
Access DB2 database in standalone Java project

I need to access DB2 database in plain standalone Java project. I cannot use datasource from container right? Do I need to write JDBC connection? ...

Kick off deamonized service using djangos custom command?

I got a custom command in my reusable django app which I want to kick off a deamonized service and then return, leaving the service running. I've implemented my service as a simple class with a start-method. When start is called it runs in an eternal loop, sleeping for 10 seconds, then using the django orm to check the database configur...

Django standalone run in cron

I want to run automatic newsletter function in my crontab, but no matter what I try - I cannot make it work. What is the proper method for doing this ? This is my crontab entry : 0 */2 * * * PYTHONPATH=/home/muntu/rails python2.6 /home/muntu/rails/project/ And the file, which is located in the top folder of ...

PHP on windows and signal handling

Hello, I have a standalone PHP script and I would handle signal sent from Windows OS to do a graceful shutdown when "kill signal" is issued. Do you know what to do that on Windows OS? Thank's in advance. Regards, Alberto ...

How can i pass command line arguments to a standalone MATLAB executable running on linux/unix?

How can i pass command line arguments to a standalone MATLAB executable running on Linux/UNIX? I need to compile my MATLAB script as a standalone file that can be run on a machine without matlab present. It needs to be able to work in a way similar to C's argv[], where you do the following: COMMAND LINE: myfile argument1.txt argument2...

In order to 'learn' programming, which is better? web-development or traditional console/standalone app. development?

The traditional approach to teaching computer science focuses on standalone application development. That is how I (and I suspect most SO readers) learned how to do it, but I am wondering if that is in fact the best way to learn how to be a good developer. I was wondering what others on SO think about this, is standalone development exp...

Best way to make standalone chromeless browser with nothing else

I'm making an html autorun, loading it with default browser has lots of issues, rendering inconsistencies, and more issues when it's loaded internet explorer like users has to click on allow at the top when some javascript is loaded etc. What is the best solution to create a small standalone app with just a full browser control in it whi...

What technologies exist to create stand alone executables for Python 3?

Other than cx_Freeze, are there any other current maintained tool suites to generate stand alone executables for Python 3k? Are there any other techniques for minimizing preinstallation requirements under Windows? ...

How to use Google scholar in Java desktop application ?

I want to build a desktop application for search paper on www. In my application i want used google scholar as search engine , but when i find on Internet have a exampel but in PHP . So can you give solution to buid desktop application by java use google scholar Thanks ...

Using Launchpad "Bugs" (aka Malone) standalone - HOW?

I'm setting up a problem tracking system for a client and I'd like to use Malone to do it. The system has be be completely private, so I can't simply buy space on and ignore all the other parts of the Launchpad Suite - I need to download the software and install it elsewhere. I've seen so...

MySQL 64 bits? Stand alone?

To extent my understanding on MySQL. 1) Is going for 64bit help? Do I go with installation or stand alone? 2) If I am going to use 64-bit in MySQL Community Service, will it affect the MySQL Workbench which only available in 32-bit? If yes, in what sense? 3) Does the size of the file affect the speed of MySQL when doing calculation, a...

embedded Tomcat 6 - shut down after start

Hi, I wanna use an embedded Tomcat V6. The code works perfectly, but only as long as the programm is running. So if there is no Thread.Sleep it will exit immediately, otherwiese keep on running till the time is up. How can I keep the emmbedded Tomcat alive. setAwait(true) should deal with this, shouldn't it? But i does not work. Tried ...

I need the best solution for stand alone "web" app

Hi All Firstly, i'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to web dev, so please bear with me :) I have a client that has the following requirements: Require a stand alone web form (in html) to submit to a script and append the details to a csv or xls file Must work without any connection to the internet Must be easy to set up (i.e have...

How to compile standalone scala

Just starting to learn scala.. I can't seem to figure out how to compile something into a standalone application. I think I almost have a working .jar file, but keep getting a Main-Class error even though it's in the manifest, ...

standalone jar lags

when i'm running my project in eclipse, it works fine, when i export it as standalone jar it lags. i'm using the same vmargs, tried 3 different export settings in eclipse, nothing seems to help ...

spring 3 autowire in standalone application

Here is my code: public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Main p = new Main(); p.start(args); } @Autowired private MyBean myBean; private void start(String[] args) { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("META-INF/config.xml"); ...

standalone java webservice client

Hi, I am new to webservices in general. I am trying to write a Java stand-alone client which can get a response back from a webservice. I tried searching SO and Google but now I got more confused. The below are the links I went through extensively.

Any script for compiling Java server like apps into crossplatform executables?

Possible Duplicate: How do I create executable Java program? Windows, mac, lin. I want to be capable of compiling my app consisting of HSQLDB (I have it as stand alone server but inside my app), Hibernate, some of my classes, Spring and BlazeDS into stand alone executables. Howtodosuch thing? ...