
Higher color depth for MFC toolbar icons?

Hi all, I was wondering how to make a toolbar in MFC that used 24bit or 256 colour bitmaps rather than the horrible 16 colour ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of some simple code? Thanks ...

wxPython toolbar help

I am new to Python. I am writing an application using wxPython and I currently my code that generates a toolbar looks like this: class Window(wx.Frame) def __init__(self, parent, plot): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, "Name", size =(900, 600)) self.Centre() self.toolbar = self.CreateToolBar(style=(wx.TB_HORZ_LAYO...

iPhone Development - Access Apple's default Icon images

Can i get system provided icons/images in a UIImage. I'm referring to the icons/images referenced here. ...

am trying to create class to encapsulate toolbar but the background turns black. c++ win32api

i created a simple class to hide the details of creating a toolbar in win32 api but i dont like the toolbars it is producing. (See image for clarification. I dont have reputation points so i have just posted a link) I have no idea now the black background is coming into my application. Here is the cl...

Hiding the toolbars surrounding an embedded pdf?

Though I think the answer maybe in this other question's answer concerning the pdf specification, is it possible to not display the adobe acrobat toolbars in an embedded pdf document? ...

copyright free collection of resource images for Delphi menu items and toolbar buttons

Every time I need to create a menu or toolbar with actions I end up collecting some images extracted from different application and hand tuning them with the image editor. This is time consuming and boring (eventhough I admit that might be a refreshing break in some ocasions). Do you know of any collection of such images? I would like ...

How to change the toolbar button's Bitmap in win32 ?

Hi all! I have created a toolbar with some controls on it using ReBar within a window. Can anyone please tell me, How to get the HWND of a buttons/combobox/etc (not normal buttons in a window) if I know (only) the Id of it ? How to obtain the HBITMAP if I know the id of the resource ? How to set the bitmap to the controller ? Send...

Where is the Visual Studio 2010 debug toolbar?

I recently installed the offical release of Visual Studio 2010 Pro. I can never remember the debug key bindings, so in previous versions of VS I would enable the debug toolbar. In VS2010, however, when I right-click on the toolbar area and select Debug, no debug toolbar shows up. If right-click again on the toolbar area, it shows Debu...

Detect if website visitor has toolbars installed eg. Google toolbar using javascript

I am working on an online education website that frequently uses pop up windows. This is part of a learning management system from a third party provider so not possible to change the way this works. We get lots of helpdesk calls with users stuggling with popup blockers - in their OS, browser settings and additional toolbars. I am us...

Issue with custom Buttons in Excel Toolbar created in a C# addin

Hi, I am currently working on a c# addin for Microsoft Excel. I create a ToolBar for this addin with custom Buttons. Everything is working well except one specific behavior: When you have the excel window opened in small format, let's say half the screen, some of the buttons are hidden behind a menu and are available if you click on a s...

Creating the MFC print preview dialog bar and showing it in a CFrameWndEx

For various reasons, I have to reimplement MFC's print preview functionality. I'd like to re-use its styled print preview dialog bar in a CFrameWndEx, but I've been running into problems. First, if I use something like the following in a CFrameWnd, I can successfully embed the toolbar: if (!m_wndDlgBar.Create(this, ATL_MAKEINTRESOURCE(...

Create keyboard short-cuts for Toolbar Control in VB6

Hi everyone, In my VB6 project, I'm using only Toolbar Control in main MDI From (Not menubar), The Toolbar has big pictures denoting actions like New, Save, View, Help etc. I wanted to know if there is any way to create keyboard short-cut for these actions. As far as I know, properties of Toolbar control of MS Windows Common Controls 6....

Firefox extensions - Difference between 'traditional toolbar' and one that actually shows up in the browser client area

I'm looking into developing a Firefox extension, and would like my 'toolbar' to run in the 'client' area, since it will appear and disappear based on the page that they are on. One example of a client bar that does something similar is the Invisible Hand toolbar. Most of the extension tutorials show how to build a 'regular' toolbar. ...