
Calling "start" to start program and "stop" to close current instance in C

I wrote a simple server in C and would like to have the same functionality calling it as other C daemons (such as calling it with ./ftpd start and closing that instance with ./ftpd stop). Obviously the problem I'm having is that I do not know how to grab the current instance of the running program. I can parse the options just fine (usin...

Process.Start does not recognize my executable file ?

Currently I am using the below code to start my application (which is working): ProcessStartInfo myApp = new ProcessStartInfo(); myApp.FileName = "cmd.exe"; myApp.Arguments = @"/K D:\dir\file.bin additional args to raise app"; myApp.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; myApp.CreateNoWindow = true; try { Process.Start(myApp); } ...

glassfish asadmin error

Hi: I am trying to start the GlassFish Server from the command line: I typed in the following command: asadmin start-domain -verbose or asadmin start-domain domain1 or asadmin start-domain I'm looking over the error output. I see this first: C:\Program Files\Sun\ SDK\domains\domai...