
How to measure instantaneous download rate when streaming a video in silverlight ?

How to measure instantaneous download rate when streaming a video in silverlight ? ...

do exist any succesful project using mvvm? (designer viewpoint)

Preface : i know, exist several topics talking about MVVM and how it is good (or bad) but my question is a bit different :i want to know if really exist any successful project that uses partially or completely MVVM, all all as a designer viewpoint. I am starting another project using MVC (web), i have some experience with it and it wor...

Where do I catch an EndpointNotFoundException for an Async WCF call?

I'm having some difficulty trapping an exception during my testing. I actually disconnect the service so that the endpoint is not available, and I am attempting to modify my application to handle that possibility. The problem is that no matter where I put try/catch blocks, I can't seem to catch this thing before it gets to unhandled. ...

The provided URI scheme 'file' is invalid expected 'http'

I created a small Silverlight 4.0 / RIA Services application and tested it. I developed the app on a machine at home and needed to move it to the production domain at work. I did this by pushng it to the source repository and then cloning it to a dev machine at work. It builds without an error in both locations. The problem occurs wh...

How do I use the icons provided with the WP7 sdk properly?

Icons have been provided in the SDK for either "Light" or "Dark" depending on the theme set on the phone. On the application bar when the theme changes the icons automatically change with it. Also, when you press the button the image is reversed (so it's still visible) no matter which theme you're on. I can easily figure out how to chang...

How do I embed and read a text file ina WP7 app??

I'm trying to include a text file that contains some static data that I need to read in when the app starts up. I've added the file and marked the Build Action to "Resource" but I'm unsure of how to actually read it in as a stream. Anyone know how to do this? ...

The remote server returned an error: Not Found - Silverlight

I have an ASMX web service that is referenced by my silverlight front end, and have recently started getting the error "The remote server returned an error: Not Found". The error seems to be related to the fact that i have recently added associations between the tables (if i remove the associations, the service works fine). This seems to...

Silverlight 4 WriteableBitmap to Bitmap

This is my first Silverlight app and my first go at C#. I have a C# class library that I access from Silverlight using COM. The C# library has a method that takes a Bitmap as an argument, however from what I can see Silverlight only has a WritableBitmap. Is there a way to convert a WritableBitmap to a Bitmap in Silverlight? Some other...

Changing the Property of a Brush Colour through a Thread

Hi there, I have a Brush Colour which I would like to change every so and so on a thread. static SolidColorBrush myBrush; Thread changeColourThread = new Thread(changeColour); static void changeColour() { myBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 33, 96, 22)); } This returns an UnauthorizedAccessException, what's the...

Integrating Silverlight video to ASP.NET MVC

How do I integrate Silverlight video player and show video at MVC view page? ...

Silveright ScrollViewer with Image and ScaleTransform.

I have the following xaml. <ScrollViewer HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="107,0,0,0" Name="scrollViewer1" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible"> <Image Name="image1" Stretch="None" MouseWheel="image1_MouseWheel" RenderTransformOrigin="0,0"> </Image> </ScrollViewer> An the following code behin...

Use silverlight in MVC

Is it possible? I'm not familiar with silverlight architecture, but i know about wpf and mvc. is it possible to replace mvc view page with silverlight ones? ...

How to implement MVVM with NavigationService in Silverlight 4?

I'm new to Silverlight and NavigationService. I try to adopt them with MVVM. I found this link but it don't work for me, may be I do something wrong. (It don't has sample solution) I want to know, are there any website/example out there? ...

Add Button to grid from code behind

How do I add buttons by a loop to grid?? ...

Silverlight DomainUpDown can't click on controls

If I define an ItemTemplate for a ListBox, it can contain scrollviewer, hyperlinkbutton, etc. When I highlight an item in the ListBox, those controls work properly. However, if I use a DomainUpDown, instead of a Listbox, and use the same ItemTemplate, the data is displayed fine, but the mouse clicks are not going through to the scrollvi...

How to handle differing validation rules in RIA Services?

We have an Entity Framework model that is used by two different silverlight applications. The validation rules are very similar in the two contexts, but differ slightly. For example, a regular user in one of the applications cannot input time that is in the future, but an administrator in the other application can put time that is in...

Silverlight, Databinding a DateTimePickerControl

Hi all, Today i tried joining a date and time picker controls in a new DateTimePicker control. It works fine from the codebehind but our project is following the MVVM model so i need to bind this control with XAML to our context variable. The code for the control is (sorry its the full code but i dont know where the problem is): publ...

Formatting Telerik Chart and Legend Labels in Silverlight

I am trying to format a column called 'Month' using the 3-character month abbreviation in my data grid which is bound to a bar chart. My grid and chart are based on this demo example: Basically, the grid compiles data and summarizes by Year, Quarter, Month, and then some other ca...

Silverlight and "z-index"

I have a Silverlight clickable map and a sliding panel (jquery) that drops down. Despite giving the panel a high z-index, it still slots behind the silverlight app. You can see this here: Problem in action... To activate the sliding panel, click "Translate" at the very top left of the window. Is there anyway to let such a "sliding pa...

Horizontal scroll inside WP7 pivot page

Hi! I'm having problems with horizontal scrolling inside Pivot control in WP7. I have a Grid with ScrollViewer and ten or more buttons inside. Since all buttons don't fit on the screen i need to be able to horizontally scroll. But when i click and drag on buttons the whole Pivot page starts moving and eventually switches to next pivot pa...