how did you put the magnifying glass and "search" in the search box in stackoverflow?

Assuming it is possible with just CSS...but wanted to know if someone could share the code. Guessing magnifying glass is background image, but need javascript to remove "search" on focus. do you get it to submit when hitting "return" rather than needing a "search" submit button? Thanks! ...

Is it appropriate to ask for subjective input on self-taught homework code?

I'm teaching myself Java, and it's (effectively) my first programming language. Sometimes when I complete an exercise I wonder if I've done things in the right way. For example, perhaps I write a little program that successfully copies a file. Have I dealt appropriately with the things that can go wrong? Is my code unusual, or hard...

How to implement a reputation system like Stack Overflow?

I've been looking into implementing a Stackoverflow-like site (for a completely different area of knowledge) for a little bit now, and I have a question on what people think is the best way to implement reputation for a system like this. Of course, that's a broad topic, so here are some specific questions that I have: Calculation of R...

How would I implement stackoverflow's hovering dialogs?

I am in love with stackoverflow's single-color "click-to-close' hovering dialog boxes that greet a user when they try to vote and aren't logged in or use the site incorrectly. Any idea how and/or what technology Jeff used to implement these neat little devices? EDIT: I'm specifically talking about the SQUARE dialog boxes that say "Cli...

How to search StackOverflow for string containing < and > characters?

Is it possible to search StackOverflow for a string containing < and > characters? I'm trying to find questions relating to Where<T> but get told there are no results for WhereT. This makes it difficult to find information on questions relating to C# generics. ...

How to calculate "views"?

What is a reasonable, efficient, and fair method to calculate page views? For example, how does Stack Overflow compute question views? I thought that Stack Overflow computes views per registered user. However, this question has 198,000 views and there are 56,000 registered users in Stack Overflow (go to users page, 1604 pages, 35 users...

Auto Generated Avatars on Stack Overflow

Possible Duplicate of How do you generate that default avatar in Stackoverflow? Is there a name for the type of geometric based unique avatars that are generated for users of Stack Overflow? I'm interested in the method for generating the patterns and if this is a area of study out side of Gravatars. ...

Stack Overflow Windows 7 Search Connector

How do I write a Windows 7 Search Connector for Stack Overflow? ...

How to clone StackOverFlow JQuery Interface?

Is there any opensource samples of JQuery usages of StackOverFlow-like sites...... Any help in this direction?? ...

how does Stack Overflow show interactive character limits?

How does Stack Overflow show interactive character limits? Like when editing comments, it shows you how many characters you have left, as well as warning if it is too few. I'd like that exact functionality in my Ruby on Rails... But not sure how to do it? ...

How does OpenID delegation work on the Relying Party? Have the specs changed recently?

Consider this scenario. I have my own website, that I use as my identifier, but I use a third-party OpenID provider (in my case yahoo), as described here, to login on Relying Party (RP) websites such stackoverflow and sourceforge. It seemed to be a wise move: I am not locked in with an OpenID provider, since if/when yahoo will not of...

How do I see a list of unanswered questions tagged with several selected tags?

Hi, At the right side of the screen when you choose to see the unanswered questions there's a list of tags, and clicking one of those will get you to a URL such as: which shows all unanswered questions with those that are tagged with the one you selected highlighted in orange. I was won...

Using OpenID to prove Stackoverflow membership

Here's the deal: -Flair pretty much demands a Facebook app -I'm working on learning the Facebook platform Therefore, I've written a dinky little Facebook app to embed your Flair into a box on the side of your profile. If you're interested and on Facebook; beware that this is very much a work in progress, prone to change and has a whole...

What Markdown c# library should I use?

I want to build a simple cms and I would able to allow the user to input the text with the Markdown syntax (as StackOveflow). There's a c# open sourced library I can use? ...

Captcha algorithm

I've notised that Stack Overflow only presents me with a captcha occasionally. Does anyone know if it has a good algorithm for sensing if I might be a robot or, instead if it's just random. Reducing reliance on captchas is obviously a good thing. ...

Stackoverflow Related questions algorithm

The related questions that appear after entering the title, and those that are in the right side bar when viewing a question seem to suggest very apt questions. Stackoverflow only does a SQL search for it and uses no special algorithms, said Spolsky in a talk. What algorithms exist to give good answers in such a case. How do U do datab...

Importance of community recognitions and credits of a developer in his career

Hi, Many fellow developers and software engineers largely participate in developer communities like stackoverflow, codeproject, msdn forums and many more recognized ones. Communities like stackoverflow and many other have recognition and credit programmes for the contributing end-users. Do you think when you next time apply for a job, ...

What control is used on StackOverflow to display posts?

Hi guys, I am building a site in ASP.NET MVC. I intend to replicate the way StackOverflow displays its posts. Are these guys using a repeater control in ASP.NET MVC? I do want complete control on the markup rendered, but I also want pagination. What is the best approach in such a case. ...

How to track that a user visited the site each day for X days?

There is a new badge on Stack Overflow. The "woot" badge is awarded to users visited the site each day for 30 days. How can you implement a feature like this? How can you track that a user visited the site each day for X days in the simplest way? I thought of having two fields--one for the timestamp of the last login, and another to cou...

I want to develop a web site like StackOverflow, but I've never done anything for web. How can I do this?

I have an idea for a web site that's is similar to StackOverFlow. In other words, a place to make questions and to obtain answers, but for a different subject area of StackOverflow. I have good skills with delphi for win 32 and some with Firebird and something in Java. Nothing for web. The problem is that I don't know how to plan this, ...