
Push changes to TortoiseHG's web server fails with "Aborted Push"

I'm not using authentication with TortoiseHG but simply needed to see if a colleague could push some changes to me. He can browse my repo from the url that the web server provides and can pull changesets from me fine. What he can't do is push them to me over the built-in web server. I have configured it in TortoiseHG to have "*" next to...

How to best configure a central repository/multiple central repositories for Mercurial?

I am new to Mercurial and trying to figure out if it could replace SVN. Everyone I work with has used SVN, CVS and VSS (shiver), so this could be quite a large change. I have been very interested after reading about its merge and branch capability, but have a few reservations. We are currently on SVN, and have one central repository. ...

Is this a situation where I should "hg push -f"?

I have two machines, A and B that both access an external hg repository. I did some development on A, wasn't ready to push changesets to the external, and needed to switch machines, so I pushed the changesets to B using hg serve. Changesets continued on B, were committed and then pushed to external repo. I then pulled on A and updated...

Using Beyond Compare for Visual Diff in TortoiseHg

I am trying to use Beyond Compare for Visual Diff in TortoiseHg. eg Right click on a modified file in explorer and select Visual Diff from TortoiseHg context menu... BeyondCompare opens but only shows the 'welcome' screen and not the file I want to diff. Am I missing something? I have setup the mercurial.ini file as follows: [extens...

Different version of file in Mercurial repo

I have 2 servers with same cloned Mercurial repo but with different config lines in some files in this repo. How can I control this files via Mercurial but haven't problem when pull/puss between servers? ...

What is the tortoisehg gui equivalent of doing "hg push -r"

I don't see the options to accomplish this. I want to only push changesets related to my default branch, not any other local branches I have. I thought I could do this by using the Repository Explorer like so: On the toolbar below the repository address, the first combo box allows me to select a branch. I set this to default. However o...

Using TortoiseHg to push to an authenticated git repository

I'm trying to push a changeset from a local Mercurial repository created with TortoiseHg to a remote Git repository. I have hg-git installed and configured and it will pull just fine. But when I run the push it gives me this Command hg push git+ssh://git@dummyrepo:username/repo.git Result pushing to git+ssh://git@dummyrepo:username/...

Can I config tortoisehg to show red icon when file status not empty

For example, I add new file forget about hg add, the folder is green but file status show one file with question mark. ...

Mercurial: how to revert part of the working copy after deletion

I deleted a project in my solution, committed many times and now found out that I still need that deleted project. Is there a way to restore it with keeping it's history? ...

Can I change the diff tool used in TortoiseHg?

Hi, I use TortoiseHg to commit changes. The diff that is shown in the commit dialog contains a lot of additions/deletions. I configured KDiff3 as external diff tool. When I click on the diff icon in the commit dialog, KDiff3 opens and that comparison is a lot more 'intelligent': it detects 'better' what I changed: I moved a block of co...

Why are mercurial subrepos behaving as unversioned files in eclipse AND torotoiseHG

I am trying to use the subrepo feature of mercurial, using the mercurial eclipse plugin\tortoiseHG. These are the steps I took: Created an empty dir /root cloned all repos that I want to be subrepos inside this folder (/root/sub1, /root/sub2) Created and added the .hgsub file in the root repo /root/.hgsub and put all the mappings of ...

TortoiseHg: Is there any way to update icons from a batch file?

TortoiseHg: Is there any way to update icons from a batch file? I find I'm all the time updating icons from the TortoiseHg menu, and I would like to trigger the Icons update from batch file, thanks in advance ...

Removing a file from TortoiseHG

Hi there. Am having problems removing a file from Tortoise. I make the clone, and there are a few test files which I want out. What is the proceedure for removing a file from the repository, thanks in advance, ...

How to let TortoiseHg (Mercurial) on Windows use the Private Key file generated (by Puttygen) ?

I have used Puttygen to create a public and a private key, and then is ready to let TortoiseHg on Windows 7 do a clone by going to ssh://[email protected]/somecode but there seems to be no where to add the private key to TortoiseHg? (or even just the mercurial command line) The file is already some where on hard disk as s...

How to remove accidental branch in TortoiseHg?

(I am a relative newcomer to TortoiseHg, so bear with me :-) I use TortoiseHg on two machines to talk to my remote source repository. I made changes on one machine, committed them, and attempted to push them to the remote repository BUT I forgot to first do a pull to get the latest code first. The push gave me a few lines of output, sugg...

TortoiseHg : Can commit by command line but not with contextual menu

I just installed TortoiseHg (and I'm new to mercurial). I haven't been able to execute any commit with the contextual menu from Tortoise. Every time I try, I get the following error : Commit : Abort : The system cannot find the specified file. I get the error no matter the changes in my repository : new files, modifications to exis...

Using Mercurial (hg), how to push just one file or one directory out?

Using Mercurial, we can commit one file by using hg commit file.rb or 1 folder hg commit foldername But how can we push just 1 file or 1 folder out? The whole project can be pushed using hg push ssh://[email protected]//project/code/preliminary but there seems to be no way to push out just 1 file or 1 folder? I tried the fol...

Getting readable diff displays in Mercurial on Unicode files (MS Windows)

I'm trying to store some Windows PowerShell scripts in a Mercurial repository. It seems the PowerShell editor likes to save files as UTF-16 Unicode. This means that there are lots of \0 bytes, which is what Mercurial uses to distinguish between "text" and "binary" files. I understand that this makes no difference to how Mercurial stores...

mercurial hg - pushing to a cloned repositor via APACHE errors with "repository is unrelated"

Two scenarios, one work one doesn't when they both should: Scenario #1: (DOES NOT work via apache) 2 repos on Server SERVER: Repo "A", Repo "B" cloned from repo A via http://SERVER/HG/A On client: Repo A cloned from http://SERVER/HG/A Repo B cloned from http://SERVER/HG/B Added a file to repo A...

Why TortoiseHg not show the "merge conflict"?

Short version of the question: Since I already have TortoiseHg, I right clicked on that file trying to see the merge conflict visually, but there is no way to see it? Details: To make a simple case of merge conflict, I hg init a repo on Win 7, and then clone it to another folder. Now, in one working directory, i added the line "the co...