
Navigation ViewController in iPhone

Hello, Please tell me what all ViewControllers can be placed on UINavigationViewContoller? i'e can i make the UINavigationViewController as root view for UITableViewController/UITabViewController? Thank You ...

Dismissing a modal view in horizontal orientation?

I have a modal view that is presented and dismissed fine when my device is in vertical orientation. I have problems when my modal view is presented in the vertical orientation, but dismissed in horizontal orientation. The entire app switches back to vertical orientation automatically. How can I ensure that if I am in horizontal orientati...

Easiest way to support multiple orientations? How do I load a custom NIB when the application is in Landscape?

Hi there, I have an application in which I would like to support multiple orientations. I have two .xib files that I want to use, myViewController.xib and myViewControllerLandscape.xib. myViewController.xib exists in project/Resources and myViewControllerLandscape.xib exists in the root project directory. What I want to do is use a sep...

IPhone XCode programming: view called from a navigation view doesn't set its IBOutlet attributes

I created a view Called ProgrammaView that appears when a row of a table is clicked. This view has a UILabel, a UIImageView and a UITextView. Now. ProgrammaView's Outlets have to be changed by the parameter passed to a method of the view called iniz. in this image there is first the ProgrammaView.h and then the method iniz. The prob...

Pop-up modal with UITableView on iPhone

I need to pop up a quick dialog for the user to select one option in a UITableView from a list of roughly 2-5 items. Dialog will be modal and only take up about 1/2 of screen. I go back and forth between how to handle this. Should I subclass UIView and make it a UITableViewDelegate & DataSource? I'd also prefer to lay out this view in ...

How to push UIViewController into UINavigationController from seperate UIView of different UIViewController which uses this view.

I have a UIViewController(AbcViewController) with NavigationController.AbcViewController uses UIView(AbcView) as its view. AbcView has a UITableView. I have set This TableView's datasource in AbcViewController and delegate in its SuperView i.e. AbcView. How will I push another UIViewController(XyzViewcontroller) into navigationController...

How are people popping their UINavigationController stacks under a UITabBarController?

I have four UINavigationControllers assigned each to a tab in a UITabBarController. Each UINavigationController manages a UIViewController, which may itself branch out into other UIViewControllers below it hierarchally. My question is, in a case in which a user, under one tab, has navigated to a UIViewController that hierarchally BELOW ...

how to programatically set the current page for UIPageControl?

I have 3 "pages" (page 0, page 1, page 2) in a UIScrollView that are snapped to by finger swipes. There is a UIPageControl there too. The UIScrollView starts off presenting page 0. What I want to do is present page 3 FIRST sometimes. How can I do this programatically. Simply setting currentPage (of UIPageControl) to the page number doe...

View controller/NIB architecture for non-navigation application with transitions?

I'm tinkering with an iPad app that (like many iPad apps) doesn't use the UINavigation root view control system, so I don't have natural ownership for each app "view". I essentially have two basic views: a document list view, and a document edit view. I'm playing with UIView animation for getting from a selected document to the edit vie...

uiview loading other views.

I have a .h file containing... myViewController : UIViewController {} in the .m file I need to load either another view or a tab view depending on choice of the user. Does anyone have a good example that I can borrow and learn from ?? thanks!! ...

UIViewControllers tripping over each other...

Need some best practice advice here... Navigation based application. Root view is a UITableView where user can drill down to a detail UIViewController (call it VC1). User wants to initiate some task but it may require additional info before it can proceed. If so then VC1 allocs & presents modal VC2 using the "flip" transition holding a ...

iPhone View Switching basics.

I am just trying to get my head around simple view switching for the iPhone and have created a simple app to try and help me understand it. I have included the code from my root controller used to switch the views. My app has a single toolbar with three buttons on it each linking to one view. Here is my code to do this but I think there...

Adding a UINavigationController as a subview of UIView

I'm trying to display a UILabel on top of a UINavigationController. The problem is that when I add the UILabel as a subview of UIWindow it will not automatically rotate since it is not a subview of UIViewController (UIViewController automatically handles updating subviews during rotations). This is the hierarchy I was using: UIWindow ...

Unable to load UIView with initWithNibName in Apple SDK 3.1.3

I am trying to load my UIViewController and corresponding UIView programmatically in the AppDelegate class. I have the following in the applicationDidFinishLaunchingMethod of the AppDelegate class: (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { NSLog(@"--- AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching Start"); // Over...

How do I replace a modal view controller?

I'm using a modal view controller to allow a user to select an address book entry and email address. The ABPeoplePickerNavigationController object is displayed via presentModalViewController:animated: [self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES]; What I want to do is keep the modal dialog up, but when the user selects the ema...

How to know when StatusBar size changed (iPhone)

I have UITabBarController with 2 tabs. One resizes just fine, when StatusBar size changes (emulator "Toggle In-Call Status Bar" menu item). The other one doesn't. The problematic tab item contains a static view, which dynamically loads one or another view depending on certain things. While getting this setup working I discovered that ma...

How to load an external view in a NIB?

I have a ViewController that has its own NIB. I would like to embed that NIB inside of another master NIB. How can I accomplish this in Interface Builder and how do I reference it in code? ...

How to popup a view from bottom?

When click a button,I want to popup a view form bottom,like this! Any help is welcome,thanks. ...

Can I push a modal view controller from within another modal view controller?

I've got a rootViewController that, at one point, displays a peoplePickerNavigationController. I'm trying to push a second view controller when my user selects a specific contact property, like so: -(BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)picker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABPersonRef)person ...

How to link UINavigationController to multiple ViewController?

i have 2 tabbars each bar have own ViewController and UINavigationController. so i create 1 instance UINavigationController from my Appdelegate, how can i link them with my UINavigationController? Notice i try: in IB it can link only 1 to 1 ...