
How can I go to specific URL programmatically in Silverlight?

How can I go to specific URL programmatically in Silverlight? ...

how i can change background combobox in silverlight?

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Silverlight 3 and WCF

Hi I am new to this and hence getting no clue of the solution. I've my silverlight3 app built and WCF services also built and hosted on local host. I'm looking for a way to call methods of my service from my silverlight3 app. i dnt knw the steps and not able to find them through web also. please guide me step by step. its driving me cra...

Open a silverlight AssemblyPart object

Hello, I have an AssemblyPart object of a silverlight application which I would like to open for debugging. How can it be done? Thanks ...

Adding a reference to a .net library (dll) from a Silverlight project

Is there a way to do this? I have a library with 'helper' code wich I want tp use from a Silverlight project. I don't know why, but Visual Studio won't let me add the reference even though there's nothing prohibited in my library (like DataSets) I don't want to write all that code again, so I was thinking maybe creating a Silverlight c...

How to setup the Tabs Navigation in a typical view in wpf/silverlight?

How do i get the tabs to stop in the order I want across usercontrol contained elements to local elements in a view, the view is static xaml, not composed ( like with prism ), should this involve code, or can i do this in xaml only? also if you know how to do this in blend that would be very helpful. ...

WP7]Dynamic Color for theme awareness OR How to define a dynamic value for a property in a custom resource in App.xaml?

Hi: I'm making an app for windows phone 7 (using Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone RTM), and i'm having some problems regarding theme (light/dark) awareness especially with colors. Basically i want to do the same thing that the phone does internally when using the staticresource colors/brushes. For example, if i declare: <B...

Bouncing balls animation in Silverlight XAML only

In Silverlight, is it possible to do a "bouncing balls" style animation entirely in XAML - that is, with no code-behind at all? ...

silverlight error

Hi, I get this error from silverlight: Operation named 'GetRssFeed' does not conform to the required signature. Return types must be an entity, collection of entities, or one of the predefined serializable types. This is my domainservice class: // TODO: Create methods containing your application logic. [EnableClientAccess()] ...

Silverlight Panorama Control: Control overlap?

In this image, the content from one panorama item bleeds over onto the previous item: How can I do this in Expression Blend / with XAML? Here is my XAML currently: <controls:Panorama Margin="0,0,-1732,8" Grid.Row="1" Title="ODP"> <controls:PanoramaItem Header="new"> <local:StoryList/> </controls:Panor...

MVVM problem - binding only certain values

I'm new to MVVM in silverlight. It's a bit confusing because although I get the general idea, there are so many different situations where the method is not very straight forward. Here's one of them: I have a custom text box which when set to blank shows a grayed message 'enter your text here'. The problem is, when binding to my view...

invoke registered eventhandlers on routedevents with reflection in silverlight

I want to invoke all registered methods of a RoutedEvent of a FrameworkElement (e.g. a MouseLeftButtonUp or a MouseMove of a ContentControl/Canvas/...). In my case, i got a reference to that object and I know which Event should be invoked. But after trying several hours with reflection I am asking myself if this is even possible??? I th...

Windows Phone: AppBar icons appearing differently on the device

I'm mocking up an app in Expression Blend. The app bar looks fine in Blend, but when I launch the emulator the icon doesn't display properly. The XAML for the app bar: <shell:ApplicationBar x:Name="FavoritesBar" IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True"> <shell:ApplicationBarIconButton IconUri="/assets/" Text=...

How do I bind touch manipulation to a UIElement property on Windows Phone 7?

I would like to have a property of a UIElement be modified when the user swipes vertically on the screen in Windows Phone 7. I can see how to do it using the OnManipulationDelta override but it seems like that should be a Xaml binding of some sort that would accomplish it in mark-up. Can you bind properties to touch manipulations? ...

Keep relative positions over MultiScaleImage

I implemented the following Silverlight app after seeing this instructions, here's my code: public partial class MainPage : UserControl { private Point lastMousePos = new Point(); private double zoom = 1; private Point lastMouseLogicaPos = new Point(); private Point lastMouseViewPort = new Point(); private bool durin...

Developing an Online Webcam Video Surveillance System in .NET (Real Time Video Streaming Issues)

This semester I'm working on an application that is joining two projects in two different courses in my Software Engineering degree: SWE 490: Component Based Software Engineering SWE 344: IP and Client Server programing Here's what's my application about : Client Side (Desktop Based): Main function is to capture the webcam video and s...

System.Speech on Windows Azure Error

I am trying to call some methods from System.Speech via a WCF Service hosted on Windows Azure. When i try this locally on the development fabric, it is working perfectly fine. I can consume the methods from this Speech API via WCF service in my client. But when I up this service in real cloud on Azure, i get the following exception erro...

Set in Silverlight an image to specific location

I am working on a WP7 app. Well on one of the pages I would like to have a question mark available for users to select. Only trouble I am having is keeping it in a set location. If real estate is available, I want it to be at the bottom right corner all the time. But if the user should need to scroll, I want that item to have to be scrol...

What are good resources for animating and displaying 3d objects in silverlight ?

An example of such an animation would be a dice rolling .. ...

Silverlight triggers in a Style resource

I would like to have have a Style definition for a TextBlock include Triggers. I know I can put the triggers on individual elements, as such: <TextBlock x:Name="MyTextBlock" Canvas.Left="0" Text="Some Text" Style="{StaticResource HeaderText}"> <TextBlock.Triggers> <EventTriggerRoutedEvent="TextBlock.MouseEnter"> ...