
GUI Component or class-library to visualize many-to-many relationship?

Are there any components or class libraries (.NET, Silverlight, Javascript) which are able to visualize / navigate data in a many-to-many relationship? Similarly as a Treeview is able to visualize / navigate parent-child related data. I'm looking for a way to view some object and N levels of related objects. ...

Image.Source is updated but not always refreshed.

I have a background thread that refreshes image on the screen every 50 ms by changing the Image.Source property. The images being loaded are in sequence. However, I see some of them being skipped on the screen. For eg, it shows frame1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13... I tried to dump the images being drawn in Draw() to another screen. It appear...

Silverlight 4: Dynamically add a HyperlinkButton to a stackpanel

I would like to retrieve a list of links from SQLServer, and programmatically create some HyperlinkButtons from that list. These buttons should be added to a StackPnael. What is the best way to do this? Something along the lines of: private void RefreshMenu() { var dc = new FrameworkCMSDomainContext(); var query...

Trouble with Azure on Development Server

I'm having a bit of trouble making Azure work on the dev server. I have a Silverlight app that I would like to connect to Azure, so I'm exposing a REST API from the Web Role. Here is my service class: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] publ...

Silverlight control adding a scrollbar to the browser window

Hi Although new to silverlight, I have produced a clickable map. [Note: it is better than using html tags because the contours of the map match the exact contour of each area, and it is easy to produce a context menu). I had to resize the map and now it is adding a whole new scrollbar to the browser window: I now have TWO vertical ...

Silverlight best practice for validation?

Is there some best practice or some recommended way how to validate forms in Silverlight? Right now I have to doall validation in endless nested if else structures and it just doesn't seem like a very reusable and maintainable way of doing this. If I want to show error messages next to each form element I also have to create an empty te...

caliburn a viable silverlight framework for large development?

I have been looking at some frameworks for a very large project like 200+ pages with 50+ tables etc., to develop in silverlight. Is there a best practices or suggestion of framework for developing such a large application? Hopefully it will be multiple technologies that make up the final application and interested to know your opinions o...

How to raise an Event in application from a silverlight application.

I have a Silverlight application hosted inside an website. In my silverlight applicaiton, if I select a theme. Then, theme changes will gets fired. I want to get notified in web page, when the theme changed event is fired inside the silverlight application. Note: Also, I don't want to use a data base to maintain the sta...

Consume locally hosted REST from Silverlight?

I'm building a Silverlight / Windows Azure app. I'm trying to read some simple data from a REST API exposed from the web role. private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) { // ... WebClient data = new WebClient(); data.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHand...

what is the difference between TwoWay databinding and ObservableCollection?

Hello, As i was reading about ObservableCollection i came to know that it implements INotifyPropertyChanged which means whenever the view changes it's underlying collection also gets updated automatically which is exactly what is the purpose of TwoWay databinding. So, what is the difference between ObservableCollection and TwoWay databi...

How to validate forms in Silverlight?

Is there some best practice how I should validate forms in Silverlight? Some framework which contains validators and shows error messages next to form elements if the values are incorrect? Because right now I have to create a blank text block next to each form element to hold error messages and I am also validating the forms with long n...

Problem accessing localhost URI from Silverlight

(repost because of SO outage; apologies if the other one re-appears) I'm building a Silverlight app that will run on Azure. My VS solution has two projects: the web role and the Silverlight. The web role has a Service that works. (I can go to localhost:88/expenseservice.svc/expenses and get the data I want.) I am trying to access that ...

No mouse button up event when hovering on another element

I have a canvas with a mouse up and down event and there are normaly around 10-15 clickable objects on the screen. If I click down on an element or blank space I can catch the event, but when I release the mouse it its only caught if the mouse wasn't on another element (blank space is fine). Is there any way in Silverlight (for WP7) to...

Troubleshooting WPF / Silverlight XAML databinding ?

Whenever I am doing XAML, I tend to run into problems with databinding. It is often small issues, such as misspelling a property name. My problem is, that I don't seem to receive any errors or warnings when I am trying to bind to a property that does not exist. It would be nice to get a warning, either at compile or runtime, about my e...

Visual Studio: Add service reference to service in a different project in my solution?

I have a Silverlight app that I want to access Azure storage. I have two projects in my solution: a SL project and a ASP web role. The web role has a service. When I launch the project, I go to the service, and it works fine. (I am able to download the data.) I'm not entirely sure what I can do through "Add Service Reference", but I s...

How to make wrapped text in-line with button in Silverlight 4?

I would like to have some wrapped text followed by a button, but I want the button to appear immediately after the last line of text. Kind of like this: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. [The Button] Here is my current attempt at doing so, but th...

Set layout to have 100% width and 100% height

How can I set a layout to have 100% width and 100% height? I want my Silverlight application to stretch in the browser to fill all space. I am using Expression Blend 4. Here is my XAML: <UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:C...

How to change TextBlock Text from codebehind?

I have a custom control. There is a Stack Panel with Button and TextBlock in generic.xaml: <StackPanel> <TextBlock x:Name="StatusText" /> </StackPanel> Then I have public class MyClass : Control { // Constructor etc. public static readonly DependencyProperty StatusTextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("StatusText", typeof(TextB...

How can I reference resx files in a Silverlight RIA Services Library?

Hi All, I'm a Silverlight newbie. When I create a silverlight 4 business application in Visual Studio 2010, the web application has a resource folder with resx files. The silverlight application has a folder web/resources/ then there are two 2 resx files in there named the same as the 2 in the web app. They have little arrow icons on ...

Silverlight "Add Service Reference" to ASP Service error

I'm not sure what's causing this error. The service markup: <%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="WebRole1.ExpenseService" CodeBehind="ExpenseService.svc.cs" Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebServiceHostFactory" %> The service code behind: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] [AspNetCompat...