
PHP SOAP fault problems parsing the soapFault->detail.

I am trying to write some error handling for a SOAP call and the detail member of the SOAP fault is not being completely parsed. I cannot publish the WSDL as it is a private WSDL and requires authentication. Here is the SOAP fault XML and a print_r of the resulting fault object. Note that the apiFault is included in the Fault object, bu...

Zend Soap Client error: Failed to enable crypto

Hey guys, I'm using the Zend Soap Client library to consume a webservice, like this: $wsdl = "path_to_wsdl_file"; $client = new Zend_Soap_Client($wsdl); $client->nfeRecepcaoLote(); And I'm receiving the following errors: Warning (2): SoapClient::__doRequest() [soapclient.--dorequest]: Failed to enable crypto [CORE/vendors/plugins/nf...

How can I detect problems with the instantiation of a WebService ?

Hello, I instantiate a WebService with a couple of operations that return an asyncToken. Then receivers get assigned this token and in turn call the fault handlers when the token prompts a fault. I wanted to handle the case where there's a problem at the WebService instantiation stage, e.g. when it goes to read the WSDL and it can't re...

Get WCF to recognise incoming SOAP request

I'm trying to write a C# app to receive eBay notifications which are sent as SOAP over HTTP. I am receiving the notifications ok but I can't get them passed to my WCF service. What do I need to do on the WCF service configuration to allow the incoming SOAP request to be recognised? I'm using a webHttpBinding with the WCF service. The SO...

Is there such software/library to convert REST to SOAP and vice versa?

I have some back end web services, SOAP web services. I would like to create an android client to use these. I'm under the impression that SOAP style web services are non trivial to setup on android, and I would prefer to use REST if possible Is there any utility that can convert REST calls to SOAP and back again? Or will I need to cre...

NSURLConnection: gzip encoded SOAP response gets corrupted

I'm having trouble writing a IPhone/IOS Obj-C SOAP client that talks to an application with a SOAP WS interface. The application uses a NuSOAP php webserver and encodes any payload above a certain size using gzip/deflate, whichever is enabled by the client. I understand that NSURLConnection transparently decompresses any gzip encoded re...

SugarCRM over SOAP - V2

We're using Apache Axis to generate client-side stubs to communicate with SugarCRM in a Java application. As of a few days ago, we were using the WSDL file at http://.../soap.php?wsdl to generate our stubs. We found the version 2 WSDL file at http://.../services/v2/soap.php?wsdl, and out of necessity to delete relationships, we upgraded...

PHP & SOAP what use is a message broker?

I'm working on a solution to make certain data from a large database available to a remote website. My first thought was to simply cook up some soap web services to fetch certain data from the database. This could be done in just a few line, for instance like this, with the user of Zend_Soap_Server: class MyClass { public function ...

[.NET] Sending a search query over SOAP

I have a few thousand objects that are in memory and of a few class types (ie: Products, Relationships, Categories, etc). Each object has properties such as Name, Price, ManufactureDate, etc. I would like to expose these objects through a wcf service and allow consumers to search, filter and maybe even do basic joins on these objects. I ...

Need to send custom XML structure over SOAP

Hello, I'm using Apache Axis2 and need to send a custom XML structure over SOAP to clients. So basically client will make a request and the client will expect the response to be as an XML representation. What would be the best way to do this? Should I create a Java object to represent the XML structure and then have Apache Axis2 do...

Is there a way to coerce Axis1 to produce document literal WSDLs and SOAP?

I use Apache Axis 1 to serve web services, which automatically converts Java objects into wsdl definitions and soap responses. However it seems that by default Axis serves rpc encoded data by default. Is there a way to coerce it into serving wrapped document literal data instead? So far the documentation has not helped me much. My servi...

log request/response of .net SOAP web service

I'm consuming a third party .NET SOAP WebService (.asmx). I want to log request and response. I have seen some solutions using SoapExtensions. But I like to integrate logging in my system, some like this: public class MyWebService : ThirdPartyWebService { public string Request { ... } public string Response {... } } Could i do...

Deploy report to JasperServer from java

Can someone provide me any examples on deploying a report unit to JasperServer using it's SOAP Services? Thanks in advance! ...

How do I return exceptions from a Web service?

I've written a simple web servrice application in Delphi using THTTPSoapDispatcher and THTTPSoapPascalInvoker. Everything works ok, except that I don't understand how to handle exceptions. So whenever an exception occurs inside the service method, the following SOAP response is generated: <?xml version="1.0"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:S...

Using xpath on a PHP SimpleXML object, SOAP + namespaces (not working..)

Hello, After researching this on SO and google for hours now... I hope to get some help here: (I am just one step away from running a regex to remove the namespaces completely) First this is the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""&gt; <soap:Header xmlns="...

Cost of serialization in web service

My next project involves the creation of a data API within an enterprise framework. The data will be consumed by several applications running on different software platforms. While my colleagues generally favour SOAP, I would like to use a RESTful architecture. Most of the applications will only need a few objects at every call. Othe...

Creating web service using Apache Axis2

I need to create a web service using Apache Axis2. I have a complex type XML response message that needs to be sent back to the client but I'm not sure how the client will be able to read the response. Sample XML response for client: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='./validation.xsl'?> <docu...

Ruby: Soap4r: How do I get the raw request sent to my soap server?

I have a connection open and am doing: values = [1, 'test'] connection.return_response_as_xml = true response = connection.send(method_name.to_sym(), *values) and that works fine and all. but I want to see the raw request sent across... is this possible? ...

Spring-WS: How generate the WSDL without having to start the web service?

We use Spring-WS as the basis for implementing a web service (with the WSDL generated by the framework). As well as a WAR file our build produces a client side JAR (for use by our Java clients and our own end-to-end functional tests) consisting of schema generated DTOs and stubs for the web service methods. These are generated using wsim...

Passing UTF-8 encoded string to SOAP

I am using a third party Web Service. I am passing a string to a function in that service, that string, which i am reading from a UTF-8 text file. The problem it that the string contain some non ASCII characters. Now if i save that text file to ANSI format, read it in a string and pass that string to Service then it works smoothly but ...