
Tip screen at startup that can be disabled.

I am planning on creating a tip page that pops up with directions on how to use the app, and can be turned off with a checkbox. I imagine that in order to save the state of the checkbox's selection, I need top store it as a boolean somewhere on the system. Would this be done in something like a txt file stored locally using IsolatedSto...

What are the strengths and weaknesses of various MVVM frameworks for Silverlight?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of various MVVM frameworks for Silverlight? I know similar questions have been asked before, but the field is moving quickly and the answers given are rapidly out of date. I'm specifically looking for a brief assessment of the following frameworks - Prism Caliburn Cinch Goldlight MFedMVVM MVVM...

WP7 Bing map in popup

I'm working on a WP7 demo app and have gotten my popup working with static resources wich I earlier had problems with. Now when this is out of the way i got a new bug wich regards my use of Bing Maps. When using bing maps in my default WP7 Silverlight pages (panorama or regual) the maps show up fine, but when using a bing map in my stat...

How do I compare Silverlight StylusPoints to a Path?

Can someone point me in the right direction on how I would compare a Stroke StylePoints collection to a Path? I basically want to compare the users traced manipulation over a shape to see how accurate they were. I'd also like to add a threshold for error. Thank you! Tim ...

WP7 Silverlight grid not showing content

Hi guys, It's been 2 hours of struggle against SL grid on WP7. I build my grid using the following code: public void initUIBoard() { int x, y; Button b; for (x = 0; x < mine.cRows; x++) { RowDefinition rd = new RowDefinition(); rd.Height = new GridLength(20); ...

TextBlock.TextWrapping - how to make the text wrap so that the lines are center-aligned?

In a Windows Phone 7 application, when I place a TextBlock in the grid and set its HorizontalAlignment to "Center" and its TextWrapping to "Wrap", why does the text that overflows the width of the container and is placed on the next line, align with the left side of the otherwise center-aligned block? Is there any way to setup text wrap...

ListBoxItem dynamic style in Silverlight

Is it possible to change ListBoxItem style up to its DataContext property "IsFail" (true, false). ListBoxItem style is defined via VisualStateManager States in ItemContainerStyle. <ListBox x:Name="ShortInfoListBox" Background="{x:Null}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ShortInfoTemplate}" ItemCont...

how to populate the itemssource while scrolling

I would like to retrieve data from my WCF service as the user is scrolling over a datagrid. What are some options for accomplishing this, particularly those that would favour following the mvvm pattern. ...

StaticResource master in PRISM Module

I'm developing a LOB app in Silverlight using PRISM. I've got several modules that I'm loading on demand. In these moduels I want to style common parts with a "master" resource dict that I have in the Shell project. This works when I build the project but it's kinda hard to design layout in the designer in VS because the StaticResource...

How to create controls from code in a custom control?

In MainPage.xaml.cs (Silverlight Application) I can do something like this: StackPanel myStackPanel = new StackPanel(); Button myButton = new Button(); myButton.Content = "Button"; myButton.Width = 200; myButton.Height = 30; Button myButton1 = new Button(); myButton1.Content = "Button 1"; myButton1.Width = 200; myButton1.Height = 30; ...

SIlverlight WP7 switch screen

Hi, How to switch between screens programatically in silverlight on WP7 guys ? Thanks ...

Handling clusters dynamically

I created a Silverlight app, where I use DeepEarth to add sites as pin on a layer on top of a map. But now I'm having issues to create clusters for when these pins get too close to each other as the user zooms in and out. Any ideas, comments or suggestions? ...

Open Silverlight OOB on url, if installed.

Is there anyway to make the OOB version of my Silverlight app open(if installed) when i go to <--- where the Xap is loaded. Just like a irc client opens when i go to irc://servername but instead of prefix can my app open the OOB version if App.Current.InstallState == InstallState.Installed when it's ...

What is the best way to have only non-transparent pixel hit testable in images in Silverlight?

According to msdn in Silverlight images are hit testable over their image/media display areas, basically their Height and Width. Transparent / full alpha pixels in the image file are still hit testable. My question is now, what is the best way to have only non-transparent pixel hit testable in images in Silverlight? ...

Creating a Silverlight Assembly

Okay, about three to four months ago, while looking for something COMPLETELY different, I was tripping over how-to's on creating Silverlight assemblies. Now that I am actually looking for that info, I can't seem to find it. Can anyone point me to some resources for taking a UserControl I've created and making an assembly from it? Thank...

How to get files to WP7?

Let's say I'm writing a eBook reader for Windows Phone 7. Now the first thing that the user will need to do is add some books to his device, and since I don't offer a online book store or similar service, the only option is file transfer from his PC to the phone. Is he able to do this, how? Then how do I access this file. Can this file b...

Should datagrid and dataform bind to a PagedCollectionView or an ObservableCollection

If I bind a datagrid and a dataform to the same ItemsSource I assumed that as I select different rows in the datagrid, the selected item would be displayed in the dataform. It appears this only true if the data source is a PagedCollectionView and not an ObservableCollection? Is that correct? ...

How can I get a behavior to fire before a command in Silverlight - disable double clicking?

I'm trying to build a behavior that disables the button and changes the text to follow the common pattern of disabling a button to stop a user from double clicking. I need the behavior changes to take effect before the commmand. Can I use a behavior this way? view: (set the DataContext in the loaded event of the code behind) <Grid...

WCF service returns null for a column in SP

I have a stored proc where one of the columns is sum(Value)/sum(qty) * sum(Requested) as ValueReq Value, qty and Requested are columns of a table with datatype as numeric(20,0) in sql server. In the linq to sql class, ValueReq is declared as private System.Nullable<decimal> ValueReq Although the query returns non zero values as r...

Resource Dictionaries in a Silverlight Assembly?

I've just begun dabbling in putting together a set of controls as assemblies and I'm working on default styling. What I currently have is a UserControl in a project (thanks Reed!) and I'm able to bring that into another project via reference. I plan to add more controls over time to build something of an SDK. I currently have some hooks...