What are the best Python projects to study if one wants to look at the codebase and see how well-designed Python projects are structured and coded?
Open source is preferred for obvious reasons, but they could be closed-source too. It could be interesting to see how the interface or API is designed.
Small projects would be as interestin...
I just started programming yesterday, I'm using the C++ language and i was wondering if anyone here could help me get off on the right foot, thanks!
I am looking to learn OOP design and development. I would like to know if there are any real world tutorials out there (I googled but didnt find what I was looking for).
For example I am developing an inhome application (something like an HR application)
So I would have a person object, that would be inherited to become an employee, a...
I'm searching for an good OCaml Tree tutorial...
...I need a few examples of how to remove elements, add elements, remove subtrees...
Br, Wolfy
I has read some sample codes from Mac dev, and wrote currencyApplication by self.
But I still cannot understand clearly how to implement Mac GUI Applications.
From NSWindowController class reference, I found a Document-Based Applications Overview pdf for Documents Applications. But I want something like Dialog Programming in MFC.
Are ...
I am looking to build an iAd for a client. It shouldn't be to hard, but I would like to see a decent sample. I was looking through the iOS library but didn't find anything.
Can anyone point me to a tutorial?
I am working on a code-base with a bunch of developers who aren't primarily Computer Science or Software Engineering (Mostly Computer Engineering)
I am looking for a good article about when exceptions should be caught and when one should try to recover from them. I found an article a while ago that I thought explained things well, but ...
Is there any book or very informative tutorial site which can help newbies learn how to alter pixels with a loaded image in the java GUI? I want to learn how exactly I would be able to do things such as changing the brightness and contrast of an image, invert it, smooth it and also learn how to do histograms.
So far I only know how to u...
I'm looking for something like this: http://3.paulhamill.com/node/39
I want a circle (or image) to smootly go up (and fade in/out with a alpha effect).
Is there any tutorial out there? If not, I will dive in html5, but if there is a source code out there I would appreciate it if somebody can provide me withit. Thanks!
Can any one give me a link for studying crystal reporting provided by visual studio 2008.
For a new user of Emacs, are the any good tutorials + references for learning and getting familiar with Emacs's search, replace and regex features?
I had this issue with new ACVapturesSession because the images you get through it is much larger (enlarged, this is a known issue now) than the images you capture using the normal camera view. I think this will resolve by using the AVCaptureStillImageOutput and capture still images continuously. Can you direct me to a good tutorial...
could anyone explain how to record audio on the iphone. I already read the sampleProject of the developer-page. Moreover the documentation didn't quite answered my question.
It would be great to have a kind of checklist how to implement a simple audiorecorder.
I'm confused about something in the NotePad tutorial for Android: There are two separate NotePad classes definied, one in com.example.android.notepad, and the other in com.google.provider. They both contain the exact same Notes class defined in them, but I can't figure out why this is defined twice. At first glance the only one used is t...
After seeing this awesome guide on Stack and needing a practical PHP/MySQL security checklist in-house, I have decided to pay homage to the original guide.
What I need is a practical security checklist for PHP and MySQL. The contents here can function as the checklist, while the answers should function as the guides.
By practical I mea...
According to the "Application Fundamentals" article, section "component lifecycle", onResume() is always called when a View becomes active, independent of the previous state.
In the Notepad tutorial, Exercise 3, I have found something confusing in NoteEdit.java:
There is a call to populateFields() in onCreate() as well as in onResume()....
I hope no one will scream that it is not a programming question.
Do you know any video player that I can use to watch video-tutorials with the possibility of adding notes or bookmarks on the sequences?
Working my way through clarkware's iphone-rails-tutorial and trying to build and run the final rails code that is included but I get this error in the server's console whenever I try to access localhost:3000/
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant ApplicationController::Authentication):
I want to write a add-in for Visual Studio 2008. It will provide a friend UI to show and edit bitmap image when I'm debugging projects about image process.
I know how to access IDebugger interface in VC6, but I don't know how to do it in VS 2008. And I prefer to C/C++ guide other than C#. Thanks.
I found it: Debugger Object(http://m...
In my last question, OpenCl cleanup causes segfault. , somebody hinted that missing event handling, i.e. not waiting for code to finish, could cause the seg faults. Since then I looked again into the tutorials I used, but they don't pay attention to events (Matrix Multiplication 1 (OpenCL) and NVIDIA_OpenCL_GettingStartedLinux.pdf) ...