
Trouble with UriMapper

I got the navigation up and running in my application but I wanted to hide the real path to views so I wrote this UriMapper: <Application xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="MyApplication.App" xmlns:navcore="clr-namespace:System.Windows...

Windows Phone 7 applications - Orientation Change

Hello there fellow developers! I am working on a Windows Phone 7 app and I can't figure out what I believe is a simple problem for the more seasoned ones. Say I have a layout consisting of two elements: a ListBox (filled with an abundance of items) and a TextBlock (providing the user with some basic instructions). I want these to be one...

Silverlight / Expression: XAML build error

I'm getting the following errors: obj\Debug\StoryList.g.cs(40,22): error CS0102: The type 'Newsreader.StoryList' already contains a definition for '_contentLoaded' obj\Debug\StoryList.g.cs(46,21): error CS0111: Type 'Newsreader.StoryList' already defines a member called 'InitializeComponent' with the same param...

Silverlight Windows Phone 7: Gesture events?

I'm mocking up a wp7 app in Expression Blend and looking for set up an event handler in response to certain gestures. Some Bing-ing shows some people recommending to use "on click" or something and check the time between taps oneself, but it seems like there should be an easier way. Is there an event for Silverlight controls that fires ...

Silverlight, Caliburn, Actions and DataGrids

Anyone know of good code examples of the Caliburn or Caliburn Micro framework example that illustrate routing Actions with DataGrid items? ...

RIA Services Authentication - What type? Preventing "copies?"

I've got a Silverlight application that will be running out on the open internet, available to basically everyone who has ever lived. The application makes use of RIA Services to manipulate data in a database on the server. The application creates, reads, updates, and deletes data of different varieties, however I only want these oper...

3rd Party dll in Silverlight application

I have a third party dll that I am trying to reference in my Silverlight project. I am able to use this dll and reference it in a test WPF application. Trying to reference this same dll in my silverlight application is not working. I am using the automationFactory class to get a handle on the dll but I am not sure if I am doing this corr...

silverlight mouse position c#

Hi, Is there a way to get mouse position without attaching a event handler? I'm trying to get a box to appear where the mouse is. Thanks Sp ...

What are the big major drawbacks porting a wpf LOB to silverlight 4

Hello folks, I am thinking about porting my alpha WPF MVVM application to silverlight. I do not use 3D its a LOB ;-) What I promise myself from the conversion is to get more customers in the end (Mac/nix user do not pay well ;P). 1.) At the moment I am using sqlite as database. Is it possible, that I can access the sqlite file on the...

Which books should I study for Microsoft certifications 71-586 and 71-506?

I want to take the examinations of certification: "71-586 Pro Designing and Developing Windows Azure Applications" and "MCTS 71-506 - Silverlight 4 Development", but do not know which books are recommended. ...

Silverlight: binding an observable collection to different usercontrols conditionally

Hi- I'm new to Silverlight 4 and having a tough time googling this one since I'm not terribly familiar with the terminology involved. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have an observable collection that I want to represent in an ItemsControl list. The type of the collection is a class that- for simplicity's sake- let's cal...

Silverlight schedule an event at a specific time

I'm trying to find a way to trigger a Silverlight event to occur at a specific time of the day. The app will be run out of browser and will be running all the time. I have found some methods that use a timer to fire an event every minute and then check if it is the correct time to do something, but that sounds messy. Is there some way ...

VisualStateManager does nothing (silverlight)

Hi, I am building a custom control using studio 2010 and silverlight 4. I am trying to use the visual state manager. With the following xml: <ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:vsm="clr-namespace:System.Windows;assembly=System.Windows" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microso...

Best way to implement margin between WPF/SL grid columns/rows

Hi all What's the best way to add margin between columns or rows in a WPF or Silverlight grid? Add fixed width/height columns/rows to the grid Add margin to the grid child controls Anything else? Thanks in advance ...

WCF Instance Management

Hi I am creating a silverlight card game which talks to a WCF service using a duplex binding Each client communicates with the service when it is their turn by sending their ID and the cards they want to play And in response, the updated Game state is transmitted to each client While I've been testing, I have had the instancing set...

clipping regions.

Hi, I have a grid, with a stackpanel on the top. I have built a mouse over animation that makes images on the stack panel bigger on the mouse over. How do I take away the clipping region(s) so that the images can grow outside of the stackpanel and cover what is under them? <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <...

Silverlight ItemTemplate binding

Hi! I want to set an ItemTimplate according to some property. I've just create a markup, where I set ItemTemplate like this: <controls:Panorama Title="Some Title" ItemsSource="{Binding Modules}" ItemTemplate="{Binding Id, Converter={StaticResource ControlTemplateConverter}}"> <controls:Panorama.Background> <ImageBrush Image...

Add Item to Sharepoint List in Silverlight

Hello... i want to add a item to a Sharepoint 2010 custom List over WebService. I can read data but i can't write. i test this code, i had no Error but no new item is in the List: XElement batch = new XElement("Batch", "<Batch OnError=\"Continue\">" + "<Method ID=\"1\" Cmd=\"New\">" + ...

How to expand bound & styled TreeViewItem nodes

Hello, I have a TreeView in WPF which I have bound to a collection of categories that itself contains a collection of categories and son on and so forth. Currently, I'm binding the collection successfully and having all of my category names appearing. However, I also have an IsExpanded property on my collection objects that when all set...

How to communicate to a client side application with silverlight.

I'm currently developing a silverlight application with prism. From this application I need to be able to send a command or keystrokes to a client-side application. What is the best way to accomplish this? Things I'm considering: Javascript can use an ActiveX object to use DDE. (Limits to IE only) Javascript can interact with a java a...