
View Controller in cocoa touch

Can a view be managed by 2 view controllers? An example is the Root View controller has a Table View Controller inside it, The view of both these controllers is the table view. With this configuration the app loads but crashes during run-time where you scroll the table view. Whats wrong here? ...

Multiple UIViewController working at the same time?

Is the possible for multiple UIViewControllers working at the same time? Consider the following window: +-----------------+ | +-----+ | | | | | | | A | C | | | | | | +-----+ | | | | +----...

Possible to initiate a call to 'shouldAutorotateInterfaceOrientation' of a UIViewController

Hi all! Again a question about changing the interfaceOrientation of a UIView. The probleme that I have is changing the interfaceOrientation and I would like to avoid to do it manually, because I additionally have hidden views (those will appear with certain finder swipes) and I think it's a little bit tricky to transform all of them man...

loadView is called each time .view notation is used

I have a view called MyViewController, that I initialize from a xib file. Its loadView method looks like this: - (void) loadView { [super loadView]; // some initializations } I create it from some other view controller like this -(void) createMyViewController { MyViewController *aController = [[MyViewController alloc...

Getting an error when calling an IBAction from a button click inside a xib

i am having an issue where when i call an IBaction from a certain viewcontroller the app crashes, but i can get the desired result elsewhere. basically i have a navigationcontroller buried in a tab bar controller. if i call an IBActions from the first view of the navigationcontroller it works fine, but if i create a view with an initWi...

UIView underneath Status Bar

Hi i have a strange issue after adding my UIViewController.view to my Application Window. I created a window based app and added my view in my appDelegates didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { overviewViewController ...

Dismissing Modal View Controllers

View Controller A presents View Controller B modally, which has a button to present View Controller C modally. Here is my flow: A presents B which presents C When B presents C, I want B to be dismissed, so my only view controllers are A and C. I am not sure where to call: [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO]; in order to d...

How to Dismiss 2 Modal View Controllers in Succession?

I have 2 view controllers presented modally. A presents B which presents C. When I dismiss C I would like to dismiss B as well. But I am not sure how to do this: Dismiss C: [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES] //[delegate dismissB] //this doesn't work either when i create a delegate pattern Now I am left with B. How can I...

after dismissing modal view, parent view seems deallocated??

I'm writing an iPhone app. Starting from a view controller in a navigation stack [called EditCreatorController], I am presenting a custom modal view controller [called BMSStringPickerController]. I have created a delegate protocol, etc. per the Apple guidelines for passing data back to the first view and using that view to dismiss the mo...

presentModalViewController not working properly

I have 3 views. I want to do the following: A presents B modally A dismisses B A presents C modally I have setup a delegate pattern where A is B's delegate. This is how I am presenting and dismissing in B: [delegate dismissB]; //this is just [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:NO] [delegate presentC]; //this is just [self prese...

How can I smoothly transition between separate Portrait and Landscape UIViewControllers?

I'm using Apple's sample code for having separate Portrait and Landscape view controllers (presenting/dismissing a modal view controller from within the orientationChanged method). However, it creates a number of problems: The status bar doesn't rotate. If I manually setStatusBarOrientation, I get very strange behavior. The transitio...

Dismissing multiple modal view controllers at once?

So have a stack with three view controllers where A is root, B is first modal view controller and C is third modal vc. I would like to go from C to A at once. I have tried this solution to dismiss.It does work but not in a correct way. That is when the last view controller is dismissed it will breifly show the second view controller befo...

UINavigationController and UIViewController dealloc

Hi, I recently changed my app to use a UINavigationController, I was using a UINavigationBar before, with cascade subView adding, which was a bit tenuous. I'm facing a problem of memory usage. Leaks tool doesn't show any leak, but ViewControllers I create and add to the UINavigationController never seem to be released. So memory usage ...

Determine client area for tab bar controller

One of my tab bar's items is UIViewController representing UIScrollView. Once the scroll view is created I need to setContentSize, but I don't know how to calculate size from its controller, considering tab bar area. I would consider to avoid hard coding. ...

Support orientation at runtime for UITabBarController

I have a UITabBarController that supports four different views, all UINavigationController. To enable the orientation, all views in tabs active at that moment must support it. The problem is that I only enabled the orientation to some views in the grafts UINavigationController. For example: UITabBarController: UINavigationController1: ...

How to extend UIImagePickerController with a custom view controller?

Because the default cropping frame of an UIImagePickerController (when using the setting setAllowsEditing:YES) isn't the right size for me I've created a custom view controller, like suggested here. When a thumbnail is selected from the UIImagePickerController I open this custom view controller (navigationController) from - (void)imageP...

calling a function in view controller of Utility app

I am new to objective C and I have a c++ background. I want to display a value in the label on the screen. I am calling the label value from the MainView.m. However, the label becomes blank after I click a button instead of printing a value. What is the problem? Here is the code. MainView.h @interface MainView : UIView { int a; } -(...

ABPersonViewController edit contact and navigate back

I am building on XCode SDK 3.1.3 for iPhone. I am subclassing ABPersonViewController and presenting it as a modal view when user taps on a contact name in my iphone app. User can edit the address or change the ringtone and add it to their contact list as a new contact or update an existing contact. MySubClassedPersonViewController *x ...

Passing Non-Static Objects Between View Controllers

Hi Everyone, I'm a newb to iphone development and objective c, but hoping some folks smarter than me can lend a hand. Here's my problem: I have a view based app with about 7 different view controllers. The user navigates via a bottom tab bar. I have the users entering data in the first view controller to an object named "copies". I...

can i load rootview's xib View to another class

can i load rootview's xib View to another class ...