
.NET Memory usage by module

I have a silverlight application and using WCF to communicate to the backend SQL Server using entity framwork. I want to know what portion of my application is using the most memory. What tools can I use for uncovering memory usage? ...

HLSL for getting cylinder effect

Hi all. I need to write an application with Silverlight 4 and need to show images like wrapped on cylinder. I need some HLSL code, as I wont to do that with Effects of Silverlight. I don't wont to do that with 3D libarries for silverlight. I only need HLSL code for changing pixels. I need for my image to look like this Thanks. ...

Silverlight 4 DataGrid border around a column

I haven't been able to find anyway to dynamically add a border around a column in a silverlight datagrid. Here is my xaml of my datagrid: <sdk:DataGrid x:Name="PlannedAndBookedMonthlyTable" ItemsSource="{Binding}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Margin="5,0,5,5"> <sdk:DataGrid.Columns> <sdk:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="MonthlyHeaderN...

Is the callBack method called before the assignment or after here?

Hi, I have the code below which is basically calling a Domain Service in a SilverLight Application. LoadOperation<tCity> loadOperation = _dataContext.Load(query,callBack, true); Can you tell me which operation is done first? Is the callBack method called before loadOperation variable is assigned or after it is assigned? Thanks ...

Siliverlight: controls visibility changes alignment?

Hi guys, The following code <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"> <Image Source="test.jpg"/> <Image Source="test2.jpg"/> <TextBlock Text="TeStBlock"/> </StackPanel> If I am setting the visibility of the contents of the StackPanel in the codebehind and lets say I set the visibility of the Second image t...

How to install dynamic loaded xaps together with the main silverlight application?

I have an application that loads some xaps dynamically according to the user permissions. Is it possible to install the shell application (OOB) and also the dynamically loaded modules so the user doesn't have to download them every time? I would like to combine the advantage of the thin shell (fast initial loading time) with the out o...

Silverlight window.external.notify() securityproblem?

Hi, in my silverlight application I am using the webBrowser control. I call following javascript function on the page i'm navigating to. function notify() { window.external.notify("Close"); } The weird fact is that it only works when I am navigating to the page by using: this.Browser.Source = new Uri("http://local...

Silverlight dynamic loading: Xap or Dll?

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of creating external silverlight modules for dynamic loading using: 1 - a silverlight class library (dll on ClientBin) 2 - a silverlight application (xap on ClientBin) ...

WP7 Trouble customizing DatePicker control

I'm using the DatePicker control from the WP7 SL toolkit. It navigates to DatePickerPage.xaml, which has the scrollers for date picking. I want to keep all the functionality, but change the colors. I'm messing around with DatePickerPage.xaml and updating colors to fit my needs. I've been able to update the text colors on the scrollers ...

KeyDown not fired in SketchFlow

I'm trying to add a KeyDown event handler to the LayoutRoot of a view in a Silverlight SketchFlow project, but it doesn't seem to fire. The event fires if I change the event type to MouseLeftButton, but I want to demonstrate this using a keyboard-shortcut. Does anyone know how to accomplish both? ...

Silverlight 3 ListBox - Provide an animation to control scrolling

By default, the SL3 listbox scrolls items either one item at a time or a few pixels at a time depending on whether virtualization is used. Is it possible to manually control the scroll behavior, maybe say that the ListBox should scroll from 1 item to the next over a period of 2 seconds with a certain easing function? ...

Toolbar Button with Context Menu? Like New Project Button in Visual Studio.

I need a toolbar button similiar to the "New Project" button in the standard Visual Studio toolbar. When clicked, it pops up a dialog. However, it also has a small little down-arrow next to the icon graphic that, when clicked, expands a context menu with more options. Is there a standard control available with this functionality? ...

How to serve a XSD Hierarchical Business Object Entity to a Sliverlight client Using RIA services?

I'm looking for a solution to a problem I've encountered using RIA and XSD. The main problem is that the XSD schema generates a Hierarchical entity type with no relations to its children ( because the relationship is implicit from XML) the problem that I've encountered is that RIA handles Relational Entity objects and there is no way to...

Applying a style to ItemContainerStyle in C#

When I'm applying a Style to a ListBox.ItemContainerStyle in C# it isn't making the change at runtime. I'm using; myListBox.ItemContainerStyle = (Style)(App.Current.Resources["NewItemStyle"]); However all other styles are being supplied, such as Buttons etc where I'm going myButton.Style = (Style)(App.Current.Resources["myMainButtonS...

XAML - is LayoutRoot mandatory?

When you create a XAML page in Silverlight or WPF, the system creates a top level container called "LayoutRoot". Is there anything special about this name, or can the top level container be called anything (or even nothing)? ...

Silverlight XAML - does the XMLNS actually go external??

When you create a new silverlight page, you get a number of xml namespaces auto created in the user control tag. Eg - <UserControl x:Class="QuickStart.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="

Silverlight XAML - UserControl vs Page

When creating Silverlight pages, when should one use "UserControl" as the base class, and when should you use "Page" as the base class? ...

Silverlight: How to consume a REST API?

I'm building a Silverlight app that I want to be hosted in Azure and use Azure table storage. I have a class that represents the main data entity, ExpenseInfo. It has many data annotations for RIA validation, such as [Required]. I am following this tutorial to set up the REST service for access from SL. It wants there to be a class in ...

Item Template in the ItemPresenter

In this template ItemPresenter just defines host panel for the Items. Is it possible to define ItemTemplate? <ControlTemplate x:Key="ItemsControlTemplate" TargetType="ItemsControl"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <ScrollViewer> <ItemsPr...

Check silverlight's code-signing certificate in

Hi, is there a possibility to check the certificate (issuer, subject, etc.) of a signed XAP-Silverlight file in a hosted wcf service? Thanks, Sven ...