
Application launcher icon is not deleted from Home screen when uninstalling android app.

Hi I'm using a similar codesnippet as shown below to add an application shortcut on the homescreen: Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); shortcutIntent.setClassName(this, this.getClass().getName()); shortcutIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_KEY, "ApiDemos Provided This Shortcut"); // Then, set up the container i...

How to access session custom action data (properties) during install and uninstall in Wix?

Can you please tell me what is wrong with the following code? I am able to access the custom action data during install and I add their values to session custom action collection. However, during uninstall I the value pairs are not in the collection. public class CustomActions { //This action is only called during application instal...

Deployment project uninstall - deleting files?

Hello! I have a project and deployment project that installs it. The software installed generates several files on the target PC (while used by the user). I was wondering if there was a way to instruct the Deployment Project to delete those files when uninstalling? All the files are in the users Application Data folder. Can I instruct ...

how to remove widget when the app is uninstalled in android ?

Hi, In android, I have created a widget for my application. When I uninstall the app, widget shows "problem loading widget" error in home screen. I need a scenario where widget should be removed by the developer through code (and not by the drag and drop to the trash) when i uninstall the app. Is it possible. If so, what changes we need...

How do you Uninstall and Install an application REMOTELY using PowerShell 2.0?

I understand I can use to following to install and unintall locally, but how can I push this onto another server that is on the same network and same OS version? Thanks in advance. (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name='MyMSI'" -ComputerName . ).Uninstall() (Get-WMIObject -ComputerName Hello -List | Where-Object -FilterScr...

Does uninstalling Xcode with the --all option remove everything?

The documentation says: To uninstall Xcode developer tools on the boot volume along with the directory, from a Terminal window type: $ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all To remove the underlying developer content on the boot volume, but leave the directory and supporting files untouched, from a Terminal...

Weird character shown in windows uninstall diaglog while the air application is still running.

Is there somebody who can tell me how to set a proper error message when the user want to uninstall the air application while it is running. Now the windows uninstall screen show some weird characters. See image http://img197.imageshack.us/i/weirdcharactersairunins.png ...

Problem when uninstall my application in vista and win7, but not in XP.

I have a problem when uninstall my application in vista and win7, but not in XP. The error message is " The following error occured on the file 'C:\Windows\system32\mfc40.dll" Access is denied. (0x5) I made installer for my application using installscript project in Installshield 2010 if i choose button ignore in that error message, my...

Uninstall VS2008 after VS2010 Upgrade?

I recently bought and installed VS2010 Professional Upgrade on a system where I had VS2008 installed. I had been told on a Microsoft discussion forum that the Upgrade version required VS2008 to already be installed. Fine. So now that it's done I still have VS2008 sitting there, taking up space, even though I'm using VS2010. Is the...

Wix / MSI : Unable to uninstall

I've developed a Wix installer for an internal project however entirely by accident I've found that I'm unable to uninstall the installer on my development machine as I get the following error message: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable with a dialog pointing to the path of the .msi that ...

Uninstall non-setup created files

Hey everyone. I have a Setup project (MSI) in VS2008 which installs my project. Within the project, I create a settings file, for the application, in the SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData + \\"settings" folder (the two slashes are in the C# code for escaping). However, the uninstaller doesn't get rid of this for me when it removes th...

How to work with a new Python installation while having an old one installed?

After a fresh installation of my Windows dev machine, I installed Python 2.7. Quickly I learnt that this was a mistake as many of the packages I use only work on Python 2.6. So I installed 2.6 also and now I have both installations. How can I make everything work with Python 2.6 instead of Python 2.7? Every time I install a package it ...

How to completely remove Python from a Windows machine?

I installed both Python 2.7 and Python 2.6.5. I don't know what went wrong, but nothing related to Python seems to work any more. e.g. "setup.py install" for certain packages don't recognize the "install" parameter and other odd phenomena... I would like to completely remove Python from my system. I tried running the 2.7 and 2.6 msi fil...

How to delete data in userdefaults in iPhone when apps are uninstalled?

The NSUserDefaults class provides us a convenient way to store/restore shared data. But I got a question: how to delete data when user uninstalls the app? As we all know, apps should clean all its data/files when it's deleted. Leaving anything that won't be used anymore shouldn't happen, isn't it? As far as I know, an app will never know...

Change WizardSmallBitmapImage in Inno Setup Uninstaller

In installer, you can easily change the small bitmap in wizard's top right corner using this code: [Setup] WizardSmallImageFile=gfx\bitmap.bmp Hovewer, how to change that same bitmap in uninstaller's wizard's top right corner? There doesn't seem to be any parameter for this. I think one of the solution is to let the installer extract...

Uninstall application which prompts using VB Script

Hi I have an application which was deployed some time ago using an .msi and a .mst When I now try to uninstall the app using msiexec /x name_of_msi TRANSFORMS=name_of_mst /qb! I get a prompt asking if I would like to remove the ini files which were installed. Is there any way to uninstall the application and answer "Yes" to the prompt...

InstallShield display uninstall user interface

I have an application that can be uninstalled via a shortcut, which executes msiexec.exe /x {ProductCode}. When I click the shortcut it launches the Execute phase of the uninstall, however, it skips the preceding phase where user interface dialogs are displayed. If I run from the MSI file directly to uninstall it displays these dialogs. ...

After uninstall the program data file remain same as before in Vista

I have developed a win form application with .NET 3.5 and C# in Visual Studio 2008. This application using Microsoft Access 2003 file as database. My development machine have Windows XP installed. When I've completed the development of the application, I've created setup project for this, which is keeping the database in windows Common ...

using WMI to uninstall applications remotely

Hi, I am trying to write a mini w32 executable to remotely uninstall an application using WMI. I can list all the installed applications using this code below but i couldnt find a way to uninstall the application remotely thru WMI and C# I know I can do same using msiexec as a process but I wish to solve this using WMI if its possibl...

How to uninstall SQLExpress?

I am trying to uninstall SQLExpress (not quite sure what version) and am failing to do so. It shows up under "SQL Server 2005" in Add/Remove programs. When I click uninstall it says that it is scanning the configuration and then it closes down. Nothing happens. It still shows up in All Programs and Team Foundation Server (which I am ...