
I cannot seem to find a way to access the content inside the ContentPresenter to be able to update the parent(s)

Hi, I am making a collapsible ContentControl. Everything works fine until I try to embed a collapsible ContentControl as content inside the ContentPresenter of the same type collapsible control. The collapsing and expanding is done using animations. But when the content of the collapsible control changes in size it will not update its pa...

LightSwitch installation problem.

A short while ago I tried to install LightSwitch Beta, but after some sizeable and lengthy downloads, the installation aborts after trying to install Silverlight 4. It simply says that Silverlight 4 could not be installed. The log is not much help either, as the most informative entries are: ISetupComponent::Pre/Post/Install() failed ...

Silverlight error while calling a service

I am trying to call a service from a silverlight application, but I am getting the following error. Uncaught Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. This works fine locally. I don't know if it make any sens...

XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas content length quota (8192) error during client send to wc

I have a silverlight app (non asp) and wcf service. When i read large data from the wcf service 60k+ then the silverlight app successfully retrieves the information from the wcf service. However.... When i try to send (silverlight client to wcf service) large data 30k+ I get the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas error but when I send 2k informa...

Silverlight & SQL Server

hello, Can someone provide a very simple example of how to load a datagrid with data from SQL Server, in a Silverlight application? TY ...

Silverlight: Empty Data Grid

I'm trying to fill a DataGrid with an anonymous type generated by a LINQ query. When I put the query results in a list box, it appears fine. However, when I put the query results in a data grid, the correct number of rows are generated, but the cells are empty. (The data grid is on the left, with the list box on the right.) Assigning...

automated document creation

Are there any existing solutions to create documents in Silverlight? Looking to create purchase orders, contracts, etc. Printing is a desired feature. ...

Using ICollection property with WCF Service

I have a class, ExpenseInfo that includes an ICollection<String> property: public ICollection<String> WhoOwes { get; private set; } I have a WCF service that returns objects of type ExpenseInfo. I added a reference to the service in a Silverlight project within the same solution. This generated a bunch of code, including an ExpenseInf...

Silverlight Webservice Problem

Hello, I have a webservice that calls a method and returns a generic list. The webservice completed method looks like this (note: names and e.Result are both of the same type of List): void SetNames() { ServiceReference1.ServiceClient webservice = new ServiceReference1.ServiceClient(); webservice.GetNameCompl...

How to put a file in an ASP web root? (Cross domain problem)

I'm having issues with cross domain access from a Silverlight project to a WCF service in ASP. This tutorial recommends making crossdomain.xml or clientaccesspolicy.xml files and putting them in the web root of the service. I have made these files, and put them in the top level of the project in Visual Studio. I'm still having the prob...

Keep Silverlight DRY with UserControls

I have a DataGrid that is displaying some data at multiple points in my SL 4 app. I would like reduce redundancy. Is the correct way to do this by extracting it into a UserControl? I did this. However, instead of setting dataGrid.ItemsSource in the code behind, I'm setting myDataGridControl.ItemsSource. However, MyDataGridControl doesn'...

CommunicationException with Silverlight and WCF Service

I have a Silverlight 4 app that is hosted in an ASP Azure web role. The web role exposes a WCF service. (All this is in the same Visual Studio solution.) I successfully added a reference to the service, and generated client code. However, it causes an error: ExpenseServiceClient service = new ExpenseServiceClient(); service.GetExpenses...

Silverlight: Separator within listbox?

I have a listbox with several items in it. I would like to programmatically insert a separator bar into the list box. Is this possible? MSDN speaks of a Separator control, but Visual Studio doesn't recognize it when I try to instantiate one. I'm using Silverlight 4. ...

Referencing enum defined in a class from within XAML

In Expression Blend 4 (Silverlight project) I have a UserControl to which I have added a CLR property. This property is an enum type, which is defined within the UC. I have attached a ChangePropertyAction behaviour to an instance of the UC. However, the XAML parser gives the following error (among others): '+' is not valid in a name ...

RIA technology choice

I'm a .NET silverlight developer. After last project i want to have a rest from this tech and want to learn something new. My next project will be an app for managing workflow of a company.This app will need printing support, export to office formats, document management, maybe authorization\authentication. Can you suggest what technolog...

delay loading of a silverlight page

How would i go about delaying the total load of a SilverLight Page? I take a parameter out of the querystring on the page load of a Silverlight web page, and then send it to a web service boolean function to process. The result of the return value is used to determine whether to fully load and display the page, or direct to another page....

Converting an ObservableCollection to an array in Silverlight

I'm looking to use the HTML Bridge to send data currently in an ObservableCollection to some JavaScript. I'm assuming that this data would need to be in an array, rather than in an ObservableCollection, for it to be usable in JavaScript. Note: This assumption may be incorrect. Silverlight doesn't seem to have the ToArray() function o...

Sorrow with Data Transfer Objects in Silverlight / WCF

I have a Silverlight app hosted in an Azure web role ASP project. The ASP project exposes a WCF service. I would like to have one set of class definitions for the data types. Someone recommended making a third project (class library) and adding a reference to it from the SL and ASP. I started doing this, but the Silverlight project comp...

Passing Mediasource to Progressibedownload

I’m starting with SL 4. I made a form with the progress download, and is working great. My xaml looks like the following: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <smf:SMFPlayer> <smf:SMFPlayer.Playlist> <media:PlaylistItem DeliveryMethod="ProgressiveDownload" MediaSource="MYURL"/> ...

Which Silverlight Rich Text Box to use

SL4 now contains a Microsoft implementation of a RichTextBox. This is awesome but doesn't support bullets, numbering, super script or subscript. There are also a bunch of other RichTextBox implementations out there from the control providers. When is the best time to use the Microsoft one and when should I go to the market? What is t...