
Java + Subversion + UML modelling

I would like to know if there are any tools out there(preferably open source), that one can use to connect and authenticate to a local/remote subversion server and query the repository. I aim at getting snapshots(revisions) of the repository at a particular moment in time and model the revision using class, package, sequence and collabor...

How to import XNA types (and other types) in MS Visio?

Hello people, I'm working on the UML of a game we will do in XNA, but Visio does not provide XNA types (like Vector3 or Model). For the moment, I replace those types by C#::Object but it's not really useful to understand... Is there a way to import XNA types in Visio, or do I have to recreate them manually ? Thanks Altefquatre ...

User Interface functionality modelling languages?

I am looking for a UI functionality modelling language (UML-alike "thing", but for user interfaces) that is already accepted and maybe has its design patterns and handles the problem better than state or activity diagram. (If there is no such thing I'm planning to develop that BTW :)) This question came to mind as a result of a discove...

How to go from uml to app in zope (plone)

I have watched this keynote that talk about develop an app based on an UML model, but I can't find any tutorial or docs about it. Do you know any tutorial or documentation to help me? thanks ...

What is an Architecture Context Diagram (ACD) and are there any other names for it?

I've been charged with the following tasks for a group project: a) Design/Draw an Architecture Context Diagram b) ACD Description c) UML deployment diagram The UML deployment diagram is no issue as there are plenty of straight-forward resources online but this is not the case for the ACD. I need resources on exactly what an ACD is and...

Is there any smart enough tool to build UML class-diagram based on not very complicated Java sources?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and I tried its tool for building class diagram. Unfortunatelly, it draws classes from java package as well as necessary classes. That's why built diagram is very messed. Are there any more smart tool? Or, is there any way to 'turn off' drawing java classes in IDEA? ...

Visual Basic 6.0 UML Diagram generator

Are there any free UML diagram generator that could convert a VB6 source code into a UML diagram? ...

Should a Scheduler be an actor in a use case diagram

Lets say a scheduler which is part of the system is responsible for sending weekly emails to users. Should the "scheduler" be treated as an actor or should this modeled as a use case? Guidelines for choosing actors say: If: its an actual person interacting with your system. If "Yes" its an Actor Else: Is it something you can change with...

Interaction between HTML/Javascript coder and server scripting language coder?

I don't want my PHP coder to write Javascript anymore. I want to separate javascript coding and php coding. How should I write documentation about this interaction? Let's imagine really simple ajax request. As for me documentation should contain sequence flow diagram. user is clicking "edit" button preloader is shown to user ajax requ...

Need critics, UML activity diagram (image inside)

Here is my question I've decided to make activity diagram to describe this process user is clicking "edit" button preloader is shown to user ajax request is sent to url /ajax_request/category/{category_id}/; we are ...

Is there any way to create a class diagram for my class in eclipse?

I'm using eclipse to program my java exercises for my CSCI class. Is there any way eclipse can give me a class diagram for a class that I've created? ...

Is there a free Eclipse plugin that creates a UML diagram out of Java classes / packages?

This seemed to me like the easiest thing to find, a simple way to display my classes as UML in eclipse But except this: and this I haven't found any new, maintained and "good" implementation (with all due respect to the above two) Anything else I've m...

Reverse Engineering Code into a UML Class Diagram in VS 2010

Reverse engineering source code into a VS 2010 UML class model? I have a bad feeling that this is not supported in VS 2010 (I'm using the RC from Feb 2010). I've tried dragging classes from the "Architecture Explorer" to the "UML Model Explorer" but that doesn't work (won't let me drop on the UML Model). I've tried generating an old st...

How to connect to SVN server in Java and more?

Hi everyone! I have a project where I have to pull data or code from SVN and create a sequence/class/UML diagram based on code/data retrieved from SVN. My questions are: 1) How to connect to SVN server from java? 2) Is there any java libraries that can take a class method and generate a sequence diagram? 3) Is there any java library t...

Which Tool can generate UML by SQL?

I'm searching a tool for generating UML-Diagrams by the import of SQL-Syntax-Files. I need it for personal usage. Best if it's free or if there is a free trial license available. ...

How is UML useful?

Possible Duplicate: Is UML practical? I am doing UML in my University and I do not understand why we must do it. It looks like a model for OO databases but I think I can write Java without UML. I want to know the technical reasons why UML is used in the professional world; why it is important. Not just learn it because the pr...

What is different between collaboraion diagram and comunication diagram in UML?

What is different between collaboration diagram and communication diagram in UML? Are they equal? ...

How to show duplicate actions in an activity diagram?

I'm working on an activity diagram that has a decision node. First action is "review application" then it goes into the decision node. This splits into accepted or rejected. On both cases, I need to add "Update audit trail" and "notify user" actions. And then the flow goes to the final node. The "Update audit trail" and "notify user" ...

UML modeler for Native C++ with CLI interface Rational Rose Replacement

We have been using Rational Rose 2000 or so for modeling since i guess 2000 or so and were looking to upgrade, however when I looked at the license cost I wondered if it was still the leader in UML for C++ code generation. Further complicating the mater our interface layer is now c++/CLI and we would like to be able to generate that as ...

Design documents vs UML or both?

I've had a hard time sitting in front of UML and getting value out of it because it almost seems like as much work as programming (if you use an expressive language). I find that writing natural language tells me more about a software project than creating complicated diagrams. I'm new to UML though and I wondered from others who know UM...