
rails will_paginate and sorting with page caching

Hi! I have a website where in the category 'show' action a list of products is shown. I successfully paginate with the will_paginate plugin and made this work with page caching by configuring my routes like Sean Behan does: But I would love to ...

Sorting arrays with cyclic compares (infinite loop?)

Hi, I have some objects that have 3 sorting options: quality, quatity and a compare against the other object, sorted by that order. - (NSComparisonResult) compare: (MyObject *) obj { if (self.quality > obj.quality) return NSOrderedAscending; else if (self.quality < obj.quality) return NSOrderedDescending; if (self.quantity > obj.quant...

Document score effecting the sort order of results, Lucene

Even after passing a sortfield, score of the document is effecting the sort order of the search results. Is there a way to make lucene to ignore the document score when a specific sort field is passed? For ex: DocId Score SortFieldA SortFieldB 1 23.0041 200906030800 Test 2 32.2774 200906020...

javascript sorting array of mixed strings and null values

When soritng an array made of a mix of strings, null values and zeros, i get the result not properly as exptected, null values seem to get sorted as if they were 'null' strings. I did this (tested on FireFox): var arr1 = arr2 = [null, "b", "c", "d", null, "e", 0, "g", null, 0, "h", "i", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "ne", "nur", "nimbus"]; ...

Sorting by "last name" in MySQL when "full name" has periods in it

I found this nifty little order by condition that sorts strings of the type "First Last" nicely, even handling "First Van Damn" properly. "SUBSTRING(, LOCATE(' ', +1) Now, I have some names in there like "Alfred E. Newman" and want the sorting to work properly for that name (ie it does not end up under E). Any help woul...

C or C++. How to compare two char * pointers

I am sorting my array of car two ways. one by year which is shown below. and another one by make. Make is a char* How do I compare char pointers? int i, j; for(i=0; i<100; i++){ for(j=0; j<100-i; j++){ if(carArray[i]!=NULL && carArray[j]!= NULL && carArray[j+1]!=NULL){ if(carArray[i]->year > carArray[j+1]->year...

C# basic Dictionary Ordering Just need to clear an error

I adjusted this more and came up with the following code and I think my only problem is how I instruct it to read from textbox1 and output into textbox2 with the sorting instructions. I've been fighting this for days off and on if someone could help me out, thanks! using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentM...

Why is using a POSIX character class in my regex pattern giving unexpected results?

I have encountered some strange Perl behavior: using a Posix character class in a regexp completely alters the sort order for the resulting strings. Here is my test program: sub namecmp($a,$b) { $a=~/([:alpha:]*)/; # $a=~/([a-z]*)/; $aword= $1; $b=~/([:alpha:]*)/; # $b=~/([a-z]*)/; $bword= $1; return $aword cmp $bword; ...

Python sorting - A list of objects

I'd like to use the somelist.sort() method to do this if possible. I have a list containing objects, all objects have a member variable resultType that is an integer. I'd like to sort the list using this number. How do I do this? Thanks! ...

Having minor problems with homework involving C bubble sort

It does not work. #include<stdio.h> void bubble_sort(int m, int a[100000]); void main() { int a[100000], i, m; FILE * be; be=fopen("be.txt","r"); // IMPORTANT! i pressed enter after last number in be.txt!!! for (i=0; !(feof(be)); ++i) fscanf(be,"%i", a+i); m=i-1; bubble_sort(m ,a); fclose(be); } void bubble_sort(int m, in...

PHP: sorting out in a smart coding way?

Hello. So i have this videosection, but i want to make a "sorting" option avaible for users. Sorting Options: ALL (no WHERE in the sql statement), Videoklips (WHERE SCtry = 0), SC try (WHERE SCtry = 1) Now, i know how to do it "my" way. I would have placed links on index.php: ?sort=video and ?sort=SCtry Then make 2, if sort video, if ...

In Haskell, how can I use the built in sortBy function to sort a list of pairs(tuple)?

I am a beginner in Haskell so please bear with me. (Just started learning yesterday!) How can I sort a list of tuples primarily by their first components (highest to smallest) and secondarily by their second components (smallest to highest)? A sample input/output would be: [(1, "b"), (1, "a"), (2, "b"), (2, "a")] (input) [(1, "a"), (2,...

How to sort divs according to their id using jQuery?

Hi, I have a set of divs with random ids: <div id="container"> <div id="2"></div> <div id="9"></div> <div id="7"></div> <div id="1"></div> <div id="4"></div> </div> Is there a fast way to sort them according to their id values using jQuery? Thank you. ...

Find a number in an array

I came up with 3 algorithms to attempt the above problem, but I am not sure which one is the best in terms of running time. I'm listing my ideas for the algorithms below and could really use some help to figure out the most efficient algorithm for this. Algo-1 I used selection sort and stopped it once the numbers are sorted. Algo-2 ...

Is there an O(n) integer sorting algorithm?

The last week I stumbled over this paper where the authors mention on the second page: Note that this yields a linear running time for integer edge weights. The same on the third page: This yields a linear running time for integer edge weights and O(m log n) for comparison-based sorting. And on the 8th page: In particular...

SortDictionary but sort by Value

Hi guys, How do you SortDictionary by value (.NET 2.0)? Or is there any alternative to this? I am trying to sort Tags just like in blogger. But I want to sort the Tags by number there were used, not by name? ...

When is the appropriate time to use Radix Sort?

What are the constraints on your data for you to be able to use Radix sort? If I'm sorting a large list of integers, would it be appropriate to use Radix sort? Why is Radix sort not used more? ...

Which C# Collection should I use for mutable and repeatable task management?

I find myself in a situation where I'm not sure which Collection would best suit my needs. I have a series of task objects that will be used in the following manner... The tasks will execute repeatedly during the application's runtime. The tasks will execute in a specific order based on the priority I assign each of them. (I don't c...

How do I move an array element with a known key to the end of an array in PHP?

Having a brain freeze over a fairly trivial problem. If I start with an array like this: $my_array = array( 'monkey' => array(...), 'giraffe' => array(...), 'lion' => array(...) ); ...and new elements might get added with different keys but always an array value. Now I can be s...

Sort on last name, first name, or both?

I have a dilemma that I've encountered before. What's the best in terms of usability when one displays personal names in a table? Should there be a single column for the name? If so, is "firstname lastname" or "lastname, firstname" preferable? Or would a column for "firstname" and a column for "lastname" be best? I'm thinking in terms of...