
Simple UML behaviours baffle me!

Hello! Very new to UML and system design. We're at the stage of doing a class diagram in the design phase and are struggling to figure out how to implement a requirement. Here's the problem: We have a Person class that is composed of a Name class and a ContactDetails class. Contact details class is composed of a MobileNumber and an E...

UML - C++ to class diagram

I noticed that in visual studio (2005) you can right click and generate class diagram, however in C++ mode this option is not available. How can I generate class diagram from C++ ? I have a large C++ project and am looking for a tool to accomplish this task. Are there any free tools to do it? ...

UML Code generation tool in c#

Hi Friends, Please suggest me any opensource tool to generate C# code from UML designer,Or any plugin to generate code from visualstudio. My requirement is to have a code generation tool for c#. ...

Understanding UML of DoFactory Design Pattern - Decorator

I am trying to understand UML diagram describing Decorator Pattern at link below I don't understand why there is a "Aggregation" relation between Decorator and Component. I believe it should be composition as Decorator cannot exist without the base component. ...

Free Code-to-Flowchart/UML tool for C# code

I'm looking for a free tool similar to Visustin. Are there any like that that exist? ...

UML based Web Modelling: model the login process?

I am trying to model a web site project with UML. My question: in Use Case and Activity diagrams, should I model the login process (and if so, how)? Looking around, I didn't find a consistent answer to this question. Some people say we should no show the login as any part of the system, neither in Use Case nor in Activity diagrams; some ...

Should I place a built in Class (such as Date) as a separate class in my UML.

I'm creating a UML Class Diagram for an inventory system as part of a class assignment. I used members such as String and Date in a few of my Classes. My group members are saying that I should include a Date class because it is an object. My assumption is that we were using Java or some other language with a built in Date object. Do I...

UML of website page navigation

I need someones help in creating UML for web navigation: If the dropdown in page1 have values "A" "B" "D" Web navigates by.. Page1 -> Page2 -> Page 3-> Page 4 if a drop down in page 1 is having value "C" then Page1 -> Page2 -> Page 4 Please help in creating a UML for this. ...

How can I represent implementation of a pattern in a UML class diagram?

In UML, how can I represent that a class implements some design pattern or follows some convention? For example, in Java, that a class follows the JavaBean convention? ...

Recommended sites with UML diagrams for different business scenarios?

As I found once for relational database models under this site, now I wonder if I could find something similar for UML diagrams base on the different business possible scenarios. Best, ...

what are the most significant disadvantages of using UML?

UML is a great language to model software for business requirements, but there is a growing community that points some disadvantages for some lacking features. What are the most significant disadvantages that you find crucial for UML and what could it be a good alternative to solve this lacking features? ...

Do you know of any good UML sample?

I need some sample UML diagrams for some project of medium complexity. Do you know of anywhere where I can find some? I don't need them for learning UML, but rather to test my application that I work on and that should be able to process UML diagrams. It would suffice to have Class diagram, Package diagram and Component diagram, but th...

Model an information system which communicates with other information systems in an uml-diagram?

Hello, i have written a software that is generating a data output based on the communication protocol HL7, but this isn't really important for my question. I have to develop an integration concept to integrate my software as a subsystem into an enterprise information system which communicates with other information systems in other inst...

Numbering Messages in Enterprise Architect Communication Diagrams

I'm using Enterprise Architect (sparxsystems) to create a UML 2.0 Communication Diagram. I want the numbering of messages to be similar to this example: How do I get messages to start with 2, 3, etc? Whenever I create a new message it creates ...

Free and usable UML diagrams editor

I need to find a good, powerful and reliable UML diagram editor. I cannot use visio for this - I just go mad because of its usability. Can anyone recommend me a good one? ...

Reverse Engineer sequence diagram in StarUML

Hi folks, I am in the process of reverse engineering an existing java project. I am using StarUML to generate the class diagrams. I would like to know how I can generate a package diagram, package dependency diagram and sequence diagram from existing code in StarUML? I would be much interested in sequence diagram if not the others. Co...

using visio 2007, how do I represent a trigger and a stored procedure?

I have a web service class diagram, I want it to show what stored procedures a web method calls. for now, I just use a class with a metod inside to represent a stored procedure, something like storeStuff(in this, in that, out field1, out field2) but this consumes tons of space, any tips? or are there any better ways to do this? tha...

Enterprise Architect doesn't recognize relations in code

I reverse engineered some PHP classes with Sparx's Enterprise Architect software to create a class diagram. Too bad it doesn't automatically recognize relations like inheritance or whatsoever. Did I overlook something? ...

Dynamic Behaviour

HI, I want to find non-common examples of dynamic systems, to be modeled using UML. Any ideas?? Thanks ...

A proposal to add statemachine support to C++-like language

Lately as part of my day job I've been learning IBM Rhapsody and using it to generate code in C++ from the UML. Yesterday it struck me that it might be cool to think about adding state machine support to my C++ compiler, so I jotted a few notes here: My motivatio...