
Silverlight 4 DataGrid - Allow user to add new row

One of the new features of the SL4 September 2010 release allows users to add new rows to a DataGrid (see ). I'm having trouble finding documentation on how to make that happen - are there any samples out there? ...

EmitCall raises "operation could destabilize the runtime" in Silverlight

I'm n00b in IL language. In my task i have to create dynamic types inherited from System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity. When i am adding additional code to set method of property, i receive "operation could destabilize the runtime". Help me, please, resolve that problem. Code from Reflector: L_0000: nop L_0001: ldarg.0 L_...

Missing Hover effect on binded hyperlink button

I have several hyperlink buttons on my Silverlight 4 application. When i bind content property of hyperlink to my VM class, hover effect (underline and bold) doesn't show! When I remove binding and type text manually, hover effect is visible. Why I don't see hover effect on Hyperlink button when I bind Content property to VM object? ...

PRISM UserControl and ServiceReference

I'm using MVVM in my project and here is my question. I have a View and corresponding view-model with service reference. This view contains UserControl, which have another UserControl and it also contains nested UserControl. Last UserControl have a method which creates a popup. And in this popup i need service reference from view model. ...

Silverlight - How to bind data to a Control Template

In my App.xaml file I defined folowing Control Template : <ControlTemplate x:Key="PushPinTemplate"> <Grid> <Image Source="Images/konzum.png" Width="35" Height="35" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding numberOfChildren}" /> </Grid> </ControlTemplate> And in my Main.xaml.cs file I'm adding Pushpins to a B...

Passing an image through as webservice

Hi, how would I go about passing an image from an ASMX webservice, through to my silverlight front end? I am using .Net 4.0 and Silverlight 4 front end, and SQLServer 2008 to store the image. ...

Combobox display value in Silverlight

I have ComboBox with CheckBoxes for items. When user checks or uncheckes boxes I want the selected values to be displayed in the ContentPresenter separated by comma. At the the moment I have overridden ContentPresenter: <ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentPresenter" HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" ...

How can I wait for a signal before proceeding compilation of other code segment

Can I wait for a signal from a event so that , when I recievce the signal then only I will proceed with next code segment. For making it clear , I have the follwoing code: hiddenMediaElement.Source = new Uri(strMediaFileName, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); hiddenMediaElement.MediaFailed += (obj, Sender) => ...

Silverlight DataGrid Header Binding

I am using the HeaderStyle property to customize a Silverlight DataGrid column header. Is there a way to bind controls inside of the ControlTemplate to an object in a collection based on the column index? Something similar to the following? <Style x:Key="GradeDefinitionHeaderStyle" TargetType="dataprimitives:DataGridColumnHeader"> <Sett...

What's the best way to send password from Silverlight to WCF RIA?

I have created Silverlight Login Page. I use PasswordBox in that page and use this solution to do MVVM in my application. BTW after I read this answer I realize that current solution is not secure. I want to know how can I improve security in my solution even though it will break MVVM. ...

Sample Silverlight Applications

I want to get more Silverlight knowldge. It would be usefull to study a number of Silverlight applications so am looking for links to some best practice/sample applications that I can download and study. ...

Can't add service reference

Hi, I have started learning WCF. I wrote a simple service to query a SQL relation through LINQ. [ServiceContract] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = aspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class Order_WCFService { [OperationContract] public List<Order> getOrders() { List<Order...

Best method of creating desktop shortcuts in a web app?

I'd like to have our ASP.NET web app create a desktop shortcut to our site on the user's (windows) desktop. With their permission of course. Like a button that they click and answer 'yes its ok', and then they get a link on the desktop or start menu that takes them to our site. This may not seem like a great idea, and I could see how it...

Silverlight 3 closing an user control event

Hi all, I am trying to close all opened listeners using something like : GP.GlobalInfo.CommWCF.serviceClient.GetFilteredMessageCompleted -= new EventHandler<GetFilteredMessageCompletedEventArgs>(serviceClient_GetFilteredMessageCompleted); Since the form is being closed, every listener should be closed as well. (am I right?) Since ...

silverlight communication between client and server

Sorry I cannot post the code but here is what is happening in detail. User opens a form it adds an event listener like: GP.GlobalInfo.CommWCF.serviceClient.GetFilteredMessageCompleted += new EventHandler<GetFilteredMessageCompletedEventArgs>(serviceClient_GetFilteredMessageCompleted); and then sends a asynchronous message to the se...

RIA Technology of Choice

I'm looking into creating a Rich Internet Application. For the interface, I want something smooth, fast, and robust. I realize there are several technologies out there to do just that (Flex, standard HTML/Javascript, Silverlight). After using Grooveshark, I am very impressed with its interface (written in Flex). Personally, I don't thi...

Inserting an entity and dependent entities using RIA Services

Hello everybody :-) I got a question about inserting an entity with dependent entities using RIA Services (With Silverlight 4.0). Let's say I have an Entity in my (sql) database called "Beer" and one called "Supplier", with a relationship: Beer 1 - n Supplier. There are multiple suppliers for one kind of beer. Now there's the followin...

WP7 Using TransitioningContentControl for different forward and back animations

I'm using the TransitioningContentControl to create animations for navigating between pages. I used this blog post as my guide: I also found this post that does something very similar:

Silverlight 4 custom control child items style

I have custom control where i want to show some items. In generic.xaml defined style for custom control: <Style TargetType="local:Custom"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:Customl"> <!-- Root Grid--> <Grid x:Name="CustomLayout" ...

Can Prism and ASP.NET Web Parts work together?

We are trying to pick a modular programming solution at my work. The choice right now is Prism or ASP.NET Web Parts. One Boss person asked if you could wrap a Prism Module in an ASP.NET Web Part so they can be used anywhere (kind of a "can I have my cake and eat it too" kind of question.) While I don't think this is a feasible solutio...