
In Mercurial, how do I merge a single revision?

In Mercurial/tortoiseHG, given the following example, what is the easiest way to merge revision "G" into repo A without taking D,E and F (Assume that G has no dependency on D,E or F). Repo A: A - B - C Repo B (Clone of A) A - B - C - D - E - F - G Is a patch the best bet? ...

Hg Pull vs. Update to branch tip

Using TortoiseHg Synchronize, clicking "Pull" pulls down the 2nd most recent revision. At the bottom of the Synchronize interface is a button, "Update to branch tip." Clicking this button pulls down the most recent revision. What is happening here? ...

Removing a file from TortoiseHG data source

Hi! I am using TortoiseHG for source code control in Windows, I forgot to edit the ".hgignor" file, and now I have a huge folder ".hg" which I know it's because of DLL and EXE and PDB files which I do not need them. Now changing the ignor file does not remove those files. What should I do for deleting these files completely from my Tor...

Would like to create some defaults for my .hgignore files in TortoiseHG/Mercurial

I'd like to make it so that every time I create a new repository, certain filters automatically get added to my .hgignore files by default. For example, for C# projects, I would like these to be added: glob:bin/* glob:obj/* Is this possible? How? If it can't be automated, is it at least safe to copy the .hgignore file from one repos...

Installing TortoiseHG on Gnome in Ubuntu 9.10?

I followed the following steps to install TortoiseHG on Ubuntu 9.10 using the following document: I get the following error in my ~/.xsession-errors evolution-alarm-notify-Message: Tue Dec 1 23:28:26 2009 sys:1: GtkWarning: Refusing to add non-unique action 'HgNautilus::00None' ...

Mercurial: Maintaining Visual studio 2005 and 2008 branches

I'm trying to develop a workflow which allows us to maintain seperate Visual studio 2005 and 2008 versions of a library, while making sure that changes to one branch are always replicated in the other branch. At the moment, I recommend that changes are only ever made to the default (VS2005) branch and then once complete, merged into the...

How to authenticate users on TortoiseHg web server?

Hi, TortoiseHg web server configuration has an "Allow Push" parameter where I put the users allowed to push changes. But when I try to push I get an "authorization failed" error. How are the users authenticated? Where do the passwords come from? ...

Store password in TortoiseHg

Is there a way to configure TortoiseHg to store my password? I have a project hosted on Google Code that I access using TortoiseHg. Whenever I want to push changes to Google Code TortoiseHg prompts me for a username and password. Google Code requires me to use an auto-generated password, and it gets quite repetitive to look it up every ...

Use WinMerge as TortoiseHG Merge tool

Hi, i am trying to set up WinMerge as the Merge tool into TortoiseHG; Here is my Mercurial.ini: ; User specific Mercurial config file. ; See the hgrc man page for details. [ui] username = Bargio <> merge = winmergeu [extdiff] cmd.winmerge = C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe opts.winmerge = /e /x /ub /wl [merge-tools] win...

Mercurial Subrepos - How do you create them and how do they work?

Situation I have two .NET solutions (Foo and Bar) and a common library that contains ProjectA, ProjectB, and ProjectC. Foo and Bar reference one or more library projects, but the library projects are not located within the Foo and Bar Solution folders. Directory structure: -- My Documents* -- Development -- Libraries ...

Fastest way to "reset" Mercurial repository to Version X (without cloning)

Let's say I clone a remote Mercurial repository (over the local network or even over the Internet) to try something out. I work in my clone, make a few commits...and then I realize that my changes don't make sense and I have to start over again. So I want to have a "fresh" clone again, from the same source repository. Basically, I want ...

Folders not being added in Mercurial

I looked at this question: that mentions how to ignore a folder, but that's not what I need. I'm using TortoiseHG and after I "add" all my folders, they show still as "?" instead of "+". The files within them show "+", but the folders themselves just show "?". Is th...

Cloning just a particular directory with hg?

I come from a Subversion background, but I am slowly migrating to Mercurial. When starting on many of my projects, I would setup a development environment that was configured to a particular starting point in developing an app/webapp/program (much like a Maven 2 archetype, but not necessarily Java/Maven). Later I would checkout th...

Local workstation as Mercurial server

I am trying to follow the instructions posted here but am getting stuck at step 3. After setting up my local workstation to serve the Repository; I cannot clone it from my server. When I run the following command hg clone I receive abort: error: getaddrinfo failed What am I missin...

Mercurial .hgignore Negative Lookahead

Using Mercurial, I need to ignore all files except for those in a certain directory called "keepers". On the face of things, this seemed easy using Regex and Negative Lookahead; however, although I am able to verify my regex in Regex Buddy and other tools, in TortoiseHg, it doesn't work as expected. Files: junk\junk.txt junk\text kee...

Meaning of TortoiseHG status icons

Does anyone have a list of statuses corresponding to the the icons used in the Repository Explorer of TortoiseHg? ...

Mecurial replacing values in a file that been cloned?

Say I'm cloning a repository that I always clone to C:\working_copies\<customer-name>\<customer-project>\ and that the project has variables in it's that get filled in with <customer-name> <customer-project> (by me) everytime I clone the repo. Is there a way that I can fill in these values in the file automatically by...

Using hg repository as web site

This is somewhat related to my security question here. Is it a bad idea to use an hg / mercurial repository for a live website? If so, why? Furthermore, we have dev, test and production installations of our website, like, and If it's a bad idea to use a repository for a live/production w...

Why can't I push this change to my 'main' mercurial repository?

I am trying to grok Mercurial and hope I am just getting confused here! I have a repository ('main') that I have cloned ('clone'), , both on my own machine. Both were completely in sync with each other. I decided to play with named branches so the next time I committed on my 'clone' I did it under a branch name of 'case1212' and while ...

Which is more user friendly: TortoiseGIT or TortoiseHG?

I have been experimenting with using Mercurial and TortoiseHG to track my work when I am working remotely (with a slow VPN I don't want to commit to SVN unless I have something that works). I have found TortoiseHG a bit hard to use - or at least it often doesn't work the way I expect it to, so I am considering switching to GIT and Tortoi...