
Does not recognize Silverlight 4.0 Install

I am running Win 7 64-bit. I a running IE 9 beta (9.0.7930.16406 )I upgraded to Silverlight 4.0 and for some reason now it does not recognize that I have it installed when I go to Silverlight required web sites. In my control panel – it clearly states that I have 4.0 installed. I uninstalled and reinstalled this as well. However when...

Silverlight: Override some autogenerated fields in a DataForm, while preserving the rest?

I have a DataForm that does 90% of what I need. I add a few fields of my own. This tutorial provides an example of how to do this, but it looks like I need to override everything to do that. (I'd rather not have that extra bulk.) This question looks like there might be a way by subclassing DataForm, but that seems kinda messy, and I'd l...

VS2010 Target Silverlight Version 2.0?

I've just upgraded to VS2010 as I was running into problems with a Silverlight project that I needed to be built in 2.0 but I also needed other projects built in 3.0. I read about VS2010's ability to specify the Silverlight Target version and figured it was time to upgrade to solve my problem. I've installed 2010 and have also installe...

Entity Framework and Silverlight foreign key objects

I'm trying to add a new instance of an object to my data source, and there's a foreign key defined for ListUserName. The CurrentUser object is the right type to put into it and is populated correctly, but it blows up on me when submitting it to the data source. This is all pulled from a Domain service class into the Silverlight app. L...

Idiomatic way to declare DataForm's current item?

I'm using a DataForm. So far, I've found two ways to specify its current item: a static resource, or in the code behind. Init in code behind: expenseDataForm.CurrentItem = new ExpenseInfo(); To save an entry: private void expenseDataForm_EditEnded(object sender, DataFormEditEndedEventArgs e) { if (e.EditAction.Equals...

How to reload default AppDomain in which Silverlight app is running inside browser?

Inside my Silverlight app, i use reflection to load an assembly. While the app is running, the version and content of that assembly can change. I know the moment, when it changes, now I want to trigger the complete reload of the app, so that assembly is reloaded too with the new version. How to do that? ...

NullReferenceExeption thrown in NotifyPropertyChanged when switching views with edit in progress

I have a series of views that are to be displayed depending on the currently selected item in a tree within a parent view. These views are created and registered with the region during the initialization method of the parent view and are being correctly deactivated/activated, therefore giving the effect of swapping in/out the correct vie...

Silverlight Image: how to invert or negated image colors?

The problem is how to invert colors of a Silverlight Image element. There is an Image with a JPG as a source. On a button click I need to invert the colors. Sounds simple, right. Take each pixel, then modify it's value by 255 - pixel value. But when I tried WritableBitmap loaded with the Image source, I got security exception disall...

Wait for asynchronous callback result

I am performing an http web request which asynchronously gets a response from the server. I wish to perform actions on the result directly and do not wish to have any code running in the meanwhile. The reason it has to be asynchronous is that I am writing a silverlight application. Here is a code snippet { .... request.BeginGetRespons...

Difficulty with Silverlight and Azure Table Storage

I have a Silverlight app that I want to be hosted on Azure. I have a data entity that represents a type of data I want to store. This tutorial tells me I need to make that class inherit from Entity. I'm not sure what that class is. Has it been renamed to TableStorageEntity? TableStorageEntity is from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient...

Silverlight vs Flash

Which technology is the best? Anyone with experience in both? ...

silverlight/wpf webbrowser encoding

Hi, i was looking for a long time to get a solution for polish charset in wpf webbrowser. After few hours of playing i made a solution, maybe someone else will need it also so i share. private string EncodeUnicode(string strText) { string txtUnicode = ""; foreach (char value in strText) { txtUnico...

Silverlight application under IE attached to Windbg

Is it possible to attach Windbg to a Silverlight based application running under internet explorer ( or any other browser)? If its possible, then will I have to attach windbg to the browser and this will get me into that mini CLR under Internet explorer? ...

WCF Custom BehaviorExtension Error: An extension "silverlightFaults" already appears in extension collection. Extension names must be unique.

WCF Custom BehaviorExtension Error: An extension "silverlightFaults" already appears in extension collection. Extension names must be unique. I have a custom behaviorExtension for a silverlight project which helps in communicating faultcontract messages to client. This error occurs when the service is called. Works good in Dev and Q...

Using a Silverlight Hyperlink Button Style without the Navigation

In my page I want the button that looks like the HyperlinkButton (underline when MouseOver etc). But I want to handle the navigation in code (by using the Click event handler). So I'm using a HyperlinkButton and setting the NavigateUri to an empty string and setting the Click handler. But the problem is that the browser tried to dow...

Databinding to CLR property in code-behind

Binding to a Dependency Property is easy in code-behind. You just create a new System.Windows.Data.Binding object, and then call the target dependency object's SetBinding method. But how do you do this when the property which we're binding is a CLR property and you can't provide a DependencyProperty argument to SetBinding? EDIT: The ob...

How to open a apsx page from SilverLight Application as a modal-dialog?

How can I call an aspx page from a SilverLight application, so that it opens in as a modal dialog and it blocks interaction with the SL application until the dialog is closed? Thanks ...

How to force AutoCompleteBox control to populate the ItemSource only after n chars are entered?

Is it possible to force AutoCompleteBox control in SilverLight application to start obtaining ItemSource data only after n chars are entered (the data with the filtering mode StartsWith? Thanks, Here is the way I bind my ItemsSources (Basically there is a comboBox which stands for Stetes. And once a state is selected I set itemsSource...

Polyline disappears while setting PolylineStyle property of a line series in a Silverlight chart.

I have a silverlight chart which has multiple line series that was dynamically created. When I assign a PolylineStyle of the dynamically created LineSeries the lines in chart disappear. Only markers are shown. It is odd because when I assign the same style from xaml everything works as it should. I'm using the following code to assig...

Applying ControlTemplate to Textbox causes .Text to become blank (Silverlight)

I have a bunch of textboxes on a XAML page that I wanted the same size. I created a control template and put it in the Grid.Resources section of the page <Grid.Resources> <ControlTemplate x:Key="basicTextbox" TargetType="TextBox" > <TextBox MinWidth="200" /> </ControlTemplate> </Grid.Resources> and I apply it to a tex...