
Select Multiple Items in CustomPivotViewer of Silverlight

I'm thinking of CTR-Clicking each item to build up an array to add.... or even more fancy, drag select an area of items (don't think this is possible tho). I'm aware of the custom events such as ItemDoubleClicked, but is there something like ItemSingleClick, where I can check if the CTR/SHIFT key is being pressed before executing an act...

Issues w/ Silverlight Navigation Page + window.location.hash

I have silverlight navigation pages (with NavigationCacheMode="Required"). When i normally navigate to these pages (via mouse clicks) the pages get loaded as expected (they are only created once due to the cache attribute). However, I have a need to update the url in the browser address bar. When I update this via javascript ("window.lo...

'Label' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls'

Need some help with a typically vague Visual Studio 2008 error. Error: Error 3 The type or namespace name 'Label' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Relevant code: internal System.Windows.Controls.Label DescriptionLabel; I believe it's something to do with Silverlight...

Different string format for the each item in the list

I'm trying to bind a list of objects to a list box. Each object is shown in separate text block. But the problem is that each item should be shown in different format (e.g. Date, currency and so on). I want to store the format in a property of the object ant then set the format in the same binding expression where the value is set. All t...

ieframe.dll error while running silverlight application in IE9

I've recently updated my Internet Explorer version from 8 to 9. Now, I'm getting the following exception This is kind of weird. Following are the re-producing steps. Open a Silverlight application [Currently, using Silverlight 4]. Use Clean, Build and Run. [The above mentioned exception occurs] Now, again hit refresh in browser. [The...

Url encoded # (%23) causing 404 in ASP.NET application

I have a deep-linking Silverlight RIA trying to consume a Twitter OAuth callback. The URL of the callback "page" in the RIA is: Twitter calls back to this URL so long as the # sign is URL encoded; so the callback url I supply to Twitter is: ...

What application framework I should use?

Folks, It's a nice scope for me to architect a fairly big portal application. I am aiming to write this application to stay in business for next 5 years at least. For this application I am considering SilverLight MVC Complete (and/or Mixing with JAVA script base framework (jQuery, ExtJS etc). I know the technical pro...

How do I instantiate a class that only has a private parameterless constructor in Silverlight?

I'm working on a feature request for a .NET test data builder. I need to be able to instantiate classes that only have private parameterless constructors. For instance, I might need to instantiate the following class: public class MyClass() { private MyClass(){} } For most other classes I use the following code: (T)Activator.Cr...

create table at runtime in silverlight

Hi , How can i create a table at runtime in Silverlight. In my project i am migrating from to Silverlight . In i use Response.Write(""); In this way i generate a table . please let me know how i can generate a table in similar way at runtime in Silverlight .. Edit Content from "answer" My Grid has to look as shown...

Drawing arrows on bing maps in Silverlight

I need to draw lines to demonstrate transportation of goods on bing maps. To clarify start- and end-point, I draw a little arrowhead on the destination side. Problem is, when I view the global map, certain lines are drawn along the shortest path 'around the back'. For example going from New York City to Tokio, it would be drawn across th...

Installing Silverlight 4 Toolkit without Visual studio 2010 (for build server)

I have just been informed that the Silverlight 4 Toolkit (latest download) requires the prior installation of VS 2010. We are setting up an automated build server for a very large Silverlight Prism project and would prefer not to do a full install of VS 2010 on an unmanned build machine. Is VS 2010 actually required for an install of ...

silverlight WCF crossdomain/clientaccesspolicy policy

Hi, I am having problem with the WCF + Silverlight application when querying database. An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. at System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary() at AWShop.EmployeeServiceProxy.GetEmployeesCompleted...

Filtered list of customers in a combobox on each row of an itemcontrol in Silverlight 4 app

For each row in my itemscontrol I need to expose a Customer selection combobox - my customer list however is many thousands of customers and I do not want to pull this list down from the server at application startup. So I place a search button next to my drop down to allow users to provide a search string which will then be used to fil...

synchronizing webClient download (silverlight)

so I have this function which gets called multiple times during my program. //global variable BitmapImage img; private void LoadImageFile(string ImageName) { WebClient ImageClient = new WebClient(); ImageClient.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(ImageFileLoaded); ...

How do you set a cookie for a web request in Silverlight

I want to set a cookie value for a http POST request, caqn this be done in Silverlight? If so which class should I use HttpWebRequest, WebCLient or something else? ...

How to bind maximum and minimum zoom levels in Bing Maps Silverlight

I would like to implement a custom zoom slider for a Bing Maps control in my silverlight application. I can set up the mechanics of it in a pretty straightforward way: <Slider ... Value="{Binding ZoomLevel, Mode=TwoWay, ElementName=MyMap}"/> However, I can't find a way to bind the Maximum and Minimum properties of the Slider to the ma...

How to convert 'System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream' to an ImageSource?

The question is clear: I am trying to Convert an "System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream" to an ImageSource but have no clue of how I could do this. I've seen severals articles that talk about converting arrays of bytes to Imagesource, but nothing about ISFileStreams. If someone has a solution or an example on how to proceed...

Silverlight MVVM advice with 'Composite' Views

Hi I have a DomainView that allows you to select an Entity in my domain. The Entity is displayed in an EntityView within the DomainView. My question is what should the 'DomainViewModel' property be that the EntityView binds to? The Entity, with the View itself wrapping it up in a EntityViewModel and it binds to that? The Entity, usin...

Silverlight 4 MVVM: Unable to Databind ICommand

I have created a Silverlight User Control. The markup is: <StackPanel Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="Auto" Margin="5"> <Button Content="OK" Margin="0,0,5,5" MinWidth="50" Command="{Binding OKCommand}" /> </StackPanel> The code behind declares a Dependency property 'OKCommand' as: public ICommand OKC...

Windows Phone 7 Global UI Element?

Hi, I'm trying to add a Global UIElement in my Windows Phone 7 app (ie. a UIElement that is shared across all pages) Specifically, I'm trying to get the MediaElement to continue playing when I navigate to different pages. I've tried playing with the Application.RootVisual / PhoneApplicationFrame but I can't seem to get it to work Any...