
Powerbuilder: Trying to set the currentitem for a menuCascade

Please clue this newb in. I've got a menu with it's object type set to menu cascade. I can reference the items in the menu just fine and I can even st the items to enabled or visible. But what I can't do is set the currentItem property of the menu. I have code like this in the open event of a screen. menu qq qq = this.menuid.item[3].it...

How does Google get a toolbar right below the tabs in IE?

I researched through all BHO related documentation, but I just can't figure how Google gets the translation toolbar right below the tabs in IE. Any useful pointers how to achieve the same effect for my own toolbar? ...

Swing Toolbar placement

I want to display a JToolbar within right side of a split pane, which is also going to contain a JTabbedPane, how can we do that ? wrap TabbedPane and toolbar in some component? ps: user should not be able to minimize, etc in right side pane... ...

Delphi IDE - How to make disabled toolbar buttons grayscaled?

Seams like this one is for real Delphi geeks only. This is how it looks (sorry, can't post images) Delphi IDE ugly toolbar What's wrong - disabled Delphi IDE toolbar and menu buttons are ugly black/white images. What I want to do - make them look gray-scaled. How? I made some research. Main problem in virtual TCustomImageList.DoDraw...

Outlook shortcuts style toolbar in Qt

Is there any way to create outloook shortcuts style toolbar in Qt? Should use normal toolbar and try to style it somehow (I have little idea how to achieve this)? Or does Qt provide builtin widget for this? I am talking about toolbar like on this image: ...

Specifying a custom configuration file for CKEditor

Hi there, I am trying to add the CKEditor to a page I am currently developing but am having problems getting it to pick up my custom configuration file? I am using CKEditor in Visual Studio.NET 2008. I need to customize the toolbars that are displayed, as Basic is too minimal and Full would give an overwhelming amount of buttons to th...

Which tool to use to develop toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox?

Hi there, I want to develop toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox. Is there any common tool? If not, which tool can be used? Thanks for reading. Regards, Sanket ...

How can I put a progress bar in a UINavigationController's toolbar like the Mail app?

My application connects to the network to retrieve some data and I'd like to show a progress bar in the toolbar of the UINavigationController of my application. What I actually want is very similar to the Mail application:                                        Except I would like to have nothing to the left of the progress bar, and a...

wxPython: StatusBar does NOT update with long help from wxToolBar

I am creating a ToolBar within a wx.Frame init and setting the help string as follows: def __init_(self,...): ... self.CreateStatusBar() tb = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TB_FLAT) tb.SetToolBitmapSize((32,32)) tb.SetSize((-1,132)) tb.AddTool(ID_CLASSIFIER, bmp, shortHelpString='Classifier', longH...

How do I insert ToolBar separators when binding ItemSource

I am binding a ToolBar to a collection of command view model objects. The objects in the collection have a property IsSeparator that when true I would like represented with a <Separator/> in the ToolBar. My basic markup looks like this: <ToolBar Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ToolBarCommands}"> <ToolBar.ItemTemplate> ...

Custom View as a Toolbar in a Navigation Controller

I'm working on getting a view to act as a static toolbar within a navigation controller. Is it possible to do this? I know you're not supposed to subclass a Nav controller but I tried it anyway adding a subview that will serve as a toolbar. Long story short, the subview didn't even pop up on the display. Can someone advise me on thi...

Metal Toolbar Icon Sizes

I am trying to create rectangular metal toolbar icons for a mac app like the ones seen in Safari, but can't seem to find any information on the pixel size. Human Interface Guidelines recommends that metal toolbar buttons should not exceed 19x19, but doesn't specify what the size of the icon should be if the user chooses "Use Small Size...

How to change a tool bar button title?

I've placed a button on toolbar, but how do I change it's title? ...

ToolBar Gets Misaligned in Release Build

I have added some ToolBars(CToolBar [FIXEDBMP]) and a AnimateControl(CAnimateCtrl [FIXEDBMP,FIXEDSIZE]) to a ReBar (CReBar). No Specific positioning is done for any of the Tool Bars or Animate Controls. Now The Animate Control gets MISALIGNED(Goes in the Top Left over the Menu Bar) ONLY in the Release Build, whereas in the debug build it...

Custom controls and the VS Toolbox

Hello. I wonder what can be a cause for the non-apparition of custom/user controls in the Visual Studio Toolbar. Thanks. I have a solution with some projects and a lot of custom controls. Normally, these controls should appear in the toolbar automatically after the solution (re)build... (I use VS2005, but this problem appears also in...

WPF: Issue with OverFlow Panel on Toolbar control

Hi pals, I'm having an issue working with the Toolbar control for WPF in Blend 3: I have a Toolbar control that is binded to a collection so that it displays both icons and labels for each one of the actions that users can perform on this application. The issue I'm having is that when I run the application the buttons are displayed ins...

Add toolbar Dialogbox with Win32 API

Hi; I have a dialog box on which controls are added with resource editor. But I am trying to create a toolbar on the fly in WM_INITGDIALOG message but the toolbar is not visible. Is there something else to do make it visible(I dont think so but...). If this is not possible how can add a toolbar in resource editor. As you guessed I use ...

Commands are disabled in WPF application when data source is empty

Hi I have a simple WPF with a menu, a toolbar and a ListView in a GridView. the menu and toolbar actions are bound to commands. I have that defines when commands should be executed ("CanExecute"). Some commands, such as "Create New Item" should always be executed, so they are bound to a "e.CanExecute = true;" function. However, when th...

What's the right way to append a ToolButton to a Toolbar in Gtk?

Monodoc tells me "AppendItem" is deprecated, but it doesn't tell me what to use instead. ...

Get HWND of containing IE window from toolbar

Hello, I'm developing a toolbar for IE, and I need my toolbar to be able to get the HWND of the containing IE window. It needs to be accurate so that multiple tabs in the same window will all return the same HWND, but different from another IE window. What would be the best way about this? I should be able to do this: MessageBox.Show(P...