
I have made an installer for MyProgram but the uninstall shortcut that it creates leaves behind empty folders

I have created an installer for MyProgram using the Visual Studio Installer (Visual Studio Setup Project). It is called "MyProgram Setup.msi". It installs the program fine and if it is uninstalled using the Add/Remove Programs control panel then everything gets removed as it should. The problem is that I want to add a shortcut to the "U...

Check firebird databases present

Our software installer install firebird if it is not present on the system and, as we are pursuing Win certificate the uninstaller should remove it but, we want to make sure that even if it was the installer that put it there, if any new software is using it now with a new database, we would not remove it (Firebird). The question is: Is...

Cannot Uninstall or Repair Visual Studio 2010..I get "operation cannot be completed" error!!

I get "operation cannot be completed" error when i tried repair or uninstall visual studio 2010 RC1...I tried restarting my computer and doing it couple of times...but it just does not let me do an repair or an uninstall and it completes half way and give me "operation cannot be completed" and just hangs...after that and does nothing an...

Making Wix uninstall an old plug-in when performing an upgrade

I have a main product which is installed using Wix and has its own UpgradeCode In between releases of the main product we sometimes release plug-ins which add or patch some functionality. The plug-ins are packaged in their own Wix generated .msi files with their own UpgradeCodes and generally install addition files is a separate folder ...

Completely uninstalling both versions of XCode

As usual I typed sudo Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all It uninstalled the first version (Beta) properly. Tried the same thing on the older Stable Version which I have installed to "XCode Stable" Getting this error Use of uninitialized value $dir_name in substitution (s///) at Library/uninstall-devtools line 153. Use of uninitiali...

Perform a task on uninstall in android

I have developed an Android app. Now I want to perform a few operations (i. e. - Reset the settings etc.. ) at the moment the app gets uninstalled from the phone. Is it possible to reigster a listener or a function that is called at the moment the app is removed? ...

iphone - Can't uninstall app on device

hey guys, I am testing my app on my jailbreaked iPhone and i noticed something strange. When i want to uninstall it on device i got no cross to delete the app. All the other apps (not mines) have the white circled cross. Whereas on the simulator i am able to delete my app. Is it because i run it on a jailbreak with a codesign workarou...

C#: Custom action at Uninstall

I am trying to remove an ODBC entry during uninstall. What is the best way to do this? I have a standard VS Setup project. ...

Uninstall user-specific data for multiple users

We have a Windows app that installs for all users in the Program Files folder, and writes registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. When a user runs the application, user configurable stuff is copied into %APPDATA%\MyCompany\MyProduct\Version\ and also written to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive. This happens for each user that installs a...

Can't sudo gem uninstall (you don't have write permissions)

I'm having trouble removing a gem from my system. When i ask gem where RedCloth is installed it says this: pteng01:trunk mike$ gem list -d RedCloth *** LOCAL GEMS *** RedCloth (3.0.4) Author: why the lucky stiff Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/projects/redcloth Homepage: http://www.whytheluckystiff....

How do I uninstall rapache?

I want to uninstall rapache, make uninstall doesn't seem to do anything and a look at the rapache documentation and a google search turns up nothing. Any help would be great ...

WiX uninstall - close application before Restart Manager

Hi I have an installer done with WiX. When it's done installing, it starts an application that injects some code in the Explorer process. Currently when I uninstall, the Restart Manager kicks in and offers to shut down my application and Explorer. Instead of that I want to close my application manually (this is done by running it again...

How to uninstall ODBC datasource with Batch or VBS?

I need to uninstall an ODBC data source on ~30 computers and was hoping there'd be a quicker way than using the ODBC Administration GUI. This is a one time deal so I'm hoping to use a VBS or a Batch file. I've tried using reg delete but the data source still hows up in the ODBC Administration GUI. Anyone know how to uninstall an ODBC da...

Unknown gem rack >= 0 error

I keep getting this error message when trying to uninstall rack... $ sudo gem uninstall rack ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError) Unknown gem rack >= 0 When I do gem list -l... *** LOCAL GEMS*** rack (1.2.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.1) Same error with gem uninstall rack (no sudo) I've also tried gem uninstall rack --version ...

How to delete Eclipse completely (including settings and plugins) from Mac OS X?

My Eclipse with GAE broken and works strangely. So I deleted Eclipse from Application folder, but there are garbages left. I re-downloaded fresh new eclipse, but it runs with old settings, and broken GAE structure remained. How can I DELETE completely Eclipse from my Mac? (without any kind of settings/plugins/logs etcs.) ...

Uninstall a J2ME application through J2ME code?

Is there any way to do this? I found some Symbian C++ codes that could do it but nothing in J2ME. I have a J2ME certificate and don't have Symbian C++ certificate. Thanks in advance, Ashish. ...

Uninstall packages invisible in Android

Hi, I want do uninstall some useless apps from /system. I have super access, and the permission DELETE_PACKAGE in the manifest. But when i run Runtime.exec("pm uninstall package") I get ERROR/AndroidRuntime(10981): java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 10094 nor current process has android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES. Anyone know how...

How to uninstall Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2010 Team Suit Beta 1 - ENU.

I installed "Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2010 Team Suit Beta 1 - ENU" from a CD received from Microsoft. Now, when I uninstall it, it stops at TFS Object Model (x86) component and ask for the CD with file TFSObjectModel-x86_ENU.exe. Since I do not have CD with me (I am away from home for couple of months), I cannot proceed with u...

WiX installer remove files on uninstall but not on upgrade.

I have a program that installs with a WiX installer. The program itself creates a number of files in the [CommonAppDataFolder]\[MyAppName]\ directory. These files all have the same extension (lets call it .dat). On upgrading, I want to retain these files. On uninstalling, I want to remove these files. I am currently deleting the fil...

Starting an uninstaller from code

I would like to add an "Uninstall" button to my program that will start the uninstaller to remove the program and then immediately quit. What's the best way to a) determine if there is an uninstaller present, and b) find the correct uninstaller and launch it? Can I use the registry in a reliable manner? I recall using the registry befor...