
Mercurial - When to use update

When do I use update vs merge? If I do a pull from a remote repository, I'm reading that I have to do update to get those changes into my working directory. But others times I'm reading that I have to do merge. Do I maybe want to always do an update after a pull, and then do a merge only if there are conflicts? What am I not understa...

MySql (Update-) SP only works in terminal ?

I have a stored procedure that works in the mysql> terminal, but when I try to run it through my application it doesn't work. I don't get any error messages or anything. If I try to execute the sp through MySql Query Browser the response is simply : "Query canceled." This particular SP is just a simple update command, but I have other...

Updating a mySQL column

Hi guys, I would like to update a mySQL column, basically I would like to get a specific user in the DB, and then add the number I have to the number in the DB column. So say for instance user 12345 has 55 points, and I wanna add 25 points to his score, how would I go about updating the points column to reflect 80? Thanx in advance! ...

How to update check boxes in a .NET checkListBox?

I've run into a problem where I want to display a list of items in a checkListBox and programmatically check them off one by one as each process I am monitoring gets completed. I will try to water my code down to the bare essentials so everyone can easily grasp what is happening. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { SOME_FUNCTION(); ...

How to delete duplicate values for a field in a table with a single query?

I want to delete from a table the entries where it has multiple values for Date field. So say I have Employee table - Id,Name,Date,Points i want to delete the entries with same Date field which should be unique...just to cleanup i need to just keep a single entry for date and delete the rest...maybe keep the recent one if possible....c...

Android: Inserting/Updating multiple records to SQL database

Ok, so perhaps I'm completely missing something here, but I've just started working with SQL and Android and from what I can see, updates and inserts back to the database need to be handled individually? I can retrieve a Cursor containing multiple records, but if I wanted to apply an update to each record in the cursor, I can only see ...

MySQL updating 'categories' linking table

I have a table that holds bibliography entries, with a bibID primary key. I also have a table that holds a list of categories that can be assigned to the bibliography entries with a categoryID primary key. A table links these two tables as bibID:categoryID, so that each bibID can be associated with multiple categoryIDs. Categories assoc...

C# 2010: Deploying Multiple Apps..Need Sure Fire Way To Update

For starters I have whored myself out to the Internet in general as far as search is concerned. Got nowhere and am pretty Google proficient. Maybe I missed something..Enough of that. As mentioned above C# 2010 (3.5->4.0 running on Win7x64 but would like the app to be fully compatible with XP/Vista). Dealing with XP(w/SP3) to Vista/7 cli...

Getting error when using the SubSonicRepository update method - SubSonic 3.4

Here is sample code which I used to update customer table. public void UpdateCustomer() { SAPDB db = new SAPDB(); SubSonicRepository<Customer> ssr = new SubSonicRepository<Customer>(db); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.ID = 5; customer.CustomerName = "John"; int val = ssr.Update(customer); } Please le...

Combine count rows in MySQL

I've got a table in MySQL that looks roughly like: value | count ------------- Fred | 7 FRED | 1 Roger | 3 roger | 1 That is, it was created with string ops outside of MySQL, so the values are case- and trailing-whitespace-sensitive. I want it to look like: value | count ------------- Fred | 8 Roger | 4 That is, managed by MySQ...

T-SQL Update trigger with multiple rows

Hi ! Consider a trigger after update on the table A. For every update the trigger should update all the records in table B. Then consider this query: UPDATE A SET X = Y Apparently there are many rows updated. After the update the trigger takes place. Now if the trigger would be using inserted table, and you would like to update the ...

Best way to apply code updates to a runing website ?

How can I apply code changes to my running website, if I have bug fixes or updates? The simplest way I can think of is to set up the same site in a different directory for testing the updates, and then put my website offline for a period of time to update files. Is there a better way? ...

Updating SQL table with calculations regarding previous rows

Hello, I'm trying to fix some errors on a big database of stock exchange data. One column (quantity) has the traded volume on each tick, and other column stores the cumulative volume (i.e., the sum of the previous ticks of the day). This second column is wrong in some cases (not a lot, so we can safely assume that no to adjacent ticks a...

How to install MonoDevelop 2.2 in a Virtual Machine under Debian 5 stable ?

Hi everyone, My problem is I wish to install the new version of MonoDevelop 2.2 in my Debian vmware image. This version is not validate for the moment. Also I try to add in my sources.list in /etc/apt the following line : deb http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian squeeze like advise in the monodevelop website. The problem when I select m...

How can I update multiple rows with one query (perl-mysql) ?

I need to update multiple rows with one query. For the insert we usually do something like INSERT INTO `table` (c1,c2,c3) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), .. Yet how can we do something similar for the update where each row has different values than the other? And there is a condition that is related to the id of each row? Any one faced ...

How do I update a table from an array?

$query = "SELECT users FROM tabl ORDER BY RAND()"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query '$query' failed with error message: \"" . mysql_error () . '"'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $users[] = $row[0]; } $current = end($users); $partners = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $partners[$user] = $...

How to Stop Hibernate From Trying to Update one-to-many Over Join Table

Ok so I'm having bit of a problem with my Hibernate mappings and getting the desired behavior. Basically what I have is the following Hibernate mapping: <hibernate-mapping> <class name="com.package.Person" table="PERSON" schema="MYSCHEMA" lazy="false"> <id name="personId" column="PERSON_ID" type="java.lang.Long"> ...

Google Sites API WebPageEntry Update Does Not Save

I am trying to update a Google sites WebPageEntry but my change does not get persisted and I do not receive any exceptions. Here is my code: WebPageEntry entry = mService.getEntry(new URL(getContentFeedUrl() + entryId), WebPageEntry.class); string pageContent = getContentBlob(entry); pageContent = pageContent + appendText; XmlBlob xml ...

Replace all fields in MySQL

Hi, I need to replace some chars in the columns of a table, by using the REPLACE command. I know that the REPLACE command needs a column name, then the text to change (in the following example, the 'a' char) and the new text (in the following case, the 'e' char). UPDATE my_table SET my_column = REPLACE (my_column,'a','e' ); So that ...

Can’t get FormView values from ObjectDataSource on update

Working with .NET 2.0, I have a FormView with fields bound to an ObjectDataSource (ODS). Those fields start out with the correct values—that is, they come from the Person object when the ODS’s SelectMethod is called—but after making changes and calling the ODS’s UpdateMethod, I can’t get these new—or any—values from the fields from anyw...