
What control to use to display larger image on Windows Phone 7

I would like to display a larger image on a windows phone 7 device. I need to be able to zoom in and out using multi-touch gesture. I was wondering if there is any control that can do this out of the box in the Windows Phone 7 SDK? ...

Prevent Design-time class from compiling in release

I finally got around working out how to work with design-time data. I have same SampleData.xaml when it's feasible and otherwise I've got some DesignTimeXXXPresentationModel which worl great as well. I know that I can set the SampleData.xaml to DesignData in the Build Action and VS does its magic and leaves it out of the DLL. I couldn...

Silverlight 4 wav playback speed

Greetings, I already spent the whole week trying to find a way to control the playback speed of a wav file on silverlight. I'm using silverlight 4 and the media element doesn't contain the speedratio property so I was wondering if there isn't a hack to do so... what I need is control the playback speed with a slider control... if in th...

Silverlight Debugging in Visaul Studio stops working when open a new window

I have an aspx page that hosts a silverlight application. Debugging works fine and breakpoints in the silverlight app are hit when I go to the page directly but when I have the page launch in a new window from its hosting ASP.NET application the breakpoints stop getting hit. Any ideas? ...

Burn a CD from Silverlight

Hello, I have a Silverlight application with a large DataGrid. I have added the ability to export the contents of that DataGrid to Excel, PDF, and several other formats. In my export dialog, I have a checkbox that says "Burn to CD". The reason I'm trying to do this is my user base really wants to be able to export files directly to a CD...

Silverlight 4 and WPF Compatibility

Hello, So if I created a silverlight app, can I take the markup + code and put it in a WPF app? I was just curious if we decide to use silverlight, whether I could also take advantage of WPF windows clients too. Thanks. ...

Why I can't add a class library project reference to a Silverlight project?

Hi, I am a newcomer to Silverlight and while I have been following some tutorials I wanted to create a new project with a class library so that I can use it from my page's xaml.cs code behind. But when I tried to add my class library project I get a warning message saying: You can only add project references to other Silverlight proje...

Why does CompositionTarget.Rendering take EventArgs instead of RenderingEventArgs?

The CompositionTarget.Rendering event is a plain old EventHandler, with a plain old EventArgs. However, in real life, it apparently always gets an instance of RenderingEventArgs. So your event handler has to start by casting the EventArgs in order to get the useful information out of them. Why isn't the event of type EventHandler<Render...

Silverlight button.Click event not fired while tapping the touchpad under XP/Bootcamp

Is that only me? What did I smoke? Anyway... I notice the following strange thing: Silverlight button.Click event isn't fired while tapping the touchpad under XP/Bootcamp. Pressing the touchpad (that produces the nice "schhhkklong" sound) then fires the click event as expected. Except silverlight every buttons under XP/Bootcamp UI reac...

Controlling access to Silverlight control or service DLL in IIS/ASP.NET

I made a toy Silverlight application. It gets some arbitrary XML from a domain service and stuffs it in a datagrid. What I'd like to do is implement access control for the service and the Silverlight control. For example, I'd like to allow access only to logged-in users, while denying access to anonymous users. With forms authenticat...

What version of Silverlight am I using?

I have a Silverlight application that I am maintaining. I am currently using Visual Studio 2008. I have the Microsoft Silverlight 3 SDK installed. I have Microsoft Silverlight 4 installed. When I run the application and right click on the window to pull up the about Silveright message box it tells my that I'm using 4 which is what I ...

SL4 HttpPollingDuplex binding in IIS5.1

I am trying to add a http polling duplex service into my website. I am using IIS5.1 on Windows XP. When I add reference to the System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex.dll (ver 4), VS gives me this warning: "System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex.dll", or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET framework than the one specifie...

Fullscreen richtextbox in silverlight

I have a dataform with a richtextbox In it. The user can type some text and have some editing capability, but I'd like to give the user the option to expand the editor to fullscreen to have more richtextbox editing options. How can I implement a function that will allow me to fullscreen (or atleast create a bigger window) the richtextedi...

Silverlight ria domain service not being called

Hi Im using silverlight ria services and trying to called a domain service method the domain service class signature goes like this public class UserDomainService : DomainService and I have a simple operation to return data public IQueryable GetUsers() { return userService.GetAll() ).AsQueryable()...

Running a silverlight app and web service in a single ASP.NET Dev Web Server?

I have an existing silverlight application that I'm now adding support for calling a new web service. I've added the (WCF) web service project to the same solution as the silverlight app. When I start debugging the silverlight application Visual Studio will start two separate ASP.NET web servers (WebDev.WebServer40.exe, the one that run...

Why does System.Numerics.BigInteger not have a Parse method in Silverlight 4.0, but does in .Net 4.0?

I've come across a weird discrepancy between BigIntegers used by .Net 4.0 and Silverlight 4.0; In .Net, BigInteger has a Parse and TryParse method where as in the Silverlight version, it does not have either of these. If you look at the .Net version of System.Numerics in Reflector, you also see that when you disassemble the code, every ...

Creating a Silverlight control that to be used in a DataForm and flags when changed

Hi I have created a custom control and am trying to use it in a dataform for editing. If I use a standard TextBox, the dataform flags that the data is dirty (it enabled the OK and Cancel button, and displays the *). However, when I use my control, it doesn't. The XAML I'm using is: <toolkit:DataForm CurrentItem="{Binding Path=CurrentEn...

Silverlight's ItemsControl Canvas.TopProperty and Canvas.LeftProperty not used

Hi, I want to create a canvas where a user can drop UI elements (representing tasks). He can then drag them to rearrange them. The elements are contained in an ObservableCollection that is the DataContext. I can set the Left and Top properties of the Canvas, but the objects position is not affected. Any ideas? Thanks, Karel UPDATE...

Problem in Silverlight smooth streaming in Chrome

Sometimes i'm getting a problem in google chrome when i try to play a smooth streaming video. Can someone please test this link: Thanks, João ...

Bind a Silverlight TabControl to a Collection

I have a Collection of Model-objects in my ViewModel. I would like to be able to bind a TabControl to these and use a DataTemplate to extract the information from the Model-objects. When I try to do this I get the errormessage: Unable to cast object of type Model to object of type TabItem. After spending some time looking for a solution ...