
What is the correct way to handle nested Hg repositories with Mercurial/TortoiseHg ?

I'm struggling on how to correctly track nested repositories using TortoiseHg. I have a main repository that tracks my whole project. This project contains several little plugins that are stored inside a plugins/ subdirectory. I would love to track each plugin independently (committing and pushing to BitBucket for each one of them) whi...

Case-insensitive diffs in Mercurial

I'm using Mercurial (specifically TortoiseHg on Windows) to do version control of VBA code. Anybody who's tried this knows that VBA changes the case of every variable throughout a project whenever any declaration of that variable is changed anywhere in the project (regardless of scope). It makes version control a nightmare. I would li...

Is there a way to get the Tortoisehg repository explorer to start from a command prompt?

Is there a way to get the Tortoisehg repository explorer to start from a command prompt? ...

Setting up Mercurial/TortoiseHg to work with UltraCompare

Hi, I'm trying to get my favorite Windows diff/merge tool, UltraCompare (V7.00) to work with Mercurial/TortoiseHg. I have set up UltraCompare in my Mercurial.ini like this (only relevant bits shown): [merge-tools] UltraCompare.executable = C:\Programme\IDM Computer Solutions\UltraCompare\ UltraCompare.args = $base $local $other U...

Using TortoiseHg’s Repository explorer

I posted this question on but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate there.. Anyway: Hi, I'm coming from a TortoiseSVN background and decided to give TortoiseHg a try.. One thing I got really used to with TortoiseSVN was the SVN Repo-Explorer, which worked quite similarly to Windows Explorer.. However, when I tried to use T...

Using Mercurial/Tortoisehg is there a way to set repository permissions?

Hey Everyone, Im trying to setup repository permissions with Mercurial/Tortoisehg. What I would like to do is have 1 person be the administrator and only that person is allowed to commit/push/pull to the repository. Everyone else would have to send that person a patch if they want to get their changes into the repository. Thanks for an...

Force an update in TortoiseHg?

I've pulled in some changes to read-only files from a remote repository and I'm trying to update my working area, but I get [Errno 13] ... Access is denied errors when TortoiseHg tries to update the read-only files. I'm wondering if there's a command, option, or setting that will solve this problem in the TortoiseHg GUI. I can't seem to...

Adding hooks to TortoiseHg

I am using TortoiseHg and would like to apply a hook to my repo. My repo's .hg/hgrc file is as follows: [hooks] pretxncommit = python:hg_checksize.newbinsize The thing is that I don't know where TortoiseHg's PYTHONPATH variable is set. How do I change it? Or where do I put my Python file so that it is visible by TortoiseHg's Python...

tortoisehg and subrepos

I can't get Tortoisehg (1.0) to work with subrepos I have a directory structure like this: root .hg .hgsub .hgsubstate Customer1 Project1 .hg foo.txt Project2 .hg Customer2 Project3 .hg the .hgsub file under root looks like Customer1\Project1=Customer1\Project1 Customer1\Project2=Custo...

mercurial fails with a file named ---.config - any way around this?

We are just beginning to learn and evaluate Mercurial, due to an increasing number of nightmare merges, and various other problems we've had with SVN lately. A client wants us to pull down a live copy of their site, do some SEO work on it, and push it back to them. They have no source control at all. I figure this is a great project t...

How to get hardlink cloning on Windows

I've got a Win7 x64 box running Tortoise 1.0 x64 release. About Tortoise reveals that it's 1.0 "with Mercurial-1.5, Python-2.6.4, PyGTK-2.16.0, GTK-2.18.7". I've also got ActivePython 2.6 and Mercurial 1.5 x64 installed (installed via the Mercurial installer from the 64-bit installer. Neither one clone with Hard Links on my windows box. ...

How to Auto tag Mercurial on Visual Studio Publish?

I am using TortoiseHg + VisualHg on Visual Studio 2008. Has anyone found way to automatically create a tag (with the published version number) in Mercurial whenever I do a publish from VS? ...

How to branch with TortoiseHG

I downloaded TortoiseHg 1.0 for evaluation. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make a branch. It seems to understand branches (e.g. in its repository browser) but I just can't seem to find a way to make a branch. This seems like such a fundamental capability since out of the often touted benefits of DVC is the lightweight br...

Mercurial extensions not working in Windows 7 x64?

We are test driving Mercurial at work. We don't want to have to enter our user/pass each time we interact with a repository, so we set up the mercurial_keyring extension. We: Installed Python 2.6.5 (32 or 64 bit, depending on the system) Installed setuptools (for easy_install.exe) easy_install keyring easy_install mercurial_keyring ...

Cloning a read-write github repository using TortoiseHg

I'm trying to clone my personal fork on github using the git+ssh protocol with TortoiseHg. It's giving me a rather strange error. Here is the command hg clone git+ssh://[email protected]:myusername/thefork.git This is after I have installed the hg-git module and it works just fine to clone using the git:// syntax. But I believe it's havi...

Mercurial Merging only certain changesets

Ok, so we recently converted from SVN to Mercurial. We are using TortoiseHG normally. In our one repository we have all of our projects, C++ / .NET / ASP. We have about 100 projects, all using common library projects. So it would be quite difficult task to create multiple repo's for each project. Now, we have the default branch, and l...

How to see Mercurial commands issued by Tortoise HG?

I there a way to see what Mercurial commands are issued by Tortoise HG? For instance, if I use the Shelve command in Tortoise, I'd like to see how (and if) it calls 'hg shelve' under the hood. ...

Difference between cloning and copying in Mercurial

Is copying the .hg directory to another directory the same as cloning in Mercurial (using TortoiseHg although I think that's irrelevant) or does the cloning command in Mercurial do something special during that process? ...

How to serve my local Mercurial repository?

I created a repository with TortoiseHg. Is it possible to share it with other machines? Or do I need to install another application? ...

Pros and cons using Mercurial over Subversion

I'm starting a new project. I familiar with TortoiseSVN, and all its downsides. Shall I start using Mercurial instead? What are the pros and cons using Mercurial over Subversion? ...