
Graphing library capabale of generating class diagrams

Hi, I need a library that is able to generate UML class diagrams for use over the web. Just images based on meta data would be fine, but if anybody knows of one that allows to draw over the web, would be even better. ...

Generate class diagram from existing javadocs

Hi, I'm using an external java library for which I only have the javadocs and do not have the source code. I'd like to generate a UML diagram from the existing javadocs so that I can visualize the class hierarchy using something like Graphviz. Is that possible? Note that what I'm looking for is a graphical version of overview-tree.html...

UML arrows/pointers explanation

Hello, I have recently been studying UML and drawing simple diagrams with ordinary plain arrows between classes. But I know its not enought, there is plenty other arrows generalization, realization and etc which has meaning to the diagram reader. Maybe is there a nice resource which could explain each arrow(ordinary,plain, dotted, diamo...

UMLModeler.closeModel(modelObj) is not closing the EMX File in Editor RSA 6.0.1

Hi I am working on a project where we are using RSA 6.0.1. I have to run the some set of tasks programmatically. I have open the emx file using UMLModeler.openModel(absoluteModelPath); Then do some editing and save through UMLModeler.getEditingDomain().run( new ResourceSetModifyOperation("Update Operation") {},Monitor); Then I refres...

Showing interface bundles in an architecture

I am in a early stage of a project, graphically modelling the system structure. Is there any widely accepted graphical notation for showing interface "bundles"? Interface bundles would be a collection of several separate interfaces (belonging together) which are aggregated in order to reduce figure complexity. Example would be to vis...

Automatically create class diagram from ActionScript code?

Is there a tool that can automatically generate class diagrams from Action Script code? ...

Learning Eclipse MDT-UML2 Sequence Diagrams

Are there any tutorials or documentation files for drawing Sequence Diagrams with Eclipse MDT-UML2? I can't put a Lifeline on the page. It took me 10 minutes to figure out that I first have to make a big Iteraction, and then I can put Lifelines into it. I can't figure out how to make the Participant box wider in the lifeline. Any nam...

Direction of the association arrow in UML class diagrams

On this webpage which shows how to draw a class diagram, why is the arrow for association pointing from order to customer, and not from customer to order? UML Tutorial - Class Diagrams ...

Association of n to 1 objects in a UML class diagram

Is it safe to say that in a UML class diagram, if there is an association of n to 1 objects, then the association arrow is pointing from the class associated with n objects to the class associated with 1 object? n ----> 1 ...

Is there such a thing as a use case relationship diagram?

I know about use case diagrams. But is there something called a use case relationship diagram? How is it different? ...

Why does each box in a UML state diagram have three sections?

I noticed in this example that each box is divided into three sections, but only two sections are ever used. Why not just divide it into two sections then? UML Tutorial - State Diagrams ...

Drawing UML state diagrams

When drawing state diagrams, how do you know which states get put in boxes and which states are for the transition arrows? I noticed that transitions are states too. I'm looking at figure 1 on this page: UML 2 State Machine Diagrams ...

Equivalence Class Testing vs. Boundary Value Testing

I understand how equivalence testing works. How is it the same or different from boundary value testing? ...

uml 2.0 sequence diagram: is a reply message obligatory when modeling a synchronous message

i have found some articles on uml sequence diagrams, which mention a reply message would be optionally, but i could not find any hint to confirm this in the 2.2 uml super structure specification. maybe someone who is familiar with that spec could answer the question and give me a hint in which part of the uml superstructure documentation...

free, cheap or open source UML and Visio-like tool

Hi Guys, We're looking for free/cheap or open source UML tools. What tools have you used ? It's OK if there are 2 tools, one each for Flow charts and UML. If a UML tool or Flow Chart tool is cheap(we're a NON-PROFIT), and no open source is good enough, we're open to look at them. Thanks and BR, ~A ...

Tool for modeling ER diagram and import in SQL server

Is there any tool for ER modeling and then converting models to a Microsoft SQL Server database? The tool should has this features: ER Diagrams shoud be in UML Notation (see this, the last is UML notation). Export models to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 database (by creating a mdf file or connecting to a MSSQL Server and creating s...

Is any diagramming software exists for MVC pattern with code generation?

Hello. MVC patter uses delegates to interconnect a lot of class objects with each over. For Qt they are signals and slots, for C# they are events, for Java they are closures. But all diagramming and UML designers i know only operates with inheritance and child-parent composition :(. Is it any software available that allows to draw class...

Tools for describing and modeling voice xml applications

What tools do you use to describe call flow, to draw, to model in voice xml development? What is the most useful editor to draw such diagrams & models [ as I can guess there's no specific tool for voice applications design ] ? And what blocks do you use to draw prompts, grammars, how would you do that in professional voice app developmen...

UML: Modeling php includes? How to?

I have a php application where some Web Pages are used for different purposes. Depending on the value of one (or more) parameters being passed in the URL the page includes one or other php file with different functionality. Let's say I have clients.php with the following code fragment: <?php $do=$_GET["do"]; switch($do){ case "...

Recommended NetBeans UML plugins

It appears that the NetBeans UML plugin has been discontinued, as per a discussion on the NetBeans forums. This was a great, free tool with nice model->code and code->model generation. There are a number of other UML NetBeans plugins out there. However, I've never used any of them. Any suggestions? ...