
Tableview Dominates UI in Interface Builder

I started my iPhone application as a navigation-based app which has served me well until now. In the nib for my TableViewController, I see the TableView (with its example values of California cities) but I'm able to drop any other UI elements on it (for example an UILabel). I can add a UIWindow which gives me a separate window to add st...

iPhone: Same Rows Repeated in Each Section of Grouped UITableview

I have an app that is a list of tasks, like a to do list. The user configures the tasks and that goes to the SQLite db. The list is displayed in a tableview. The SQL table in question consists of a taskid int, groupname varchar, taskname varchar, lastcompleted datetime, nextdue datetime, weighting integer. I currently have it working ...

Edit, select value from UITableView on the iPhone

I have a UITableView with a list of names, representing server configurations. I want the user to be able to select a server configuration, add a server config, edit a server config, or just cancel out of the view and return to the main view. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to achieve all of that functionality in this vie...

UITableViewController's TableView becomes NULL

I have UITableViewController (initiated by the Navigation-based app project template). I am overriding loadView and putting up an alternative view (w/ a UILabel and UIActivityIndicator) to display while the table's contents is loading. When the loading is done, I remove the loading view and try to display the table view but I see that...

iPhone UITableView header won't disappear

In my app, I have a UITableView, grouped style. The table has two modes. In mode 1, it shows one section (A), and in mode 2, it shows 2 sections (A and B). I transition between the two modes via the insertSection and deleteSection methods of UITableView. In addition, I have header text for each section This works great for the most part...

How can I add 2 UITableView on 1 nib/UIView but using 2 different UITableViewController to handle ?

How can I add 2 UITableView on 1 nib/UIView but using 2 different UITableViewController to handle ? Thanks for helping! Updated: I understand the basic idea, but I just can't get it working together. Maybe it is a simple question, but for someone doesn't know, it is obviously a difficult one. Anyone can help trouble shooting a l...

uitableview reloadData issue

I've been debugging my iphone app and found something interesting. I have a UIViewControllers with TabBarcontroller( 6 tabs). Each tab is a UIViewController and it has a UITtableview. The viewDidLoad works and brings the initial data. On of the UITableView has a search bar. After the user touchs presses search some magic happens a...

iPhone UITableViewController and Checklist

Hi guys, I have an iPhone application. First view controller which is a UITableViewController has a cell for "category". When user select "category" it will push another UITableViewController where user can select category. I have done both view controllers but when you click back(usually the title of table) button on navigation bar it...

iPhone: UTableView with Uses More Memory with UITableViewStyleGrouped than with UITableViewStylePlain

Hello everyone, I'm using an UITableView with style UITableViewStyleGrouped initialized as follows: CGRect imgFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 650); UITableView *myTable = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:imgFrame style:UITableViewStyleGrouped]; myTable.dataSource = self; myTable.delegate = self; //make the current object the event hand...

resizing UITableView to fit content

I am creating an app which will have a question in a UILabel and a multiple choice answers displayed in UITableView, each row showing a multiple choice. Questions and answers will vary, so I need this UITableView to be dynamic in height. I would like to find a "sizeToFit" work around for the table. Where the table's frame is set to the ...

Automatically Loading XIB for UITableViewController

Ran into something interesting, want to know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is the correct behavior. I have a custom UITableViewController. I ASSUMED (first mistake) that if you initialize as such: [[CustomTableController alloc] init]; it would automatically load from a XIB of the same name, CustomTableController.xib, if it ...

NavigationBar without UINavigationController

Hi there Is it possible to get a NavigationBar without an UINavigationController? In my case I have an UITableViewController and would like to a NavigationBar. Is that possible? thx ...

Can't get Secondary UITableViewController to display inside a UITabBarController

I've programmatically created a UITabBarController that is loaded in my App Delegate like this: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; myTableViewController = [[MyTableViewController alloc] init]; UINavigationController *tableNavController = [[[UINa...

How to pushviewcontroller to a viewcontroller stored in a tabbaritem?

First of all I know this is a long question. REST ASSURED I have tried to figure it out on my own (see: StackOverflow #2609318). This is driving me BATTY! After trying and failing to implement my own EDIT feature in the standard moreNavigationController, I have decided to re-implement my own MORE feature. I did the following: Add a ...

Drawing selected state on custom UITableViewCell

I have a customer UITableViewCell whose whole display is drawn indrawRect. When it draws it creates CGLayers so that it can reuse certain pieces when something is changed. I have changed my UITableViewCellSelectionStyle to "None" because I don't want the default selected view to cover my drawing. My problem is that I call setNeedsD...

iphone tableview & webservice

Hi, I have a tableview, when the user selects a row i call a webservice depending on which row is selected. my problem is i can connect to the webservice but i dont get any response from the webservice. I used soap client to test if webservice is working correctly or not. //rootviewcontroller.m - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)t...

How do I add a search bar below the nav bar in a UISplitViewController?

How do I add a static search bar (one that doesn't scroll with the UITableView) below the UINavigationController in the root view of a UISplitViewController. The iPad mail app has an example of one of these. Actually I would Ike to add a toolbar with a segmented control instead of a search bar, but I imagine the process is the same. ...

Strange UIKit bug, table view row stays selected

I'm facing what appears to be a UIKit bug, and it takes the combination of two less commonly used features to reproduce it, so please bear with me here. I have quite the common view hierarchy: UITabBarController -> UINavigationController -> UITableViewController and the table view controller pushes another table view controller onto ...

Populating cell in UITableView with unique items

I have an array of URL Links that I'm trying to load into a Grouped UITableView. The goal being that I have numberOfSectionsInTableView return [url count] so I can have number of sections equal to the number of url links. Then in numberOfRowsInSection returns 1 so I only populate 1 URL for each section. The trouble I'm having is to ensu...

iPad: Tables in Popover Views do not Scroll to Show Selected Row

I am having two problems with viewcontrollerss in landscape orientation on the iPad. (1) I have two popups which hold tables. The tables should scroll to a specific row to reflect a selection in the main view. Instead, the tables do scroll down some but the actual selected row remains off screen. (2) All my action sheets come up with ...