
How can I change the color of an image in silverlight/WP7 (Color Mask)?

I have a toggle button with a png that has a transparent background and a black foreground. If the button is selected then I want the black color of the image to change to a color chosen by the user. Is there a way to do this in Silverlight and/or wp7? So for example: <ToggleButton> <Image Source="MyImage.png" /> </ToggleButton> ...

Windows Phone 7 - Using the Application bar and Prism (or MVVM)

Hi, I am playing around with the WP7 SDK and the Prism for WP7 beta and have come across a problem I can't figure out (or even a workaround for). First of all, I'm new into WPF/Silverlight/WP7 and Prism, so I could be overlooking something very obvious. So I have a Shell page that has my region that is used to hold my content page...

Is it somehow possible to read a .rar or a .zip file inside the windows phone 7? How?

I'm trying to create a Windows Phone 7 application, using either Silverlight or XNA, but I can't figure out how to do such thing, that would be part of the idea of the app. If it is not possible, is there any kind of format that does something similar to that? Thanks in advance! ...

how to reference current control in grid?

I want to creat my own control: public class DataGrid : System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid In the style definition, I want to add a button above the grid, so I wrote: <Style TargetType="local:DataGrid"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:DataGrid"> ...

How to access inner TreeViewItem nodes without expanding the parent node

Hello, I have a WPF TreeView that is bound to a collection of custom objects - each of which has an IsExpanded property to expand the container TreeViewItem. I want to be able to programmatically access each TreeViewItem's control contents without expanding the parent TreeViewItem in the visual tree. However, when I attempt to access sa...

Silverlight image flickering - how to avoid it...

Hello! I am writing a little game in SL, but have a big problem. There is an image called 'ship' I want to use as player. It moves with the "Canvas.SetLeft(ship,ship.X+ship.speed)" method, but it seens like flickering. I tried to set higher the gameloop timer interval, but it didnt help me out. Around the internet i couldnt find anythin...

How can I start an animation when a ViewModel property changes?

I have a view model that has a "IsSearchVisible" property. When it gets set to true I want it to start an animation in the view that slides down the search box. Anyway to achieve this in Silverlight/WP7? ...

Silverlight Webbrowser: Source.AbsoluteUri stays at initial setting even after a hyper-click

Using Silver 4, I have a webbrowser control that I set to a web site thru code: e.g. webBrowser.Navigate(""); This brings up a web page just fine. It works fine also when I click on a hyperlink and go to another page. I was expecting that I could find the URL of the new page thru the LoadComplete...

How to create a Silvleright Pendulum Swing 3D text effect

I'm seeing this text effect in tons of commercials, and web sites lately. And I've found ways to do it in Flash, and JavaScript, but nothing that would directly help me achieve it in Silverlight. Here's an example of the effect: Basically the idea is the text is on a bill...

Opening new form in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7

How do I show a new form in a Windows Phone 7 App? I've initialized my class like this: Jeans jeansform = new Jeans("Elwood Curtis"); However, there's no jeansform.Show() method. ...

Which way is the best way: Career decision.

Which way is the best way: RIA via Silverlight, RIA via Flash\Flex, Ruby\Python, Mobile App Dev(wp7\android), GameDev? Thx ...

Silverlight Client-Server Communication

I have a WPF application, that I want to port to Linux/Mac. The most logic way seems to split the application in two parts: client and server, and use Silverlight for the client UI, and run the server-part (as an invisible console-app) in Mono. But what's the best way to let those two parts communicate? Silverlight 4 supports COM inter...

Silverlight - Is there any way to enable Text selection in Glyphs.

We are using Glyphs inside the Canvas to display Unicode string. Is there any way to enable string selection in UI <Canvas Width="793.76" Height="1122.56" xmlns=""&gt; <Glyphs Fill="#ff000000" FontRenderingEmSize="16" StyleSimulations="None" OriginX="75.68" OriginY="90.56" FontUri="/Resources/b...

Silverlight - service config switching

We've just added a dedicated test server for our Silverlight applications. We are deploying full copies of all our apps and services onto the test server. The issue we have is that we need to manually update ServiceReference.ClientConfig when we deploy, to point to the appropriate server (ie. test or live). I'm sure this is a common iss...

MSWord Richly Formatted Text Paste into Webgui Text Input Field for Database Submission

I have several richly formatted paragraphs in a Word 2003 document. How do I copy each paragraph and paste it in a text input field with all the formatting in place? The main objective is to make each paragraph as an object in the database so users can add and rearrange these objects(paragraphs) in custom order to generate their custom ...

Silverlight - Prevent OOB

I would like to deactivate the right click in my app that offers the option to install the app on the desktop. How do I do such thing? ...

WCF PollingDuplexHttpBinding with Silverlight Client timeouts and errors

Im building a WPF 3.5 desktop app that has a self-hosted WCF service. The service has an PollingDuplexHttpBinding endpoint defined like so: public static void StartService() { var selfHost = new ServiceHost(Singleton, new Uri("http://localhost:1155/")); selfHost.AddServiceEndpoint( typeof(IMyService), ...

Silverlight, persist data between different pages and controls.

Hi, In Silverlight, How can we persist data between different pages and controls. In our application, we plan to have central data object which is to track the user changes from different pages and controls. How many ways can we have to achieve this? And What's your recommended one? Thanks, ...

What do we use glyph for?

What is a glyph and what do we use it for especially in context of silverlight and xaml? ...

Update data with RIA Services over SOAP

Hi There, I have an SL Application which uses RIA and Domain services for data access. I have modified this to work on SOAP so any other applications can use the service. On a Windows client I can query data without a problem. But I need to make some update and inserts. As you may know all insert, update, delete methods are not visibl...