
Silverlight binding in a DataGridRowGroupHeader doesn't update when DataSource changes

I have a Binding in a inline style for the DataGridRowGroupHeader like this. <sdk:DataGrid.RowGroupHeaderStyles> <Style TargetType="sdk:DataGridRowGroupHeader"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="sdk:DataGridRowGroupHeader"> <TextBlock Margin...

Events wont fire across modules (prism, MVVM, silverlight c#)

Righty oh now I believe ive set this application up right but correct me if im wrong, for simple sake i have in my bootstrapper 3 modules loaded, one is a navigation module, and two others the views. Independently in code if i load the modules and in the initialize method add them to a region that all works fine, however ofcourse id lik...

How to get image from silverlight to non-silverlight ?

Hi, I need a very weird thing I admit. I hope you'll be able to help me. My current situation (all in one solution VS2010): I have the Silverlight assembly with user-control (basically a drawing of kind) I have a WCF service to provide the images (hosted in the website project) I somehow need to: when someone requests the RESTful...

Adhoc stored procs on silverlight app

I have a simple requirement to be implemented on a silverlight app. I want to list down all the stored procs in a drop down and view its output on a grid. I am currently having a linq to sql class where I have drag dropped all the stored procs I want to view and generated the classes on a .dbml file. This works for me at the moment. Howe...

Hook in to event for WP7

Hi, Me and My friend talk about how simulate a button that where pressed. The challenged were to find the event and fire it. (For WP7) We were not a loud to use source code for finding out the event. The big question, how would you do ? Non of us have found the answer yeat... ...

Call Silverlight methods from Javascript by name

Is it possible to get a reference to a Silverlight method purely by name from Javascript, and then invoke it? With pure Javascript objects you would be something like this: var f = theObj["theMethodName"];, "an arg"); But treating a Silverlight object as an associative array doesn't seem work. I'm guessing I could ...

CodeDom and Silverlight

Can Silverlight apps (the .xap file, the testpage.html, content resources along side a ClientBin, out of browser settings, etc) be created using only System.CodeDom from a regular .NET app? Meaning I have a console or winforms app that creates Silverlight apps - is this possible with System.Codedom? I have searched high and low and have...

How do I set up a Silverlight hyperlinkbutton that actually navigates?

In SL4, I am finding it oddly difficult to figure out how to make a HyperlinkButton navigate to another Silverlight page in the same application when clicked. The structure is: <HyperlinkButton Content="Technical Information Screen" Height="23" Name="hyperlinkButton1" Width="320" NavigateUri="/tis.xaml" /> "tis.xaml" is in the same f...

Why do I only get first element in Javascript array passed from Silverlight?

I'm attempting to pass out an array of strings from a Silverlight application to a Javascript function. However I only seem to get the first element of the array, rather than the whole array. I've reproduced it with the simple code below: Silverlight: string[] Names = new string[5]; Names[0] = "Test1"; Names[1] = "Test2"; Names[2...

Problem combining Reactive Framework (Rx) queries to provide correct UI behaviour

I'm trying to remove the more tradition event handlers from a Silverlight application in favour of using a number of Rx queries to provide a better, easier to manage, behavioural abstraction. The problem that I need to solve, but can't quite crack it the way I want, is getting the behaviour of a search screen working. It's pretty standa...

How to get a value in cell EDIT template textbox inside the gridview? (Silverlight 4 only)

Hi inside my gridview, I have a column AccountNumber. In the edit mode, i use the CellEditTemplate with a TextBox to let the user type in value. Can anyone tell me a way to retrieve the value has been typed in the cell? I need that value in order to show a popup window which will filter the corresponding available list of AccountNumb...

move from rich clent ( WPF) to web based (Silverlight application) for multiuser application

Hello Design Gurus and architects, We have a multi user product prototype in WPF which works fine as a prototype. Now we want to build the complete product. In our product we have scenarios where 2 - 3 users might have to use same data. Say one us editing and the other user is viewing the continuos edits. And also whenever a user chan...

Can i use Activex with silverlight4 ?

I need to use a ActiveX control in my silverlight application. After some research i found out a few ways in which a silverlight app can use ActiveX control Use ActiveX control in a webpage along with silverlight plugin and use javascript for interaction between silverlight and activex. Use a webbrowser control in silverlight 4 and loa...

Silverlight fluid move behaviour and a wrap panel

Hi All, I want to create a really slick wrap panel layout in my SL4 application, I have been doing a fair bit of research into the fluid move behaviors, and I think its where I want to go but I cannot get it right. I want a list of controls in a 2(row) X 2(col) Grid starting with just a singular control, then once I add controls to the...

How to serialize the Key and only one object value of a generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> ?

Hi all, I am looking forward to serialize a Dictionary in order to save some of it's information, more precisely it's Key and one of it's Value, into Silverlight Isolated storage. I have read many question talking about the same subject on these boards, but none were explaining what I was trying to do, or at least not in a way I could u...

Silverlight on WP7

Hi guys, I'm going to get a WP7 silverlight project at work, and I'd like to ask you guys what documentation do you recommend to somebody who's willing to write silverlight apps for WP7 but who's never touched silverlight itself before. Thanks in advance, Miloud B ...

Is there a .NET library to Normalize PCM WAV

I want to normalize PCM WAV files from client side(Silverlight). I am using ASP.NET MVC on the server side. And I found a C program here Does anyone know that if there are similar C# libraries that I can use directly? ...

reordering silverlight datgrid column

i was just reordering the columns of a silverlight datagrid in xaml.cs in the event grid_autogenerating.i used the follwing code but stil it doesn't works out. i was using void grid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e) { switch (e.Column.Header.ToString()) {...

Shake control for Windows Phone 7

How would I use the accelerometer in WinPho7 to detect shaking the phone and have that trigger an event. For example, to roll dice, you would shake the phone. ...

Right-aligning button in a grid with possibly no content - stretch grid to always fill the page

Hello people, I am losing my patience with this. I am working on a Windows Phone 7 application and I can't figure out what layout manager to use to achieve the following: Basically, when I use a Grid as the layout root, I can't make the grid to stretch to the size of the phone application page. When the main content area is full, all ...