
How does Batcher Merge work at a high level?

I'm trying to grasp the concept of a Batcher Sort. However, most resources I've found online focus on proof entirely or on low-level pseudocode. Before I look at proofs, I'd like to understand how Batcher Sort works. Can someone give a high level overview of how Batcher Sort works(particularly the merge) without overly verbose pseudocode...

Alphabetize Arabic and Japanese text that is in Unicode?

Does anyone have any code for alphabetizing Arabic and Japanese text that is in Unicode? If the code was in ruby that would be great. ...

Implementing a client side sort on a page after loading

I am developing a web-app which displays a list of products(say 10 items) for the user. The user has the option to sort the result by price, brand etc. The data is loaded from the database and it is pretty small list. How do I do sort the results by their attributes, which is constant. Enlighten me on implementing the client side sorting...

Easiest Way to Sort a List of Words by Occurance

What is the best/easiest way to sort a large list of words (10,000-20,000) by the number of times they occur in the list, in Java. I tried a basic implementation but I get an out of memory runtime error, so I need a more efficient way. What would you suggest? ArrayList<String> occuringWords = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integ...

Mergesort to sort three input arrays

A Merge algorithm merges two sorted input arrays into a sorted output array, by repeatedly comparing the smallest elements of the two input arrays, and moving the smaller one of the two to the output. Now we need to merge three sorted input arrays (A1, A2, and A3) of the same length into a (sorted) output array, and there are two method...

php sort an object by two criteria?

Trying to sort this array of objects according to (1) depth and (2) weight, and am unsure how to modify the function I'm using to include this other level... I'm using this function: function cmp( $a, $b ) { if( $a->weight == $b->weight ){ return 0 ; } return ($a->weight < $b->weight) ? -1 : 1; } And then doing this: $menu = g...

MySQL sort on a calculation

Is it possible to sort on a calculation of 2 rows in mySQL? For example, I have 2 rows, lp and ap I'm trying to do something like this: SELECT * from myTbl WHERE 1 ORDER BY (lp/ap) Which isn't throwing an error, but its also not sorting by the results of that calculation. Is there a way to do this, or do I have to store lp/ap in the d...

Sorting list with jQuery

Hi I've got a small problem I'm struggling to solve. Let's say I've got an unordered list, like: <ul> <li> //first <div id="div1> text </div> </li> <li> //second <div id="div2> text </div> </li> <li> //third <div id="div3> text </div> </li> </ul> Is there an easy approach to change the ...

sorting elements in a stackpanel WPF

I have a stackpanel with some usercontrols that are added or removed during runtime. These elements have an index that i assign to them when i new them, I need to keep these elements sorted by that index so i wote a quicksort function that sorts them based on the index but on the line that does the swapping y = items[i]; //y ...

Sort characters in a string in UNIX

I would like to sort the characters in a string. e.g. echo cba | sort-command abc Is there a command that will allow me to do this or will I have to write an awk script to iterate over the string and sort it? Thanks ...

How to sort points in a Google maps polygon so that lines do not cross?

I am trying to make a map where a user can outline any shape they would like. But I am running into an issue where users can select points that will make the lines of the polygon cross and exclude area's that I would like to include. To see what i'm talking about go to this page and take the following steps: click 4 points to make ...

Map and Sort in one iteration in Javascript?

Is it possible to map an array to a new array and to sort it at the same time without iterating twice (once for the map on the first array and once for the sort on the second array)? I've been trying to sort it with an anonymous function when using the map method like this: var arr=[4,2,20,44,6]; var, index, a...

How to sort GUID's the SQL Server way using Delphi

In a project I am working on it would be nice if I can sort an in memory list of guids and compare against a SQL server table ordered by these same guids. Unfortunately when an ordered list is returned by SQL Server, the order is not immediately apparent. What would be the best way to sort this in memory list so that the order is the ...

Sort with two criteria, string ascending, int ascending

How can I perform a sort on two different criteria? For example, I have person objects like: Person with properties FirstName (string), LastName, and Rank (int). Example data like so: Xavier Smith 1 Alexander Smith 2 Alexander Smith 1 Bob Hawke 2 It should sort on FirstName alphabetically, then on rank, e.g. resulting: Al...

SimpleXML: Sort XML - Place XML Entries at the top

Im using SimpleXML to add new images childs for a slideshow tool on my website, the code is something like this: $xml_toload = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. '/xml/'.$country.'/compact.xml'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_toload); //This line will load the XML file. $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->asXML()); //In this line it create a S...

sorting vectors based on size()

i have a 2-d vector like vector < vector < coordinates > > v( points); where coordinates class is: class coordinate{ public : int x; int y; coordinate(){ x=0; y=0; } }; and points is 20. how to sort the individual vectors v[i] based on v[i].size() , ie based on number of coordinates objects pushed ...

Not A Simple Sorting

Hello! I hava a file, which consists of a one row: 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 6 , 4 ,... In this representation, spaces separate the integers and commas. This string is so huge that I can't read it with RandomAccessFile.readLine() (almost 4 Gb needed). So that I created a buffer, which can contain 10 integers. My task is to sort all integers i...

Sum value of elements inside of a div using jquery

I'm doing a sorting of a set of users, I have 4 groupings like so (2 shown): <div id="team1" class="groupWrapper"> <div id="p1" class="groupItem"><div class="itemHeader"><div class="first">John</div><div class="skill">15</div></div></div> <div id="p2" class="groupItem"><div class="itemHeader"><div class="first">Luke</div><div class=...

How-to map process to an Hypercube using MPI_CART

Hi, I am trying to implement bitonic sorting using MPI for 2^n processors. I would like to use an n-dimensional hypercube to do so for convenience. Using MPI_Cart_Create I can create self-organising dimensions. Doing so will maximize efficiency of my process and also reduce the number of LOC I have to spit to get it done.. Googling AND...

Sorting only using the less-than operator compared to a trivalue compare function

In C++/STL sorting is done by using only the less-than operator. Altough I have no idea how the sorting algorithms are actually implemented, I assume that the other operations are created implicite: a > b *equals* b < a == true a == b *equals* !(a < b) && !(b < a) Compared to using a trivalue* compare function, like for example Java, ...