environment.Newline (\r\n)?

In silverlight, if a TextBox AcceptsReturn, all newlines are \r, even though Environment.Newline is \r\n. Why is this? (WPF has \r\n as newline for textbox) ...

Change RadWindow style

Hello, How I make to modify style or color of RadWindow? Im using SL4 and telerik latest binaries which is compatible with SL4. Thanks in advances Bhushan Deshmukh ...

XamlParseException occurred: Failed to create a 'System.Windows.Style' from the text 'PhoneMasterGridColumnHeader'.

I have four datagrids on a Silverlight 4 page. I'm trying to set different column header styles for each grid. I found this XAML which works when I embed it in each DataGrid inside <sdk:DataGrid.ColumnHeaderStyle> tags: <Style TargetType="primitives:DataGridColumnHeader" > <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> ...

Master View implementation using MVVM in Silverlight

I have a silverlight datagrid to which I am binding an observable collection from the viewmodel. There is a detail view page which will display different properties of the object in the collection when user selects a row of the datagrid. My requirement is when user updates any properties in the detail view; the data should be updated in ...

looking for stock charting component

hello, i am writing a financial WPF desktop application and i am looking for a component that would allow me to display (and print) OHLC, candlestick, and possibly other types of financial charts. I need to be able to embed custom graphics into the chart, i mean graphics such as extra lines, additional charts, etc. the component needs t...

Silverlight error 4004 value does not fall within the expected range.

hi all, I get the following error when I try to edit and save fields in dataform : Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 4004 Category: ManagedRuntimeError Message: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at MS.Internal.XcpImports.MethodEx(Int...

changing tooltip in visualstatemanager

Hi, i want to be able to change the tooltip on Checked and Unchecked, i tried: <VisualState x:Name="Checked"> <Storyboard> <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames Duration="0" Storyboard.TargetProperty="ToolTipService.ToolTip" Storyboard.TargetName="btn"> <DiscreteObjectKeyFrame KeyTime="0"> <DiscreteObjec...

Silverlight/Windows Phone - EventToCommand DataContext Weirdness

I'm currently using MVVMLight for my WP7 app and have found that the datacontext for an EventToCommand is always the page datacontext. I'm also using the panorama control and had set the datacontext for each PanoramaItem to a different ViewModel but this datacontext is ignored and the page data context is used instead...

Silverlight: Difficulty with ListBox and {Binding} syntax

I'm building a test Windows Phone 7 Silverlight app. (I've been following this tutorial.) I'm having a problem binding the list items to item properties. Get tweets for an entered username: private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WebClient twitter = new WebClient(); twitter.DownloadStringC...

How to create a group of methods/properties within a class?

I am using entity framework with a web service and I have entity partial class objects that were generated automatically by the web service. I would like to extend these classes, but I would like to group them in the generated class in a way similar to the way a namespace would (except inside a class). Here is my generated class: publ...

Silverlight How to read a directory locally

I am new to Silverlight and I am trying to do a directory listing of the contents of a directory. However when the first list of this code runs, it throws an exception: The application itself runs inside of a Browser. File operation not permitted. Access to path 'C:\Program Files\AppName' is denied. I checked permissions and t...

Browser inside of a browser

I am not trying to track clicks or anything like other people - I just want to put a browser within a browser that can go back, forward, refresh, accept user-entered URLs, and store bookmarks. Can flash/silverlight/ajax/whatever do this? If so, how? ...

Is it possible to trace all the events fired when debugging a Silverlight application in Visual Studio?

I'm debugging a Silverlight application that is consuming 100% CPU usage because some event is being fired repeatedly. First of all, does Intellitrace works on Silverlight? ...

I need some kind of navigation control for Windows Phone 7?

Currently I am focused on developing Windows Phone 7 applications. I need some kind of custom control for data navigation. Is there any Third-party component for Windows Phone 7? Any help is highly appreciated. ...

Matrix3DProjection exists in Silverlight but not in WPF ?

I need a taper-effect on my transform in WPF. Charles Petzold wrote some nice stuff about it for example : But now it seems that the used Matrix3DProjection class only exists in Silverlight, and NOT in WPF..? (Why would Mirosoft think it ...

silverlight compatibility

Hi all I am having a look at the silverlight tool to see whether it will usefull in my case. I really like the look that this product gives to the UI, but there are a few considerations that I want to address before using the tool. What should I consider before starting the development of the site. I mean, can I start building up the ser...

How I can dynamically create new TabItems with views and viewModels for a TabControl in Silverlight with the MVVM Light Toolkit?

Hello everybody, I’m a starter with Silverlight and the MVVM Light Toolkit and I don’t know how to proper solve the following scenario: I have the following views with their corresponding viewModels: MainView , the Deault Startpage TabControlView, view with a single Tabcontrol, placed on the MainView… AllBugsGridView, datagrid with...

RichTextBox SelectionChanged firing twice!

hello, the richtextbox's SelectionChanged is getting fired twice . basically the issue is , i am getting the font of the current selection inside this event , here is the code . private void rta_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (rta.Selection.GetPropertyValue(TextElement.FontSizeProperty) is double) ...

Binding parent container props to content child control in Silverlight

Example: <UserControl x:Name="userControl" <StackPanel x:Name="container" Margin="0"> <TextBox Text="{Binding Path=SettingValue, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}}"/> </StackPanel> </UserControl> UserControl contains SettingValue dependency property, TextBox doesn't, so this example won't work. I could've don...

How do you prevent a base class property from rendering in a DataForm?

Hello all, Please excuse this novice question, but I'm ramping up on Silverlight and MVVM Light. I created a view called MyView.xaml and a corresponding MyViewModel.cs. MyView.xaml <navigation:Page x:Class="Dashboard.Views.MyView" xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://sch...