
SQL Server - Update a column if row is the first record in group

How do i identify the first row that has value for each Brand and Category, then update Column "FirstValue" as 1, else 0? e.g of expected table Date | Brands | Category | Value | FirstValue Jan 08 | A | 1 | 0 |0 Jan 08 | A | 2 | 0 |0 Jan 08 | A | 3 | 0 |0 Jan 08 | ...

SQL Inner join 2 tables with multiple column conditions and update

I am using this script, trying to join 2 tables with 3 conditions and update T1: Update T1 set T1.Inci = T2.Inci ON T1.Brands = T2.Brands AND T1.Category= T2.Category AND T1.Date = T2.Date but i encounter: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ON'. can't figure it out why ...

How to edit messed up version string when updating application in iTunes Connect

I'm trying to create an update for an existing iPhone application with iTunes Connect under "Manage Applications." Unfortunately, I fat-fingered the new version string for the update and cannot correct my mistake. Does anyone have any insight about 1) fixing the version string, and 2) deleting the update to start over? Thanks! ...

Eclipse Plugin to receive SVN log in realtime?

Is there a Eclipse plugin to get an update notice if there was a comit in the SVN? In realtime? The SVN server I'm using does not provide any RSS log via Track or similar. ...

Update app by creating new distribution file from different Mac

Hi, When we uploaded our .app file to first time to appstore we used one mac book. But when we are trying to update same app from iTunes, using different mac we are not able to successed. Saying “A valid siging identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain.” I understood the problem is “we are not using the mac mac...

SQL How do i update like this?

I'm trying to update all SQL rows in the [Temp_LTGData] table setting the [CORP_REG_NO] value to the value in another row in the same table where the [CUSTOMER_NUMBER] matches. Ultimately I need to do this with quite a few columns, does anyone know if this can be done? I can't seem to use the LTGSource alias like in a select query :( ...

update insert msaccess

i wish to update or insert if missing into an msaccess database using asp. i was trying something like: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Column1='SomeValue') UPDATE Table1 SET (...) WHERE Column1='SomeValue' ELSE INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (...) and UPDATE Table1 SET (...) WHERE Column1='SomeValue' IF @@ROWCOUNT=0 I...

How to integrate schema changes to existing databse with NHibernate?

Hi, these are the rules for the game: 0) You have to use NHibernate; 1) You have a working database with data which must stay "alive" after the update; 2) If you have 3 versions of the database schema (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) you should be able to update low->high version. (high->low is optional); I know about the methods schema.Create()/U...

Windows Update Check with vbscript

Hello, has someone a script/or can help me to check, is there a windows update for a server available? So i will get a mail when the yellow update icon is in the taskbar. My idea is: Send a mail, if the wuauclt.exe longer than 10 minutes in the taskbar. But i have no idea to make this. I found only this: Dim strComputer, strProcess...

how to update a recordset in a subform using vb (I am getting error #3426) in Access 2007

hello, I am trying to update a control in a subform. Actually I am calculating the number of months. here is the code: (which doesn't work!) While (Not Me.Form.Recordset.EOF) months = Round((Me.End - Me.Start) / 30, 0) Form_FinanceSubform.[number of months] = 0 Me.[number of months] = months Me.Form.Recordset.MoveNext Wend the error ...

iPhone Core Data updating records

I'm trying to find a solution to what I think has to be a simple problem. I'm using coredata to maintain a list of bookmarks in my app. there are only three fields being stored, bid, order and title. in some cases I want to update an existing record. currently I'm using a predicate to search for a particular bid. the problem I'm h...

[CakePHP] Count number of hits

hi all, i'm developing simple cms application. i want to integrate "number of hits" for some of the records, so when view of the record is showed in browser, hits field in table should be updated by 1. in controller, i tryed with: $data = array( 'Publication' => array( 'hits' => ' hits + 1') ); $this->Publication->save( $data );...

Updating nested params not working.. whats wrong?

Im trying to update some nested params from a form. I can see that the parameters im getting from the form is correct, however the database dont get updated. the view <% form_for @order do |f| %> <% f.fields_for :itemgroups do |ff, i| %> <% ff.fields_for :items do |fff| %> <%= ff.text_field :text, :id => "textField", :disab...

mysql UPDATE statement - overhead for same values?

i have a large MYSQL database with hundreds of thousands of records. i want to update a field in a large number of them, but I am unaware if that field has been updated yet or not. if i call an update statement that sets authortype=10 and authortype is already 10 will this be faster than doing a separate query to only select those that ...

JProgressbar not showing (without threads)

i have a program that takes some time creating pdf files i would like to show progress to user when i finish making a pdf file i try to call the progressbar to update its status: ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(instance, numberOfInvoices); progress.setVisible(true); progress.setAlwaysOnTop(true); for(int i = 0 ; i<numOfPd...

how to reach facebook database when none of the users is using the application?

Hi! I'm developing an FBML (not an iFrame) application on Facebook. Since i need lots of api calls, i get time-out when i try to get all the info only when the user is actually using the application. So, i guess i need to have a database that often updates itself even when users are offline. And i'll use the info from that database when ...

How do I place large (or at least nontrivial) BLOBs into Oracle with JDBC?

I'm working on an application to do some batch processing, and want to store the input and output data as files in BLOB fields in an Oracle database. The Oracle version is 10g r2. Using the PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() method as below will insert a small text file into the database, but I'm not having any luck with a larger image...

Updating properties for multiple users

How do I update a list of different Telephone, IPPhone using this static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Enter userid : "); // I would pass this in from the first //Field in the .csv file 2439009 String username = Console.ReadLine(); try ...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite()?

Hello there, Recently i updated wordpress 3.0 automatically. Before update, everything working fine. After the update, page is displayed with error message Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_multisite() in /home1/servername/public_html/myfolder/mysite/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 505 I then overwritten all the files wit...

Sql Server, find all rows that have been updated by a statement

Is there a way of finding all the rows that have been updated by a single statement, sql itself must be tracking this as it could roll back the update if required. I'm interested in finding all the changed rows as I'm getting performance hit using update triggers. I have a some large (2M-10M) row tables in Sql Server, and I'm adding aud...