
Representing a C# Generic Method in a UML Class Diagram

I have the following interface: public interface IRegisterable { T Register<T>(string username, string passw) where T : User, ICanLogin, new(); } User is an abstract class, and ICanLogin is another interface. Now, I want to represent the above interface with its method in a UML Class Diagram, in Visio. How can I represent the a...

How to make documentation visible with sequence diagram in Visio ?

I have generated a sequence diagram using Microsoft Visio 2003. UML messages shown in the diagram have detailed text described in the message documentation. But I am not able to figure out the option to make it visible in the sequence diagram for someone to read it along with the message in diagram. Could you pls advise on options to do...

Why does the client have no reference to the invoker in the Command pattern?

Link to command pattern Why does the client have no reference to the invoker when it has references to receivers and concretecommands? public static void main(String[] args) { StockTrade stock = new StockTrade(); BuyStockOrder bsc = new BuyStockOrder (stock); SellStockOrder ssc = new SellStockOrder (stock); Agent agent...

Good books on the theories behind UML/data modeling for web apps?

Hello, Trying to better my grasp on this area of application design/architecture/development and looking for any suggestions in this area. I have read some other posts and have a list of development theory books, but would like to form a list for more architecture based books that relate to web based applications. Thank you! ...

Best UML plugins for Eclipse

I just inherited a J2SE project and will be working on it on Eclipse. I'd like to get some diagrams out of the existing code and I'm looking for good UML plugins to use with Eclipse. Any recommendations? ...

Intellij UML Diagrams

I just noticed that Intellij has a UML diagram drawer. I am attempting to use it to figure out what is going on in some code that is new to me. Is there anyway to show the dependencies between all of the classes/interfaces on the screen? Is this a useful feature? It seems to be missing somethings but it might just be that I am not ...

Coregions in UML

What are coregions in UML sequence diagrams? ...

Re: PoEAA Book, by Fowler: Why the bi-directional association between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper Pattern' Class Diagram

This question is about a specific UML diagram in the book called Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler. Why is there a 'bi-directional association' between Footballer Mapper and Bowler Mapper in the 'Inheritance Mapper' Class Diagram on page 302? ...

How do you show instantiation in a UML Sequence Diagram?

How do I show that the WebServer instantiates a View and gets back control of the flow? Maybe I'm not using the right type of diagram? Thanks a bunch! ...

How can I create a class diagram with NetBeans' 6.8 UML module?

It seems to me the UML module of NetBeans is a bit too much hidden. In NetBeans 6.5 it was very easy to create an UML diagram. No plugin installation necessary or sth. like. Read my post where I found a zip file to install the UML module. And now, after this procedure, I got the UML module back, but it seems to me that I cannot create...

Any systematic way to avoid "reentry" problem? (embedded system)

We are using C to build a system on ARM core (i.e. an embedded system). The question is: how can we avoid reentry problem in a formal way so that we are confident all reentry bugs are removed. This may not be a practical wish but surely important for any system, I guess. Just for the discussion, I guess drawing UML diagram or have a com...

What is the best way to model a richly interactive GUI (using use-cases or other approaches)?

My company develops a rich GUI from a detailed specification document, written as 100+ Use-cases (UC's). These detailed UC's drive the development. They are written as tables with actor and description columns. We (me and others) have mangled real UC prose style to support the interactive nature of our application. We also use the spec...

Mac OSX/Cross Platform UML Sketching Tools?

A similar question had been asked a year or two ago, but I wanted to see if anyone has any new answers. I'm looking for a lightweight UML sketching tool that runs on Mac OSX. I really only care for diagramming and do not need code generation, etc. I prefer free, but am open to purchasing something if it's good and reasonable. I absolute...

What is the term for this (UML?) diagram and what program can make it?

The question is pretty self-explanatory. Is there a technical name for that diagram? Is it considered UML? Second of all, what sort of program might have been used to generate it? I'd like to make one of my own. I'm running Windows 7, but suggestions for programs on other operating systems are welcome too. ...

Looking for open-source, free alternatives to Rational Rose (UML Modeler)?

I am looking for a relatively bug-free, small learning curve data modeler that allows creation of UML diagrams. Prof recommended Rational Rose...but I don't want to pay for it. Could run on Linux or Windows... Any suggestions? ...

importance of object model in domain driven design

Our team is fairly new to domain driven design. We have a new project that just moved from design phase into coding phase. In the design phase, some team members created UML design models in Visio, while others just started coding. Also, with the pressures of build releases, many of our models are becoming out of date quickly. Is it ...

Steps to be followed for creating UML diagrams?

What are the steps to be followed when we start UML diagrams for new features or requirements? I need the entire steps like 1.Identify the actor, 2.Identify the use cases like this etc.... ...

UML - class model question

Hello, I have started to study UML standard and would need little help with two things I cannot find. I understand that in the class model I should design classes and their relations like: Customer<>--->(*1)Items ordered 1)Is it correct that we design only "our" custom classes and do not care about classes used inside like Dictionary,L...

UML relation between usecases (extend/include)

Hi, I do not understand well following topic since it is a bit ambiguous from what I read: Inlcude is like a reference to next part, the usecase is not completed without it. This part should be referenced from more places otherwise its use has no sense. But I have seen an example when there is "include" only in some IF statement is t...

Question about UML extend/include from Book Example

Hi, Reading the book about UML, I do not understand following: --------include---> Add new manufacturer Servoce Assistant---Add new product <--------extend----Add new product type I just do not understand it. If there is yet uknown manufacturer, it uses i...