Does VBScript have a substring() function?
Is there a substring() function in VBScript similar to Java's string.substring()? ...
Is there a substring() function in VBScript similar to Java's string.substring()? ...
I need to check to see if a string contains at least one number in it using Ruby (and I assume some sort of regex?). How would I do that? ...
I'm trying to parse command line arguments in an F# application. I'm using pattern matching over parameters list to accomplish it. Something like: let rec parseCmdLnArgs = function | [] -> { OutputFile = None ; OtherParam = None } | "/out" :: fileName :: rest -> let parsedRest = parseCmdLnArgs rest ...
I'm aware there are several XML libaries out there, but unfortunately, I am unable to use them for a school project I am working on. I have a program that created this XML file. <theKey> <theValue>23432</theValue> </theKey> What I am trying to do is parse out "23432" between the tags. However, there are random tags in the file so ...
Pretty simple question I need to get an integer from the user and I only know how to get a string from them. So if there is a way to get an integer from the user or to convert the string to an integer please let me know. ...
Encountered this problem before but forgot how I solved it. I want to use the STL string class but the complier is complaining about not finding it. Here is the complete .h file. #ifndef MODEL_H #define MODEL_H #include "../shared/gltools.h" // OpenGL toolkit #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string> #include <iostream> ...
Hi is it possible to cut string like this: String in "data" columns: ,123,456 Cut the first character i.e "," (comma). So the query is something like: Update users set data = cut first string... ...
Is there an existing class in C# that can convert Quoted-Printable encoding to String? Click on the above link to get more information on the encoding. The following is quoted from the above link for your convenience. Any 8-bit byte value may be encoded with 3 characters, an "=" followed by two hexadecimal digits (0–9 or A–F) ...
Hi, I am confused about this code: ( while (*s++ = *t++); What is the order of execution? Is *s = *t first done, and then are they each incremented? Or other way around? Thanks. EDIT: And what if it was: while(*(s++) = *(t++)); and while(++*s = ++*t); ...
I would like to format integers as professional looking currency strings. For example: 1200000 -> $1.2 million 456 -> $456.00 Do you know a good library for this, ideally with localization to handle European formats. ...
i'm trying to create a map of word==>drow, like polindrom... the problem is at the final level at "strtok"... first i split it, then in subsequent call when doing strtok(NULL," "); it works ok. the problem is when i add the second string "poly_buffer"... seems it works on it.... #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> ...
Given the following XML: <table> <col width="12pt"/> <col width="24pt"/> <col width="12pt"/> <col width="48pt"/> </table> How can I convert the width attributes to numeric values that can be used in mathematical expressions? So far, I have used substring-before to do this. Here is an example template (XSLT 2.0 only) that shows...
How can you return an array value (witch is a number) as a string? Current code: return [numbers objectAtIndex:row]; Have also tried: return @"%@", [numbers objectAtIndex:row]; With no luck.. Thanks :) PS: Yes, I am stupid. (: ...
This problem has bugged me for years, and I always feel like I'm coming up with a hack when there's a much better solution. The issue at hand occurs when you want to do something to all items in a list and then add something inbetween those items. In short, I want to: Do something to every item in the list. Do something else to all b...
So the GetWindowText is declared on MSDN as follows: int GetWindowText( HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpString, int nMaxCount ); However for the code to work we have to declare the second parameter as TCHAR[255] WTitle; and then call the function GetWindowText(hWnd,Wtitle,255); The LPTSTR is a pointer to an array of tchar, so...
a) string s = "value"; string s1 = "value"; Do s and s1 reference variables point to same string object ( I’m assuming this due to the fact that strings are immutable )? b) I realize equality operators ( ==, > etc ) have been redefined to compare the values of string objects, but is the same true when comparing two s...
I'm trying to write some Chinese characters to a text file using Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set outputFile = myFSO.OpenTextFile(getOutputName(Argument, getMsiFileName(Wscript.Arguments)), forWriting, True) outputFile.WriteLine( s ) variable s contains Chinese character that I read from other file. I echo ...
So, I’m working on a plain-C (ANSI 9899:1999) project, and am trying to figure out where to get started re: Unicode, UTF-8, and all that jazz. Specifically, it’s a language interpreter project, and I have two primary places where I’ll need to handle Unicode: reading in source files (the language ostensibly supports Unicode identifiers a...
I would like to split a string into a String[] using a String as a delimiter. String delimit = "[break]"; String[] tokens = myString.Split(delimit); But the method above only works with a char as a delimiter. Any takers? ...
If I have various strings that have text followed by whitespace followed by text, how can I parse the substring beginning with the first character in the second block of text? For example: If I have the string: "stringA stringB" How can I extract the substring "stringB" The strings are of various lengths but will all be of...