
How do I tell MSTEST to run all test projects in a Solution?

I need to know how to tell MSTEST to run all test projects in a solution file. This needs to be done from the command line. Right now I have to pass it a specific project file, I'm trying to get it to run from a SOLUTION file. I'm hoping this is possible, because in Visual Studio, hitting Ctrl+R, A, runs ALL tests in the currently ope...

VSS - Solution file between multiple users

Hi folks, we have a solution with multiple projects that is being developed by a team of developers. Project paths in the solution file checked in initially contains the path that are specific to that developer. Now when another dev gets latest of the solution, some of the projects won't load as the path differs. What's a better way to ...

How do I start WebDevServer from a .sln file without opening Visual Studio 2008

Is there a way to start WebDevServer (Visual Web Development Server) by passing in the .sln file without actually opening Visual Studio 2008? I am a JavaScript developer and I work in a client project and I want to save the memory overhead consumed by VS and give it to multiple browsers for cross-browser testing. I am hesitant with set...