
How to filter a list?

This is a method that should take already assigned users out of a list and keep non-assigned ones in a list. The GuidList has the userId added to it on a button click. The profileList is used to populate a gridView. Here is the code: private VList<VW_profiles> FilterAssigned(VList<VW_profiles> profileList) { VList<VW_profiles> sorted...

Sorting alphabets & numerals

i want to sort an array in such a way that numerals come after alphabets ...

Bash and sort files in order

Hi, with a previous bash script I created a list of files: data_1_box data_2_box ... data_10_box ... data_99_box the thing is that now I need to concatenate them, so I tried ls -l data_* but I get ..... data_89_box data_8_box data_90_box ... data_99_box data_9_box but I need to get in the sucession 1, 2, 3, 4, .. 9, ..., 89, 90,...

date wise sorted uitableview ....

Hello all, I am developing an iPhone application . In the application I want to show the uitableview data sorted on the date field : Suppose I have a Person object with fields name,birthdate,phone number etc. Now I have array of Person and I am sorting that array on date field. Now I am not understanding that how to handle these two...

Sorting of 2 or more massive resultsets ?

I need to be able to sort multiple intermediate result sets and enter them to a file in sorted order. Sort is based on a single column/key value. Each result set record will be list of values (like a record in a table) The intermediate result sets are got by querying entirely different databases. The intermediate result sets are alrea...

Fetch data from multiple tables and sort all by their time

Hello, I'm creating a page where I want to make a history page. So I was wondering if there is any way to fetch all rows from multiple tables and then sort by their time? Every table has a field called "created_at". So is there any way to fetch from all tables and sort without having Rails sorting them form me? ...

Sort an array of structures in .NET

This is one of those times when only the hive mind can help - no amount of Google-fu can! I have an array of structures: Structure stCar Dim Name As String Dim MPH As Integer Sub New(ByVal _Name As String, ByVal _MPH As Integer) Name = _Name MPH = _MPH End Sub End Structure How do I sort the array on... dataTable/DataGridView search/sort

So I have a dataGridView and a textbox on a form. I want to be able to search through the dataGridView and sort it compared to the string in the text box. ex: I type "acv" in the text box and all strings containing "acv" are sorted to the top. I'm accomplishing this with a bunch of gymnastics involving and some clearin...

The Fastest DataStructure to Filter with in C#

Currently we are filtering and sorting data with a datatable. /// <summary> /// Filters the data table and returns a new data table with only the filtered rows. /// </summary> /// <param name="dtInput">The dt input.</param> /// <param name="filterExpression">The filter expression.</param> /// <returns></returns>...

What is the fastest sorting algorithm in C++?

If I need to sort 150,000 entries what would be the fastest way for a beginner in C++ to sort that data? All I have learned so far is bubble sort and I know that isn't that efficient. thanks nmr ...

Why do these different Perl sort subroutines give me different orders of elements?

I copied this example from perldoc -f sort. I added the @old array and the prints of the @new arrays. Why do I get three different @new arrays? Is there something wrong with my @old? @old = qw( =332 =43 =avxc =aed =jjj =3322 =aa44 =ssss ); say "\nold : @old\n"; # inefficiently sort by descending numeric compare using # the first int...

How do i go about matching three fields from two tables in order to update the same tables in case of match

Given two tables A and B in a MySQL Database, how can one update a field in a row of table A if and only if certain fields in the fore-mentioned row in table A exactly match fields in a distinct row of table B. The rows in table B must be used once and only once for each comparison. As such, a row in Table B that has fields matching a ro...

Fast way to extract portions of array?

I have a large array in PHP. It contains strings that are split into a kind of categories using underscores: category1_property category1_category2_category3 category2_category3_category4_category5 I have a function named array get_values($prefix) that returns all values of the array that start with a given prefix, e.g. get_va...

Sorting a DataGridView by Number or Date in a Windows Form C#

I have a DataGridView on a C# Forms Application I'm trying to sort. Originally I wanted to sort by the date, but when sorting it treats it like a string. Example: 22/9/2009 14/4/2008 3/12/2007 Sorts to 14/4/2008 22/9/2009 3/12/2007 Because its only looking at the first character. Once I couldnt solve this I tried to sort by an ID co...

Database of readings for Japanese words

Does anyone know of an off-the-shelf database that provides phonetic (kana) readings for Japanese words? ...

What's wrong with my Dutch National Flag algorithm?

I'm trying to turn an array like this: 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2 into this: 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Here is my code: public static int[] sortDNF(int[] tape) { int smaller = 0; // everything with index < smaller is 0 int bigger = tape.length - 1; // everything with index > bigger is 2 int current = 0; // where we are looking...

Help Determining This Sort Algorithm

I came across this sort algorithm when looking for a function to sort a collection of objects in VBA by a property of the object. In order to make sure that I understand all aspects of the code that I implement, I wanted to validate my thoughts on this algorithm. To me it looks like an Insertion Sort, but I wanted to check with the com...

C# Sort list while also returning the original index positions?

Hi, I'm interested in sorting a collection, but also returning an index which can be used to map to the original position in the collection (before the sort). Let me give an example to be more clear: List<int> A = new List<int>(){3,2,1}; List<int> B; List<int> idx; Sort(A,out B,out idx); After which: A = [3,2,1] B = [1,2,3] idx ...

Sorting a binary 2D matrix?

I'm looking for some pointers here as I don't quite know where to start researching this one. I have a 2D matrix with 0 or 1 in each cell, such as: 1 2 3 4 A 0 1 1 0 B 1 1 1 0 C 0 1 0 0 D 1 1 0 0 And I'd like to sort it so it is as "upper triangular" as possible, like so: 4 3 1 2 B 0 1 1 1 A 0 1 0 1 D 0 0 1 1 C 0 0 0 1 The row...

Linux Sort command

Hello, I would like to know which sorting algorithm the linux SORT command uses? ...