
C++ Reading file Tokens

Hi, another request sorry.. Right now I am reading the tokens in one by one and it works, but I want to know when there is a new line.. if my file contains Hey Bob Now should give me Hey Bob [NEW LINE] NOW Is there a way to do this without using getline? ...

Splitting String C++

Hi in C++ if i have a string, how can I split this into tokens? ...

C++ I'm stuck filling this BST with its proper values

Hi, I have created a BST full of WordInfo objects that have a vector to point out which of the other WordInfo objects is a synonym or antonym. Each word is identified by an integer on its source file, dictionary.txt. The BST has received so far its list of words, but I have trouble filling in the synonyms. To put it bluntly, I'm pretty c...

Impersonating users to access hives - various methods, what are the practical issues?

I am designing a Service to run under LocalSystem account on Win2000, XP and Vista. It will need access to users registry hives, sometimes for extended periods of time, both when the users are logged-in, and also, when they are not logged-in (IF the profile is local. If the profile is Roaming and not loaded, I will not attempt to load it...

What is the difference: LoadUserProfile -vs- RegOpenCurrentUser

These two APIs are very similar but it is unclear what the differences are and when each should be used (Except that LoadUserProfile is specified for use with CreateProcessAsUser which I am not using. I am simply impersonating for hive accesss). LoadUserProfile RegOpenCurrent...

How do I alter this tokenization process to work on a text file with multiple lines?

Hi; I'm working this source code: #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> int main() { std::string str = "The quick brown fox"; // construct a stream from the string std::stringstream strstr(str); // use stream it...

WCF Authentication with custom ClientCredentials: What is the clientCredentialType to use?

I had to ditch the basic WCF UserName/Pwd security and implement my own custom client credentials to hold some more info beyond what is provided by default. I worked throughthis MSDN article, but I'm missing something because it doesn't work. First, I have some custom ClientCredentials that provide a custom ClientCredentialsSecurityTok...

Display String Tokens

I have String tokens separated by $$ which are list of particulars which are further separated by comma (e.g. Peter Adams,255 Jhonson Street, NY,74322 $$ Mary Luther,54 Eglinton Ave.,Mississauga,ON L5A1W6) I want to display above in following way Name : Peter Adams Addr :255 Jhonson Street City : NY Pincode :74322 Name : Mary Luther A...

How to use device tokens in different ways in iphone?

Hi, In my application i am going to use pushNotification. So in that case how can i use device tokens in different ways? Let me elaborate more on this side. Whenever i run my application at that time Device token will be generated,if i go for running the application again and again in the same device than it will generate the same dev...

Querying lucene tokens without indexing

I am using Lucene (or more specifically Compass), to log threads in a forum and I need a way to extract the keywords behind the discussion. That said, I don't want to index every entry someone makes, but rather I'd have a list of 'keywords' that are relevant to a certain context and if the entry matches a keyword and is above a threshold...

will APNS generate new device token every time for a single device?

I want to know that does apple's Push Notification Server generate new device token every time when requesting from a same device? ...

Bash loop - tokenize on lines rather than words

I'm writing a script to do variable substitution into a Java properties file, of the format name=value. I have a source file, source.env like this: TEST_ENV_1=test environment variable one TEST_ENV_2= #this is a comment with an equal sign=blah TEST_ENV_3=/var/log/test/env/2.log My script will replace eve...

C Programming: Preprocessor, macros as tokens

Hi, I'm trying to do something that is conceptually similar to this, but can't seem to get it to work (error shown at end) any ideas? #include <stdio.h> int main( int argc , char const *argv[] ) { int abc_def_ghi = 42; #define SUFFIX ghi #define VAR(prefix) prefix##_def_##SUFFIX printf( "%d\n" , VAR(abc) ); return 0; } // un...

Is there a reason to put tokens on a search form?

Let me first tell that I understand the concept of CSRF attacks. Now I wonder, are there benefits to placing tokens on a search form? I can't really think of anything myself. ...

C# Regex: How Can I Replace Tokens With Strings Generated at Run-time?

Given the following input and regex strings: const string inputString = "${Principal}*${Rate}*${Years}"; const string tokenMatchRegexString = @"\${([^}]+)}"; How can I replace each token (i.e. ${Principal}, ${Rate}, and ${Years}) with the return value of my 'ReplaceToken' function? private static string ReplaceToken(string tokenStrin...

Identifying a C# or C++ function start in a line count program

I have a program, written in C#, that when given a C++ or C# file, counts the lines in the file, counts how many are in comments and in designer-generated code blocks. I want to add the ability to count how many functions are in the file and how many lines are in those functions. I can't quite figure out how to determine whether a line (...

Is there an easy way to split a String with a String in C#

I would like to split a string into a String[] using a String as a delimiter. String delimit = "[break]"; String[] tokens = myString.Split(delimit); But the method above only works with a char as a delimiter. Any takers? ...

How do you constrct a parse tree from a stream of tokens?

Does anyone know what is the general method for turning a stream (or a list) of tokens into a parse tree? I am dying to know this. I haven't programmed stuff like this and would love to learn it! Thanks, Boda Cydo. ...

Security Token/Cross Domain Cookie in Classic ASP?

I have an interesting conundrum. We have a site that is a completely separate domain, we'll say and our own site that is The site is actually a classic ASP site, and we aren't converting it to .NET at this time. The problem is that there is a link on that redirects to from a members...

JavaCC: How can I specify which token(s) are expected in certain context?

Hello, everyone! I need to make JavaCC aware of a context (current parent token), and depending on that context, expect different token(s) to occur. Consider the following pseudo-code: TOKEN <abc> { "abc*" } // recognizes "abc", "abcd", "abcde", ... TOKEN <abcd> { "abcd*" } // recognizes "abcd", "abcde", "abcdef", ... TOKEN <element1...