
Redrawing silverlight accordion item not working

I have a datagrid in an accordion that I programmatically add items to. The items don't have a problem being added, but the accordion item doesn't refresh to a size that can view all the contents of the datagrid. If I drag the datagrids sides to resize it, the accordion item resizes correctly. I can't seem to do this automatically thr...

Getting ListBox Items Silverlight

Hello All, I have tried to get the listbox items using VisualTreeHelper class. When I do VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount((DependencyProperty)listBox1) it returns count as 0. But the listbox has lot of listboxitems in it.Can someone let me know if I am doing any mistake? Regards, Lalith ...

Setting listbox selecteditem in dataform in silverlight not working

I've got a child window that I popup to create events. I'm using the DataForm control and one of the fields is a selection from a listbox of event types. I can see that when the window closes, the event type is set properly on the event. If I pop the window back up and set the event to the one just created, all the fields populate fin...

Pendulum-like animation in silverlight.

Hi I would like to make animation start from the center and then swing like see-saw. Basiclly, it is what I posted in XAML but I cannot get it working. <Storyboard x:Name="wiggleAnimation" > <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="rotateSlider" Duration="0:0:1" To="20" Stor...

Printing async data from Silverlight 4

I have a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here... I want to print map data that is retrieved asynchronously from a web service. The problem is I don't know the selected paper size (which affects the size of the map I need to request from the service) until the user presses OK on the print dialog and the PrintPage event is fired. The o...

Is it possible to list/read emails in Windows Phone 7 using Silverlight?

I'm wondering if it is possible to list/read emails from Silverlight app in Windows Phone 7 environment. I know that I can create new SMS/emails, but I'd like to actually parse incoming emails. ...

Trouble updating one to many relationships when using ria services with nhibernate.

I am working on a silverlight application and I am using RIA data services and nHibernate. Currently, I have an entity with a one to many relationship to another entity. public class Employer { [Key] public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } public class Person { [Key] public ...

Creating a Custom Silverlight Designer in WPF

I need to create a designer for Silverlight in WPF and I’m thinking of a few options Use a WebBrowser control, display the content there and communicate Silverlight using the JavaScript Bridge. Not sure if this will be enough for the scenarios I need to support (see below). This is what KaXaml is doing. SilverlightSpy uses a a more so...

Sharing a common DAL between WPF, Silverlight, and ASP.NET

What is the best method/technology to sharing the same data access layer between WPF, Silverlight, and ASP.NET? I am using ADO.NET Entity framework, and was thinking of a creating a DAL using the Repository pattern.Then using the RIA Services as a dummy middle man to connect Silverlight and ASP.NET. Is this a solid plan or are there ot...

Does Silverligth 4 comply with the WCAG 2.0 specifications

I need to build a web application which complies with the WCAG 2.0 specification. One main feature of this application is that some code must be executed on the client. I don't have any way to avoid it (it's the old problem of the electronic sign). That's why I thought of Silverlight (and because of RIA services, of course). But I hav...

Silverlight DataGrid - Dirty Rows

I have a Silverlight DataGrid, for which the user can change values in. I also have a "Save" button. When the user clicks the "Save" button, I want only the rows (items) from the data grid that the user has changed to be saved. How can I accomplish this? ...

How to stop Silverlight upgrading between point release automatically

I have a Silverlight application. The application was compiled with version 4.0.x. Today the application has told me that we need to upgrade to a newer version of 4.0. We don’t want to upgrade to the newer version as we will need to do it on all our client machines. Is there any way we can get our application to use the older version of ...

How to make use of RIA Services App.config files (without copying settings to web.config)

Even though I link my web-app with my RIA Services.web library, the App.config setting files are never used and I always need to copy the module settings manually to my web.config. Am I doing something wrong? Should the App.config file be recognised and automatically loaded? ...

WPF VS Silverlight

I had a few questions on WPF & silverlight? When to use WPF? Some examples on real time projects where WPF is used When to use silverlight? some examples of real time projects where silverlight is used What is the difference between them? Can WPF and Silverlight be used together? How do WPF and silverlight differ from traditional...

Bing Maps Layers

I've been working with bing maps in Silverlight recently and have things at a good working order. One quirk that I would like to resolve is that all of my shapes that are drawn on the page get rendered on top of the road layer and even worse, the city names. So if my shapes are opaque, you can't read them. I'm figuring that there must be...

How to display array of images in Silverlight ComboBox?

I have array of objects with created images (Object.Image), i want to show images in combobox. <ComboBox x:Name="typeSelection" ItemsSource="..." DisplayMemberPath="Image"></ComboBox> Combobox shows Image.ToString(), not image itself, how to fix it. ...

WPF & silverlight development process

What would be the application development process for WPF applications and silverlight application? Like how many tiers the application is divided into and how they communicate with each other. And what steps are followed during development like design , then business logic layer. How the data base is accessed can Linq be used or data s...

Silverlight web service callback performance

I have a silverlight client that communicates with a web service on a server. It has a DoSomething method that does nothing and returns void. On the client, I call the service and listen to when the response comes back: proxy.OnDoSomethingCompleted+=OnDoSomethingCompleted; t0 = Environment.TickCount; proxy.DoSomethingAsync(); void DoS...

Alternating columns in a datagrid

I have a silverlight datagrid like this <data:DataGrid x:Name="productsDataGrid"> <data:DataGrid.Columns> <data:DataGridTextColumn Header="Desc" Binding="{Binding SmallDesc}"/> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn> <data:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> ...

ObservableCollection with ObservableCollections not rendering correctly.

I am relatively new to the Silverlight experience and am trying to create a MVVM app with a DomainService that returns POCOs as the models. I have a UserControl that has a TreeView with the ItemsSource set to bind to an ObservableCollection of a type that has an ObservableCollection as one of it's properties, and that collection is of a ...