
php htmlentities to decode textarea

Hi, I have a text area and I would like to take the input of the text area and merge it all together. Everything works fine except that it's escaping the quotes. For example test's is outputted as test/'s To fix this I tried htmlenttries such as, <?php $inputtext= $_POST['textinput']; $encodetext = htmlentities($inputtext); ...

Override TAB inside a Browser

If I'm typing text in a input field and press ENTER the default behavior of all the browsers I know is to submit the form, however if I press ENTER inside a textarea a new line is added. Is there any way to mimic this behavior (indent, not submit the form) whenever I press TAB inside a textarea? Bespin seems to do it, but in a canvas el...

Set textarea selection in Internet Explorer

I'm looking for a way to set a selection in a textarea in Internet Explorer. In other browsers, this works just fine: textarea.selectionStart = start; textarea.selectionEnd = end; In IE, I assume I have to use createRange and adjust the selection somehow, but I cannot figure out how. Extra bonus points for a link to a proper document...

How to revert to content of a Dijit text box when browser back-button is clicked?

Hello, I am using a Dojo Textarea Dijit to input and submit text (to be processed). I found that after submiting, if a browser back-button is pressed (IE8, Firefox) unlike regular HTML Textarea, I return to the input screen, but the Textarea is EMPTY. What I would like to happen is that after back-button is pressed, I would return to ...

Html adding line numbers to textarea

All, I have a textarea as in code below, how to display the line numbers on the left hand side of it. Is there a jquery plugin? <TEXTAREA name="program" id="program" rows="15" cols="65" ></TEXTAREA> Thanks..... ...

How to automatically process contents of <textarea> without user pressing a button?

On my page I have a textarea where users can enter a list of items, items being separated by a newline. I would like to process the user's input without him/her having to press a submit button. ("Process" means send the information the user entered to the server and update other elements on the current page.) I thought of two days of do...

How to find/detect any textarea in page in javascript

(document.getElementById('textarea').length > 0) doesn't work. Does anyone know anything else other than this? Will Here is the scenario from my previous question which was unanswered. I have Rich text Editor(Openwysiwyg) which is loaded into textarea when I go to that particular page where textarea is placed. The function uses textare...

Hidden textarea validation

How can I check if textarea is hidden using javascript? ...

Pythoncard textarea how to set text

Hi I have created a textarea in my python project using Pythoncard The problem is, I don't know how to call it in my project to change the text. It's called myTextArea. Thanks ...

textarea not receiving descendant CSS property

Hello, I have the CSS setting: .missing textarea {background-color: #fffcc !important;} And the html looks like so: <div id="label-add" class="jscript xtra-box sub-question missing"> <p>Additional Health Care Instructions</p> <textarea id="addrule" name="addrule"></textarea> </div> It uses the XHTML 1.0...

PHP based Spell check control

I am developing a web site where i need to accept data from user. What i am looking at is some spell check where as and when user types it shows the suggestion. Like the box we use in while type the question in Stackoverflow. It should be based on PHP. I am looking free opensource which i can use in my project. ...

Flex TextArea Unicode chracters with control key

Hi Experts, I am developing a Flex based window application. In that I have used a textArea, Now when I type some characters like ctrl+b, ctrl+e or ctrl+q, it shows some square characters in text area, I think these are some unicode characters but why these are being entered. Unlike in simple textArea control on adobe example when I pr...

send HTML Code in Textarea to PHP via Form

Hi, i want to have a textarea where I can edit html code directly. After submitting the form the content if the textarea (with html tags) should be saved to a MySQL database. I use PHP to receive the date and save it to the database. My problem is, that the HTML code is not properly sent to PHP. I do not receive the HTML code but just th...

how to check the textarea content is blank using javascript ?

using value.lenght != 0 ..doesn't work for the blank space situation ...

Chrome : make textareas which are not resizable

By default, Chrome makes my textareas resizable. I wish to control this and either make them only vertically resizable, or not at all. How can I achieve this ? ...

jQuery : Chrome textareas and resize event

Chrome makes textareas resizable by default. How can I attach events to the resizing events for the textareas ? Doing the naive $('textarea').resize(function(){...}) does nothing. ...

How to make my third type of text area show using if statements and specific variables

Hello, first off, I am a newbie with php (as well as coding in general). I have a website that has user profiles. On these profiles there are areas to comment in. I am trying to toggle 3 types of comment areas depending on A. If you are signed in and looking at your own profile B. If you are signed in looking at someone elses profile C...

Enter key in textarea.

Hi, I have a textarea, On every enter key pressed in textarea I want new line to be started with a bullet say (*). How to go about it ? No Jquery plz. I can observe for the enter key , after that !? Should I have to get the whole value of textarea and append * to it and again fill the textarea ? ...

How do I make my javascript character counter work inside php?

Hello, I have a javascript character counter that I use inside of a text area. It works great in normal html, but when I put the exact same code inside of a text area inside php, nothing. Here it is in html when it works fine: <div id="counter"> <span id="counter_airway" style="font-size:11px; color:#666666;">140 Character Limit</sp...

How to use linebreaks in a textbox?

Hi, I am saving text from a textarea in the database and display it in another textarea. The linebreaks are displayed as \n which should be right, but the textarea is displaying them instead of doing the breaks! How can I fix this? ...