
uml diagrams-use case diagrams

which uml diagrams we should use when allocationg use case behoviour? ...

staruml "combined fragment" layout

Am facing a bit of trouble getting the 'combined fragment' to sit above an activation (in a sequence diagram). On adding a 'combined fragment' (loop/alt/opt etc) to a section of the sequence diagram, the label and the guard condition appear 'under' the activation block and hence is obscured. Any idea how to fix this? ...

What enterprise architecture tools support DoDAF 2.0?

What tools best support the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0, including support for transfer of the architecture data in accordance with the DoDAF Meta Model (DM2) Physical Exchange Specification (PES)? My initial research found that MagicDraw and Casewise claim support for version 2.0; and several other tools have support...

UML tool similar to USE

Hello, To "simulate" instances from class diagrams I am using USE But I find very frustating to create instances. I am looking for similar tools like this one. I really like USE, but GUI is painfull. I think, that USE is pretty cool to learn how the model "works". Do you know similar tools like this one? ...

command design pattern usage

Hi. I've read 3 descriptions of the command design pattern: wikipedia, dofactory and source making. In all of them, the UML shows a relation between the client to the receiver & the concrete command, but no relation to the invoker. But in all 3 examples the client is the one that initiates the invoker and call its Execute method. I thi...

Source code to class diagram generation

How can I generate a class diagram and other related modeling diagrams from source code ? I am open to any tool (Eclipse plug-in etc) but does Netbeans has a plugin for it too? ...

Difference between a subsystem and a component

Hi! I would like to ask what is the difference between a subsystem and a component in the UML sense? ...

Resources for learning how to better read code

Hi, I recently inherited a large codebase and am having to read it. The thing is, I've usually been the dev starting a project. As a result, I don't have a lot of experience reading code. My reaction to having to read a lot of code is, well, umm to rewrite it. But I need to bring myself up to speed quickly and build on top of an exi...

UML or design tools for websites

What is a good tool to design the implementation of websites? I typically use UMl to design applications, but I feel that does not apply well to websites, specifically the heavy emphasis on UI that websites require. What would be a good tool to use to plan a webpage? ...

How model statemachine, when state is dependent on a function ?

I have a Contract class. The contract is valid 1 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010. It can be in state Active or Passive, depending on which date I ask the instance for it's state. ex. if I ask 4 July 2010, it's in state Active, but if I ask 1 Jan 2011, it's in state Passive. Statemachine diagram: From Start state, which state should it go to ne...

Need generated UML diagrams for C++ plugin modules

I need various UML diagrams (sequence/collaboration, class, package, and system component) from some C++ files. However, these files are plugins in a larger programming framework. I have tried generating UML from Rational Rose 7 (2002 version), but I am not very experienced and I am unsure if RR simply cannot produce the diagram, I am do...

How to model dependency injection in UML ?

I have a Contract class. The contract is valid 1 Jan 2010 - 31 Dec 2010. It can be in state Active or Passive, depending on which date I ask the instance for it's state. ex. if I ask 4 July 2010, it's in state Active, but if I ask 1 Jan 2011, it's in state Passive. Instances are created using constructor dependency injection, i.e. they...

Generating XMI or graphic UML diagrams (not code documentation) in C#.NET

Is there any solution available for generating UML diagrams (or at least XMI files) in C#.NET? Bear in mind that I don't want to reverse engineer my code but automate UML diagrams generation (different kind of them, mostly component diagrams). ...

Logical view = component diagram?

Is the components diagram (UML) a logical view of the system? ...

Can I use UML to diagram ERDs?

Hi, 1) Can I use UML to diagram ERDs? 2) If answer to 1 is "yes", the use of UML is standardized and widely used for that purpose? Thanks ...

Generating UML diagrams from textual representation

How can I generate a UML sequence diagram from a file containing a textual representation of my process, with command-line tools in Linux? ...

Tool which can do both UML and ER Diagram

Hello, I have approval to buy one tool which can help programmers of my team to write better code. Most of my team members either do UML (.NET developers) or they do ER (database developers) Can you please recommend a tool for me which can do both of these type of diagrams? Please don't recommend Visio because my team already evaluat...

Software engineering: visit and visit history

Hello. I'm designing a software. I want to store the times a user visits a place, and I want to show a visit history for that user or place. I think, visit is a class, and visit history, is it a class? I don't know how to represent visit history on my UML model. Thank you. ...

javascript uml diagrammer

Hi, Does anyone know of a javascript UML diagrammer? I have found the Eclipse plugin jsuml from, however the plugin crashes when I try to generate a diagram. [EDIT] This is to generate a diagram from existing javascript code. Thanks, Bob ...

Software engineering: friend is a user on a UML model

Hello. I'm developing a software where a user can be a friend of another user. Is friend a class on a UML model? I think friend is a user. Thank you. ...