
AOP based object injection fails for class name starting with lower case.

I am doing object injection using AOP. There exists a class which starts with samllcase (testClass) wherein the object is not getting injected. I converted the file name (legacy class) so that it starts with capital case (TestClass) and updated references in AOP.xml and spring-beans.xml containing the bean definitions and it it started ...

java scheduler

Which is the best way to run a process in scheduler. I can either do it crontab or Spring-Batch. Any other better option? ...

Spring - How to load a new hierarchical context?

Hello, Has anyone tried loading multiple hierarchical contexts (parent/child) using Spring? Could you explain how to do that as I could not locate enough documentation on this? Thanks in advance. ...

Unable to publish web app: SpringSource Tool Suite problem?

I have an existing, fully functional Spring web application based on Spring 2.5.6 - developed using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0.SR1. Because I'd like to use REST I decided to upgrade to Spring 3.0.0.M4. After editing the dependencies in pom.xml and changing my code to reflect the API changes in Spring 3.0 I tried to publish my web app...

Spring-MVC is adding on an extra .jsp extention to the URL a user enters

The error message I get is description The requested resource (/gradebook/WEB-INF/jsp/hello.jsp.jsp) is not available. I have a WEB-INF/jsp directory that contains hello.jsp Spring appears to be adding the jsp extension and I can't figure out why. I've pasted my web.xml and my gradebook-servlet.xml below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="U...

what exactly runs the quarz cron job in spring?

Hi! good people. i'm trying to use quartz with spring in a very simple project managed by maven.So in the module in which the mycron job class is i included a java main class to it just to see the job output some text and new date. here is my spring config: <!--Scheduling--> <!--Job--> <bean id="projUpdater" class="org.springframewo...

Spring - Weird Error in Bean Creation

Any idea why I am getting this exception? Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'myService' defined in class path resource [context.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type...

Spring Dispatcher Servlet not working

I am trying to create a a simple Spring dispatcher Servlet as a base for my application. I want to initialize logging and security in the controller and then redirect the user to my application. I have tried several examples from the net, but it is not working. Please share with me a complete code so that I could try it. I do not want a...

Hibernate query by example (from Spring 3)

I've made my entity classes Adress, Road and County. A Road is in a County and an Adress in on a Road. I would like to list all the Adresses in a County. Therefore, in my AdressService I say: public List<Adress> AllAdresses(County county) { Adress adress = new Adress(); Road road = new Road(); road.setCounty(county); adress.setR...

Spring - StackOverflowError in Bean creation

Hello, I am getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext at org.springframework.test.context.TestContext.getApplicationContext(TestContext.java:203) at org.springframework.test.context.support.DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.injectDependencies(DependencyInjectionTestExe...

Proper way to set up transactions in Spring for different data sources?

I have an application which needs to connect to multiple databases. This is an administrative application which is basically used to manage entries in different databases - we do not need to access multiple databases simultaneously nor do we need any sort of distributed transaction management. Basically one area of the application lets ...

How to load/access a bean (@Resource) in a custom Velocity tool

I realize this is a slightly funky thing to need to do, but I'm trying to access my Spring messageSource bean from a custom Velocity tool. In most of our codebase, I'm able to just set up a member variable and load it like this: @Resource(name = "messageSource") private AbstractMessageSource _msgSource; However, in this circumstance,...

Form based login while also applying REST principles

I am a Spring/JavaEE web programmer and am starting to investigate the principles of REST for future web applications, but I can't figure out how to do usable logins. For a Web API it makes sense, but what about end user facing web applications? I have looked into the HTTP Basic/Digest Authentication but that only produces an ugly dialog...

where can i get the spring framework 3.0 distribution?

has anyone been able to download the spring framework 3.0.0.M4 release from the spring source site... (or can you provide an alternative download page)? http://www.springsource.org/download am I missing something..., the site is giving me the runaround... when i get to the "Spring Community Downloads" page and choose spring from the L...

Spring context loading problem in Osgi

Hi, I'm using Spring's FileSystemXmlApplicationContext in Osgi activator. Unfortunately, it doesn't load any bean from the provided XML files. I'm sure that it finds the xml configuration files, because I was testing with incorrect name of my xml configuration file, and it threw an FileNotFoundException. Here is a snippet from my cod...

Eclipse PDE Ant Build Script Generation Failing Due to Binary Cycles

I'm trying to compile down a set of plug-ins (ultimately OSGi bundles) into a feature using Eclipse PDE tools. I have a custom Target Platform based on the Spring framework. When I export the feature through Eclipse's Export Wizard the feature builds successfully, however, when I try to generate an Ant build script from the feature.xml...

How can I mix and match custom Spring schema types with traditional Spring schema types?

Let's say I have a class Person with properties name and age, and it can be configured with Spring like so: <beans:bean id="person" class="com.mycompany.Person"> <beans:property name="name" value="Mike"/> <beans:property name="age" value="38"/> </beans:bean> I'd like to have a custom Spring schema element for it, which is easy to ...

Plugin Style architecture vs Mavenised Component Style

Which is a better approach to build Java Spring Web Application 1) Plugin Style architecture Ex : Blojsom 2) Component based architecture something like developing features as maven dependents Also can anyone suggest a good plugin style application for reference ...

Java Spring Modular Application Design

Any good resources to learn about designing a good java spring modular application. ...

Spring-Flex BlazeDs Multi-User + Global Chat Messaging

I'm working on an application that allows users to send internal message to one-another. I'll tell you what the current setup is and please help me figure out how to make it work or perhaps suggest another angle to take. We're using BlazeDS with Spring. User A listens for messages on message topic Chat.A User B listens for messages on...