
Any documents on game-developing using wpf/silverlight/remoting

Hi guys, I'm going to start developing a card game using wpf at my spare time, so that I can play it with my friends in other cities. I suppose there is a game-server, and players can play this game via their browsers(silverlight) or install a client(wpf). But I'm not familiar with the game-server programming. Maybe .net remoting is used...

OData Services and Silverlight Client Side Paging, am I missing something?

I've got a silverlight application where I'm using the MVVM approach and retriving data from an oData service. What I'm wanting to do is use the built in data grid and data pager controls to display and move through the returned data. After a couple hours of research, I feel like there is no good built in way to do this. I think it is go...

Silverlight 4 Treeview MVVM WCF

I'm having an issue with the treeview control from the silverlight 4 toolkit. I can't get it to view to display my data correctly, the toplevel items are shown but the childnodes are nowhere to be seen. More info: I have a wcf service that delivers a list of Categories with nested subcategories to my viewmodel (I made sure to explicitly...

Handling OnLoad (Loaded) in Silverlight Using MVVM Model

I am new to Silverlight (version 4) and MVVM, and I can't seem to figure out how to bind a command in the XAML to my ViewModel for the "Loaded" event of a UserControl. I can bind a command to a button like this... <Button Command="{Binding ShowImageClick}" /> And it works fine. But I have no idea how to do something similiar onload...

Telerik RadComboBox not showing Selected Item

I have a RadComboBox that i have bound like shown below <telerik1:RadComboBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Margin="5,2" ItemsSource="{Binding RepTypes}" DisplayMemberPath="Path=TypeName" SelectedValuePath="Value" SelectedItem="{Binding RepType, Mode=TwoWay}" > </telerik1:RadComboBox> When i s...

Linux / Silverlight question

I have a PHP script running via crontab on hourly basis under Linux. This script is basically does some tests against database and returns results, smth like: table_name, number_of_rows, number_of_duplicates. Also, I have a Silverlight Dashboard for displaying various data and now I want to include results of the tests. So, question is:...

Get drop index in Silverlight drag / drop.

This article shows how to implement a copy operation on a drop event. I'd like to do the same but I want my dropped item to appear in the collection according to where it was placed on the UI. So I need the StartIndex much like on a NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs when an ObservableCollection changes. In the article you'll see that even...

Need comparison of MVVM / WPF / Silverlight Toolkits

I'm looking for a good article that compares MVVM Light, Caliburn Micro, Prism, and any other Silverlight / WPF / WP7 frameworks out there. I've seen some good articles on them individually, but nothing that really pits them against one another. Any suggestions? ...

Setting XAML attributes gets overwritten at runtime?

When I use the following line, implementing a templated control from a Silverlight class library; <labelSliderControl:SliderControl x:Name="sldX" Label="X" Value="4" /> I see in the VS Disign view the Slider getting the value of 4. But when I run the app the Slider starts at 0. So when I change the attribute in XAML I can see the c...

Open print dialog in Silverlight after WCF callback returns.

I have a Silverlight app that gets a unique sequence # back from a WCF call to a db. From there I wanted to pass that into a printing function that opens the print dialog. But the problem is that I get a security exception if I call the open print dialog from the WCF call back (the dialog can only be opened from user click event). I t...

Any recent performance comparison among Javascript, Silverlight and Flash

This is really a duplicate of the question- link text I googled it and found some old results like, link text and link text. But is there any recent benchmarks as all the platforms have been updated. I like to measure the speed of silverlight 4 against the modern and faster javascript engines. Anyone have any source? ...

How can I access the textbox value which is embeded inside a Silverlight(3.0) Grid?

I have a Silverlight DataGrid control inside which I have a textbox and a button control. It is as under <dg:DataGrid x:Name="myGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <dg:DataGrid.Columns> <dg:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Name" Width="100"> <dg:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBox Text="{Bin...

MD5 class not there in System.Security.Cryptography

I'm not seeing the MD5 class in System.Security.Cryptography, although I see SHA256. Clearly I have the namespace available to me. I don't see any notes on MSDN about it's removal for this Silverlight-style implementation of .NET. Was it moved? ...

Wrapping Text and Hyperlinks in Silverlight

Hello, I have a string of text that looks like the following: Thank you for visiting our site. Please review our rules and policies. Importantly, "rules" must be a hyperlink that points to "rules.html". Also, "policies" must be a hyperlink that points to "policies.html". The challenge is, I do not have hardly any real-estate for thi...

DLR Scripting within Silverlight 4 Application

I would like to add some scripting support to a Silverlight 4 application that I'm working on. I have the latest stable releases of both IronRuby and IronPython installed on my machine with Visual Studio 2010. I looked at some samples of using the ScriptEngine class with both IronRuby and IronPython. I even got it to work in a small Wind...

how to communicate between windows application and Silverlight?

I have a very old application developed in Delphi C++. It has an api for which it has access to it. The application has given a sample source code in which there is a windows application which uses this api using Windows messaging system which is RegisterWindowMessage. Now I would like to create a interface to a silverlight. I have prese...

Silverlight 4 RIA datacontext error if I return less than 2 records....

Hey there, I am clueless in what is causing this but I get an error when my ria service if less than 2 items are been returned, everything works ok if I have 2 or more records been returned. My domain data source looks like this <riaControls:DomainDataSource AutoLoad="True" x:Name="dsEmployee" LoadedData="d...

How do I write a unit test for this method in my view model in Silverlight without SecurityException?

I have a Silverlight testing project using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework. I want to test a method in my view model which takes FileInfo objects. This seems to work fine when I test it manually through the UI. Now I want a unit test just for the AddDocument method. I don't want to test actually clicking the button or simulate cl...

Silverlight/WP7: programmatically change the button background image

<Button x:Name="BtnSearch" Height="120" Width="120" Margin="-20,-30,0,0" Click="BtnSearch_Click" BorderThickness="0" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" Visibility="Visible" > <Button.Background> <ImageBrush x:Name="searchImage" ImageSource="images\" Stretch="Fill"/> </...

Silverlight displaying asia language?

My application require 2 different asia language support: Chinese and Tamil. It should be able to cater for change without compiling, something like java's resource bundle. In this case, if I input unicode on a external file and get silverlight to read as string, will silverlight be able to parse it correctly? Or I can use the chinese...