
incompatible types found: required: default enums in annotations

[javac] C:\ws\galileo\test\Cacheable.java:13: incompatible types [javac] found : com.io.CacheType [javac] required: com.io.CacheType [javac] public CacheType id() default CacheType.COMMON; I really don't get this one. I have a project where I'm custom building a caching interceptor for Spring. It simply is a look by cache name to p...

application-context.xml problem for Spring ActionScript

content of The application-content.xml is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <objects xmlns="http://www.springactionscript.org/schema/objects" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springactionscript.org/schema/objects http://www.springac...

Which one of the java spring books to start?

I am currently dealing with java spring framework and i have two good books to start but i dont know which one to go first? I have beginner knowladge about spring by the way. Spring in Action Spring Recipies ...

Spring IoC: What about serialization?

Hi StackOverflow! I am just in the middle of the development of a new software component involving the Spring Framework. I like it but now i have a question regarding IoC and serialization. Given i have this class (Omitted imports and package declaration): public class EMailNotificationEndpoint implements NotificationEndpoint { priv...

Spring - Ways to include a jar which itself is using Spring in a Spring project

I need to use some 3rd party jar in my project. The project is a Spring project and the jar is also using Spring. Is there a way by which I can include the 3rd party jar in my project? I am finding it difficult to find each and every dependency of the 3rd part jar and inject it. ...

Spring not finding Hibernate mappings file.

Hey guys, So I am taking Enunciate for a spin and have run into an issue when my servlet starts up. For some reason, despite the file being there, in the classpath, and everything being specified correctly, Spring tells me the following: 09-15@15:36:31 ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Context initialization failed ...

Spring - When should I consider loading another context in same JVM?

I was just thinking that when should I actually consider loading more than one application contexts in Spring? All so far I have been merging the context files with <include> such that only one application context loads up. Do you have an idea about when to go for more than one application contexts in the same JVM? ...

Command Objects in Spring

I have a command object composed of primitive fields and an object field. How do I bind my form fields to the fields in the object? I tried doing this but to no avail <form:form commandName="course" method="POST"> <form:input path="activity.activity"/> . . . </form:form> I get this error org.springfr...

Getting the correct Hibernate template in a generic Spring CRUD DAO

Hi, I'm still quite new to Spring, and I've found it to irritating making all these CRUD DAOs, so I've made a "public class GenericCRUDDAO extends HibernateDaoSupport implements CRUDDAO". In my service objects I then simply say something like private GenericCRUDDAO<User, Integer> userDAO = new GenericCRUDDAO<User, Integer>(); and no m...

Java: DBunitils + Spring: Different Hibernate-Dialect

I currently use spring for depency injection. Hibernate uses a postgres dialect for the normal run, but I want to use HSQL for the DBUnitils Databank-Testing. My Spring-Configuration contains this: <!-- Hibernate session factory --> <bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springfram...

What alternatives exist to Spring Batch to handle queued jobs?

I have been looking in to Spring Batch to solve a batch processing scenario with huge amount of data involved in each job. Are there any other solutions that compete with Spring Batch? To be used in a JEE environment. ...

spring enabled web application

Hello gud fellas in my quest of learning spring, i created a web application with netbeans 6.7 in windows xp sp2.i've noticed some and have few question about that. 1 my applicationContext.xml config file is in WEB-INF and my test class cannot find it.i had a copy of it in source package under default package and i can be found.Isn't WE...

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceededwhen using Spring SimpleJDBCCall

We are using Spring SimpleJdbcCall to call stored procedures in Oracle that return cursors. It looks like SimpleJdbcCall isn't closing the cursors and after a while the max open cursors is exceeded. ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded spring The...

Validating Connection Before Handing over to WebApp in ConnectionPooling

I have connection pooling implemented in spring using Oracle Data Source. Currently we are facing an issue where connections are becoming invalid after a period of time. (May be Oracle is dropping those idle connections after a while). Here are my questions: Can Oracle database be configured to drop idle connections automatically after...

hibernate createSQLQuery bulk insert

i try to execute these 3 statements, 1 and 2 success, but when reach 3 statement, i get error, is it because i trying to insert into same table during statement 2 and cause statement 3 fail? by the way, all 3 statement is inside one @spring transaction session.createSQLQuery(" select groupid from group_ where groupid = 888880005").exec...

Dynamic Forms in Spring

I am trying to make a dynamic form using Spring forms. Basically, the form gets a title of learning activity and then there's the a button below it that says, "Add one more Learning Activity". This makes it possible for the user to add one more learning activity. I want him to be able to add as much as he likes. I haven't tried this be...

spring ioc and JSR168 Portlets

Is it possible to do dependency injection using spring into a jsr168 Portlet? ...

Runtime dependency injection with Spring

My current project is leveraging Spring, and our architect has decided to let Spring manage Services, Repositories and Factory objects, but NOT domain objects. We are closely following domain driven design. The reasoning behind not using spring for domain objects is primarily that spring only allows static dependency injection. What i me...

Component controller in Spring-MVC

I am designing a web application that requires loading multiple components on a single page. (In terms of page layout is similar to Google reader) I like to keep these components separate from each other (for reasons such as reusability). For example, I have a left panel that let's user navigate among multiple feeds that he's subscribed...

same bean id on different xml file, will it merge?

i'm reading liferay source code and found out that 2 xml files using same bean-id. will all the properties merge together if using this way? dynamic-data-spring ---------------------- <bean id="liferayDataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy"> <property name="targetDataSource"> ...