
Why is Trim() failing in this expression?

I have the following method: var catIds = DetachedCriteria.For<Category>() .Add<Category>(c => c.TypeCode == "IMA") .SetProjection(LambdaProjection.Property<Category>(s => s.Id)); This is returning nothing because in the database the field is nchar(10). I want to Trim() the TypeCode value, as follows: ...

Trim leading/trailing whitespace from textarea using jQuery?

following code is an example of text placed into a textarea from a database. <textarea id="inputPane" cols="80" rows="40" class="pane"> <p> some text here... </p> <p> more text here... </p> </textarea> using jQuery's .trim what is the actual jquery code to remove all leading and trailing whitespace and have the textarea disp...

Trimexcess on List(Of t) in .net

After filling a list with the the needed strings, if the list won't be further appended, should trimexcess be called? ...

String trimming causes memory leak?

I'm curious what the proper way to trim a string is to ensure that no memory leak occurs. I guess this may really be a question based on exactly how free() works. I've included the code for my trim() function. See below. int main() { char* testStr1 = strdup("some string"); char* testStr2 = strdup(" some string"); char* ...

Trim any zeros at the beginning of a string using PHP

Users will be filling a field in with numbers relating to their account. Unfortunately some users will have zeroes prefixed to the beginning of the number to make up a six digit number (e.g. 000123, 001234) and others won't (e.g. 123, 1234). I want to 'trim' the numbers from users that have been prefixed with zeros in front so if a use...

Trim only the first and last occurrence of a character in a string (PHP)

This is something I could hack together, but I wondered if anybody had a clean solution to my problem. Something that I throw together wont necessarily be very concise or speedy! I have a string like this ///hello/world///. I need to strip only the first and last slash, none of the others, so that I get a string like this //hello/world/...

CSS: How to limit text shown with using "..."

Possible Duplicates: Is it possible to implement the effect of overflow:ellipsis with javascript or css? How do I indicate long text into a smaller fixed column with CSS? I want to trim text if it's greater than 300px wide with "..." For example, if I had: <ul> <li>this is greater than 300px, than only display as much of t...

C++ remove trailing new line from text file

Is there a way in C++ to remove/trim a trailing new line from a text file? For example content content content content content content <- this line in the text file is empty and needs to go -> ...

Remove all objects after index 20 in NSMutableDictionary?

Hi! I have an NSMutableDictionary that possibly contains more than twenty objects. If it contains more than 20 objects, how should I remove the oldest entries until there is only 20 left? For example, NSMutableDictionary with objects: a = "-1640531535"; b = 1013904226; c = "-626627309"; d = 2027808452; e = 387276917; f = "-1253254618"...

Trim whitespace from parent element only

I'd like to trim the leading whitespace inside p tags in XML, so this: <p> Hey, <em>italics</em> and <em>italics</em>!</p> Becomes this: <p>Hey, <em>italics</em> and <em>italics</em>!</p> (Trimming trailing whitespace won't hurt, but it's not mandatory.) Now, I know normalize-whitespace() is supposed to do this, but if I try to a...

Jquery trim to remove white space

Jquery trim not working. I wrote the following command to remove white space. Whats wrong in it? var str = $('#txtbox').val(); str = jquery.trim(str); $('#txtbox').val(str); ...