
UNIX sort: Sorting something from the clipboard

The other day I saw a colleague of mine using sort to sort a number of lines he copied from a text file. I've been trying to reproduce it myself and I cannot seem to find how. The requirements are as follow: Use sort from command line, plus whatever else you need to add to configure input Paste the text to be sorted from the clipboar...

Defining < for STL sort algorithm - operator overload, functor or standalone function?

I have a stl::list containing Widget class objects. They need to be sorted according to two members in the Widget class. For the sorting to work, a less-than comparator comparing two Widget objects must be defined. There seems to be a myriad of ways to do it. From what I can gather, one can either: a. Define a comparison operator overl...

Ruby: Why is Array.sort slow for large objects?

A colleague needed to sort an array of ActiveRecord objects in a Rails app. He tried the obvious Array.sort! but it seemed surprisingly slow, taking 32s for an array of 3700 objects. So just in case it was these big fat objects slowing things down, he reimplemented the sort by sorting an array of small objects, then reordering the orig...

DDD: Trying to code sorting and filtering as it pertains to Poco, Repository, DTO, and DAO using C#?

I get a list of items from my Repository. Now I need to sort and filter them, which I believe would be done in the Repository for efficiency. I think there would be two ways of doing this in a DDD way: Send a filter and a sort object full of conditions to the Repository (What is this called)? Repository result would produce an object...

container won't sort, test case included, (easy question?)

I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I think it might be one of the Rule of Three methods. Codepad link #include <deque> //#include <string> //#include <utility> //#include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> //#include <algorithm> // I use sort(), so why does this still compile when commented out? #include <b...

Optimizing sorting container of objects with heap-allocated buffers - how to avoid hard-copying buffers?

I was making sure I knew how to do the op= and copy constructor correctly in order to sort() properly, so I wrote up a test case. After getting it to work, I realized that the op= was hard-copying all the data_. I figure if I wanted to sort a container with this structure (its elements have heap allocated char buffer arrays), it'd be fa...

MySQL Query order by numer of rows?

I have a mysql table for votes. there's an id, a project_id and a vote field (which is 1 if a specific project is voted). now i want to generate a ranking from those entries. is there a way to get the number of votes for each project_id and automatically sort the entries by the number of TRUE votes of a project with a single mysql query?...

MySql query problem with prev/next selection and mutiple columns sorting

here's my table products_tb for products: --------------------------------------- | product_id | prod_name | cat_id | --------------------------------------- | 112 | Zumar | 3 | | 131 | Xerox | 2 | | 143 | Dan | 1 | | 145 | Alan | 1 | | 195 | ...

Fastest way to sort files

Hi, I have a huge text file with lines like: -568.563626 159 33 -1109.660591 -1231.295129 4.381508 -541.181308 159 28 -1019.279615 -1059.115975 4.632301 -535.370812 155 29 -1033.071786 -1152.907805 4.420473 -533.547101 157 28 -1046.218277 -1063.389677 4.423696 What I want is to sort the file, depending on the ...

sort associative array in awk - help?

Hi all, I have an associative array in awk that gets populated like this... chr_count[$3]++ When I try to print my chr_counts I use this: for (i in chr_count) { print i,":",chr_count[i]; } But not surprisingly, the order of i is not sorted in any way. Is there an easy way to iterate over the sorted "keys" of chr_count? ...

question about sorting

Bubble sort is O(n) at best, O(n^2) at worst, and its memory usage is O(1) . Merge sort is always O(n log n), but its memory usage is O(n). Which algorithm we would use to implement a function that takes an array of integers and returns the max integer in the collection, assuming that the length of the array is less than 1000. What if ...

Sorting a multidimensional array in objective-c

Hello, I'm trying to sort a multidimensional array in objective-c i know that i can sort a single dimensional array using the line of code below: NSArray *sortedArray = [someArray sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; I can't seem to figure out how to sort a 2D array like the one below: ( ("SOME_URL", "SOME_...

What is the easiest way to swap items inside an array (Actionscript 2.0)

I have an array that I want to sort based on the value of one of the values in the array. The way I want to sort it is to evenly distribute the value I am searching for throughout the resulting array. For example - Original array = [a,b,c,d,1,2,3,4] I want to achieve - [a,1,b,2,c,3,d,4] I can work out when to insert the numbers (tota...

Formula needed: Sort array to array-"zig-zag"

I have the following array: a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] I use it for some visual stuff like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Now I want to sort the array like this to have a "zig-zag" when rendering later. // rearrange the array according to this schema 1 3 6 10 2 5 9 13 4 8 12 15 7 1...

Formula needed: Sort array to array-"snaked"

After the you guys helped me out so gracefully last time, here is another tricky array sorter for you. I have the following array: a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] I use it for some visual stuff and render it like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Now I want to sort the array to have a "snake" l...

Sort objects and polymorphism

Suppose I have a class A. And B and C are child of A. Class A has a generic algorithm for sorting arrays of type A, so that I could use it for B and C without writing again the algorithm for each. In the algorithm, sometimes I have to swap. The problem is that I can only see the objects as type A, and if I do: A aux = array[i] array[...

[UNIX] Sort lines of massive file by number of words on line (ideally in parallel)

I am working on a community detection algorithm for analyzing social network data from Facebook. The first task, detecting all cliques in the graph, can be done efficiently in parallel, and leaves me with an output like this: 17118 17136 17392 17064 17093 17376 17118 17136 17356 17318 12345 17118 17136 17356 17283 17007 17059 17116 E...

Javascript object list sorting by object property

I need to do this: (sorry not in javascript syntax-still learning object language :) ) object=car attibutes:top-speed, brand.... now I want to sort the list of those cars in order by top-speed, brand... How do I do this (please note the solution must be javascript only, no php or other stuff) ? ...

Quicksort vs heapsort

Both quicksort and heapsort do in-place sorting. Which is better? What are the applications and cases in which either is preferred? ...

User sumbitted top 5 and sort by popularity

Hi, Database setup (MySQL) table: top_fives id, uid, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, creation_date 1, 1, cheese, eggs, ham, bacon, ketchup, 2010-03-17 2, 2, mayonaise, cheese, ketchup, eggs, bacon, 2010-03-17 Users can submit their top 5 of a certain subject. Now I would like a summary of the top fiv...